Media Jamahal Hill dances, says he's "still winning" at life

I mean he's not entirely wrong with that statement. He's a top ten guy and former champ. Probably made a decent payday for the Alex fight.

That said, he knows he got served up on Saturday, after barking quite a bit.

Had he not been so over the top, especially when Poatan never gave him any reason to be, he likely would not be getting much pushback from the fans.

But he has some more fun matches ahead if he can keep the injuries in check.
You've fucked worse don't lie
nah cant really say i have. i lived in japan up until i was married. asia has very few heavy set women, but this level of fat here is virtually extinct in asia. they are also virtually extinct in africa as well. europe has a few but those numbers dwarf in comparison to north america, where lards like this roam in every city and suburb.
He made a lot of money. But I'm sure he's upset things didn't go differently.
“I’m still winning at life!”
Translation: “I didn’t die!”
Guys, guys, guys, we need to establish if that whale is his baby momma! If so, the fact that he hasn't ended it all just yet is an impressive testament to his inner fortitude.
He’s hoping Poatan goes to HW so he can be champ again someday.
He’s doing better that all of us on this forum I can tell you that much.
There ya go, see? The man doesnt take himself that serious

Cheers, Thats that journeyman spirit...