Jan only won because of size

Like he murked Reyes and one legged Santos?
MMA math doesn't work always. Izzy doesn't punch as hard as some of the guys Jones has faced and we have seen that Jones can take a punch. And with his grappling and size, Jones would have a field day with Izzy. He would stay out of range with his kicks and take him down, ground and pound or sub. Izzy is still the man at 185 though!
Izzy weighed in at 200lbs. Jan was like 220 lbs on fight night. Fighter's cut weight for a reason.
Yup, weight class matters. All that explosion shit don't matter it paid a big part in the fight. Probably played part in the ability to take izzy's shot as well

but I thought Jan did a great job of checking leg kicks. I think izzy was concerned about his power too. I don't think it was all the weight. I think Jan being awkward, cause izzy to not be able to get a read on Jan
MMA math doesn't work always. Izzy doesn't punch as hard as some of the guys Jones has faced and we have seen that Jones can take a punch. And with his grappling and size, Jones would have a field day with Izzy. He would stay out of range with his kicks and take him down, ground and pound or sub. Izzy is still the man at 185 though!
What makes you think that Reyes is better than Adesanya at any area of fighting, includes even TDDs?
LOL Sherdog always gives me a good laugh. Did you ignore all the leg kicks he checked and some of the punches he landed? He only took Izzy down the last 2 minutes of round 4 and around 2 minute mark in round 5.
Jan was the biggest + hardest puncher Izzy has ever faced in the UFC.. weight matters.
Not true

But let’s pretend he did.

So what? It’s like, the #1 reason we have weight classes lol
He won because he is smart and used all his skills to win a 5 round fight.
That and Izzy basically looks like this on his back..

Jan was the biggest + hardest puncher Izzy has ever faced in the UFC.. weight matters.

Agreed. Look at Max Holloway v DP for instance. Power can be a massive equalizer, but to fair to Jan he looks really skillful nowadays.....Kudos to him
LOL Izzy only wins by size too I guess. He's got the exact attributes all the Jones haters talk shit about. Izzy finally met someone who was nearly as tall and who he didn't have a huge reach advantage over and suddenly his striking didn't look so dynamic anymore.
shows how good jon is
Izzy weighed in at 200lbs. Jan was like 220 lbs on fight night. Fighter's cut weight for a reason.

Huh? It's very easy to have the technical edge when you are smaller and have less muscle, there's a trade off.

Think with me for just a second: instead of weight training, Izzy only trains striking technique. Of course he will be better with it, he only trains that shit. His arms are not heavy so he can train more than the bigger guys without getting tired. But the obvious downside is that he won't be strong. Lifting weight to have power and size is part of the game, Izzy can only blame himself lol, he is not even trying to address his weakness, and OF COURSE, he would lose some technique/skill/endurance in doing that, he knows it and he doesn't wanna it, because he is scared to lose the thing he excels at. He even has height and reach advantage. But the whole "muscles don't win" crap that he was saying - I'm glad that he lost, he is not good enough to say that shit.

ALSO, he even lost the striking, so fuck all that above. Hype train derailed.
Counterpoint is Izzy has height, reach, and cardio advantage. And is a better striker. Yet he still got outstruck.
Jan almost always comes up with a great gameplan for each fight. He was checking a lot of Izzy's kicks and took advantage of the latter's tendency to lean back to avoid punches and expose his hips for the takedown.
Jan was the better fighter. Period.
If Izzy still had his gyno he’d still be undefeated
His titty was sucked dry by the commentary team before the fight, hence their love and bias towards him. Think it may have possibly drained Izzy a bit.

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