Jewish men beaten with belt in Berlin anti-Semitic attack

No shit. @bushman505 is at the top of my list of people on Sherdog I wouldn't want to have a beer with. Cantankerous bastard.

Lol, I’m actually very professional in person I just have to keep my mouth shut because I work for the government so I come on here and speak the truth.
Lol, I’m actually very professional in person I just have to keep my mouth shut because I work for the government so I come on here and speak the truth.

I totally understand, bro. But the "speak the truth" part makes me laugh.
Are you majoring in gender studies? Just kidding....sort of.
Political Science. I just referenced a thinker that is an enemy to the gender studies/post modernist types (Nietzsche). Maybe you wouldn't have made that comment if you knew that? Idk.

You type out your thoughts like a college student.
I'll wait till life crushes you down a bit and you start to meaningfully reassess things. And I mean that in a good way.
Lmao. I'm 26, not 18. I've worked the oil fields of north dakota, 80 hour work weeks covered in oil, dirt and sludge, spraying out the insides of frac tanks and cleaning up oil spills. I've spent summers roofing in humidity and 95 degree heat. I've lived the soul sucking office job life. You're not talking to someone that hasn't experienced the real world. I'm an analytical thinker and my writing style can sometimes reflect that, at least when I'm engaged in real discussion and not trolling.
Political Science. I just referenced a thinker that is an enemy to the gender studies/post modernist types (Nietzsche). Maybe you wouldn't have made that comment if you knew that? Idk.

Lmao. I'm 26, not 18. I've worked the oil fields of north dakota, 80 hour work weeks covered in oil, dirt and sludge, spraying out the insides of frac tanks and cleaning up oil spills. I've spent summers roofing in humidity and 95 degree heat. I've lived the soul sucking office job life. You're not talking to someone that hasn't experienced the real world. I'm an analytical thinker and my writing style can sometimes reflect that, at least when I'm engaged in real discussion and not trolling.

All that life experience and you still thought it was a good idea to major in political science????

Just messing. Poly sic is cool. Better than accounting or some shit.
@Der Eisbär poly-sci is kind of a fallback degree in the states. Do you have a field of work in mind?

All that life experience and you still thought it was a good idea to major in political science????

My major when I first went to college was business. I chose that because I couldn't decide what I wanted to do and thought it would be the best general degree for making money. When I returned to school @ 25, I decided I wanted to earn a degree in a field I'm actually interested in (psychology, political science, economics or philosophy) as a base for the juris doctor I want to pursue after undergraduate school. If I don't go to law school I can go to grad school for political science and come out of that making good money.
Dumb question, I know when you're outnumbered generally you lose, I've seen it enough time working as a bouncer/been on the receiving end at least once when trying to break up a fight until cops showed up to help but..... does Europe have no protection for reacting in self defense?

Seeing as a 78 year old man was charged with murder for killing a burglar who broke into his home with a screwdriver, I would say no
I swear to god Europeans must be the biggest pussies in the history of vagina.

Anyone who has spent any significant amount of time around Arabs knows that these clowns are GENERALLY malnourished weaklings with balls the size of bbs.

Dude just stands there and let's this pencil neck swat at him with a belt lol. That's why you don't hear about this kind of nonsense in the states, have to be made of sterner stuff to walk around over here then the streets of Europe apparently.
And what came of that?
Working as a clerk for going on 4 years now trying to save cash to go to law school.... unsuccessfully because I'm basically stuck going paycheck to paycheck wearing a fucking suit every day to work.

At least my truck will be paid off in about a year.

I've taken the LSAT once and scored a 149. Need to take it again to improve my score/my score is about to expire.