Joining the Resistance II

  • Thread starter Deleted member 382931
  • Start date
Supported L-Sit: 2x30s

Power Snatch:
bar x 5; 40kg x 3
60kg x 2
70kg 3x2

70kg x 5
100kg x 5
115kg x 5
130kg x 5

140kg x 5
180kg 3x5
200kg x 5


bar x 10; 50kg x 5
75kg x 5
85kg x 5
95kg x 5

I was crazy sore following mondays BJJ class, but went bouldering with my buddies on tuesday evening. Made some tough routes until I was completely spent, with my hammies and fingers locking up.

Was a wreck on wednesday, plus I probably ate something wrong, as I thought it unwise to tempt a biohazard attack of my own body. Still not being 100% today, I made up yesterdays workout, sometimes you just need to bitch-slap your body in line.
Yesterday: BJJ
Repetition of the current TD-pass sequences, introduction to a new half guard/shin cross pass

Good session. Afterwards cleaned and pressed 70kg, I think I'll continue to do random overhead lifts with whatever is on the bar at the BJJ gym.

Sa, 21.11.15 – C30W2D3
60kg x 5; 100kg x 5
130kg x 5
150kg x 5
170kg x 5

bar x 10; 40 x 5
50kg x 5
57.5kg x 5
65kg x 3
75kg x 1
85kg x F

Helped my dad load stones and sand for ~2h in the morning, as our new terrace gets a nice dry stone wall next spring. With a pump already going, I pusehd through my training session, which wasn't as bad as expected. In fact I decided to spontaneously try pressing 85, which I grinded for a solid 10 seconds and missed by a hair.

My plan for the rest of day will include: sauna, venison roast, drinks with friends.
Let the cheat day begin.
lighter session, lots of drilling, good times
randomly doubled 70 OHP afterwards
Power Snatch:
bar x 5; 50kg x 3
65kg x 2
75kg 2x1

60kg x 5; 90kg x 5
115kg x 5
130kg x 3
145kg x 4
180kg x walkout
120kg x 5

Was good for more, but kept rounding over with squats at the heavier sets.
Supported L-Sit: 2x30s

bar x 10; 50kg x 5; 70kg x 3
82.5kg x 3
92.5kg x 2
105kg x 1
115kg x 1
125kg x ~

140kg x 5
180kg 4x5

Came in today with the intention to bench somewhere north of 110, might even take a crack at 125. Felt alright, so got one of the more competent adult guys to spot me. Althgough I told him not to do anything until the bar starts to go back down, he got a bit worried when I hit a snag at my usual sticking point and lightly touched it.

I'm not angry with him, it was a close call by a hairs width, I might have been able to grind through it, I might have failed the lift, but it went better than I'd have anticipated. With the little help he gave me I can't call this a PR, but I know I can get it before christmas.

Tomorrow I'll work until noon, visit a food fair in the afternoon with my dad, have an all-you-can-eat meat dinner and then meet some friends for a brithday party at a bar. Saturday I'll get some studyin' out of the way and try to get fresh in time for the Xande seminar on Sunday. Sounds like a weekend. I'll make up saturdays session next week and treat it as a deload week.
Dat dere shrug weights. Do you do them strict or with a bit of body english?
Dat dere shrug weights. Do you do them strict or with a bit of body english?

Strong heave, really leaning into them. I'm following Bill Starrs advice to work up to at least 265kgx5 over time and that you have to feel them the next day. So far I really like them that way and they do good things for my posture, the slight DOMSy feeling lets you stand up straighter.
BJJ - Xande Riberio Seminar

What a session, mat was packed with over 50+ people on our comparatively cozy mat. Over 3h of drills and input, mainly centered around hand-in-collar and 2on1 grips from various guards, with back take and omoplata as options ant. The specific techniques were not the singular focus of the seminar, he used them more as a gateway for underlying principles of movement, control and behaviour.

Afterwards there was a long Q&A session in which I got some hands-on feedback on the Kate-guruma, which was a distinctive experience. The immediate, barely conscious realization you get whenever you roll or lock up with someone who is far above yourself in terms of ability and skill, that the comparison swimming with a shark is applicable.

The way he put the focus on a big picture view by showing what lay beneath certain problems presented in questions was especially memorable, because it shifted the viewpoint from simply getting a single counter to an attack to an overall attitude and competence in the fundamentals. He peppered his explanations with anecdotes and examples of situations in matches he or Saulo took part in, giving insights into the mentality of competitors and the differences existing between trainign to fight and training to compete. The atmosphere was great and I took a lot of things away from the long day on the mats.

Open mat today, went two rounds with a purple belt in the beginning, and another 3-4 rounds with other white belts. I was toast, my hands and brain were uncooperative and I was to lazy to make an effort at technical movement.

The seminar yesterday showed me ways I can improve, but I have to make sure I drill more and don't immediately go into smash mode when I feel a bit of resistance. I already kind of managed that while working on side mount/mount defense, but guard for me is like swimming in open water. Oh, and sleep, I'm starting to revert to the "4h per night are more than enough" mentality again.
Supported L-Sit: 2x30s
Power Snatch: bar x 5; 50kg x 3; 65kg x 2

40 x 5; 50kg x 3
60kg x 3
70kg x 1
77.5kg x 1
85kg x F

90kg x 5; 120kg x 3
150kg x 5
170kg x 3
190kg x 1
210kg x 3 (PR)

I couldn't hit the switch throughout the session, but somehow pulled the final triple out. First rep was DOH, other two mixed. OHP was as close as ever, but not yet.
arrived late, but got there in time for some L-sit drills
same side guard pass

Made an effort to use less force and more deliberate moves, which panned out pretty well. I'll keep this going, some patience and attention to details shouldn't hurt. On the con-side, I got punted in the nuts multiple times by three different guys. No, I don't wear a cup.

Afterwards, I power cleaned and push pressed 90kg twice wearing jeans.

Get in, you beaut!

Nice one, bruva!

Get around him!

Good job man!

Thanks, boyz. Seems like there might have been some progress this year after all.
Pretty much the same procedure as last session, minus the nutcracking.
Power Snatch:
bar x 5; 50kg x 3
65kg 5x3

65kg x 5; 90kg x 3
105kg x 3
120kg x 3
135kg x 3
150kg x 1
180kg x walkout

bar x 10; 50kg x 5
80kg x 3
100kg 5x3 (+chins: 5x5)

Rear Delt Fly: 45lbs 3x12

New program, new chance, basically some form of pull-squat-push-chins every day. I'll stick to lower reps on the second squat and bench days and reintroduce some light power cleans.
Supported L-Sit: 2x30s
Power Clean + Front Squat: 60kg/70kg/80kg x 3

bar x 10; 40 x 5
55kg x 3
62.5kg x 3
70kg x 3

120kg x 3
140kgx 3
160kg x 3
180kg x 3

Chins: 5x5
Dips: 5x5

I'm feeling yesterdays postponed session, but this setup is fun. The power cleans are rusty, but the rest seems to flow quite nicely. Afterwards my spirits were lifted, I was hungry, happy and ready to do another session.
Can't recall anything we did besides some work of the current shin cross pass and tabata burpees, on which I didn't suck as bad as usual, followed by a minute straight of mountain climbers, on which I sucked absolutely hard.

Also, the bench and shrug regimen seems to already be working, our russian soldier seems to think I'm on something. I'll chalk one up on the pro side.
Power Snatch + OHS:
bar x 5; 40kg x 3; 60kg 3x2

80kg x 5
110kg x 3
135kg 5x3

bar x 10; 50kg x 5
80kg x 3
90kg x 3
100kg x 3
80kg 3x5

180kg 5x5

Pull-Ups: 5x5
KB Curl & Press: 12kg 4x8

Great session, squats felt phenomenal, rest was fine too.
Now I'm going to file down my shredded calluses and after that I'll eat my face off with some friends.