Media Jon Anik tired of negativity from MMA fans, might leave in 2026


White Belt
Feb 22, 2023
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I am growing tired of this MMA space a little bit and just the morass of negativity when there is a close fight because even if you and I both thought Dricus du Plessis won the fight, we try to present that information respectfully and when I go on to X or I go to our YouTube comments, it seems like a lot of these fans are just in attack mode and I don't know if these fans are casual fans or not.

I appreciate the passion but I'm getting to a point at 45 years of age where I don't know how much time I have left in this MMA space because if I go do pro football like, I'm not necessarily going to be dealing with lowest common denominator all the time. I don't know man, I just feel like there's a lot of malice and disrespect from the fanbase.

We can disagree. Don't take it from me, Demetrious Johnson and Kenny Florian thought DDP won the fight. I don't know, I've just been very off put with the negativity that has permeated my feed since Saturday night and I'm just not sure how much longer I have in this space.

When the fight starts, neither man is the champion and that's the way you need to judge the fight. But those of you suggesting that there's any bias or you don't like me, well you'll probably get your fucking wish come 2026 cause honestly at this point I've had it.
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I have no idea why anyone who is in the public eye reads messages from "fans" on social media.

I'd stay away from that shit like the plague if I was a famous person, celeb, etc. because let me put it this way nicely, human beings are cunts.
He needs a little thicker skin if he wants to be in the public eye calling fights. You can't be a sensitive flower in this sport, especially as everyones emotions and testosterone are going through the roof.

People are going to have very strong opinions and based mostly on what fighter they like or who they want to win, or of course if they have put money on the fights.

We as sherdoggers face it after every razor close decision on here with the constant robbery threads haha, you just have to remember in your mind that its all subjective on who won in these razor close decisions and no one is right. Again no robbery in this Strickland vs DDP fight, super close fight, could go either way or be a draw. I don't think Anik will last 5 hours on here lol
He's largely correct. Many MMA fans are a pain in the ass. Super negative.

But such is also a good portion of the population in general.

If you are dealing with the public, it's kind of inescapable.

Perhaps Anik can find a quiet cabin out in the woods, or a Buddhist monestary somewhere to escape societies dysfunctions. Lol
He's largely correct. Many MMA fans are a pain in the ass. Super negative.

But such is also a good portion of the population in general.

If you are dealing with the public, it's kind of inescapable.

Perhaps Anik can find a quiet cabin out in the woods, or a Buddhist monestary somewhere to escape societies dysfunctions. Lol
Or like me, Just dont have socials. I have a sherdog account and that's it. no twitter, Instagram or youtube channel. The comment sections are like a pig pen.
Not sure why MMA fans always get singled out. In my NBA watching days I remember NBA fans being way more retarded. Soccer fans of course can be terrible. You need to watch golf or tennis or cycling if you want classy fans.
not everyone is built for the internet.

This man would not last in a 2008 modern warfare lobby and it shows.

The good old COD days. COD 4 and MW2. Best CODs ever. I haven't played any new ones but pretty much all the ones I played after cannot touch MW2, especially.
Well the internet is a cesspool that will lead to encounters with the lowest human scum you can imagine saying anything they like from the safety of their keyboard, and I don’t think the nfl crowd will be much different.