News Jon Jones Arrested For Domestic Violence (BREAKING NEWS)

It was already clear beforehand that jones is a piece of shit human. So I don't even care what the full story is really.

Dudes an embarrassment
you wanted to take on big black heavy weights Jon, the slammer is the right place to do it <Lmaoo>.

But no worries brother, Jesus forgives you.
So between the pregnant woman, the stripper and his wife
He's an absolute scumbag and makes conor among others look like saints on comparison

That's going a bit overboard. Conor is a multiple time alleged violent rapist, and has been accused by (at least) three different women of violently raping them, one of who is currently suing him in a civil case.

The worst Jones has admitted to is choking a stripper which, while disgusting, isnt as bad as alleged violent rape.
So between the pregnant woman, the stripper and his wife

That's going a bit overboard. Conor is a multiple time alleged violent rapist, and has been accused by (at least) three different women of violently raping them, one of who is currently suing him in a civil case.

The worst Jones has admitted to is choking a stripper which, while disgusting, isnt as bad as alleged violent rape.

Yeah I sometimes forget that
Recency bias, conor is much worse
Plot twist: It was Cormiers car lol

But seriously though he probably went partying after he won the HOF award and started doing his usual drinking/drug binge.

he prob had few shots b4 he speech one taste alcoholics back at it he 1 fo pr sure
I mean did she not get the hint? the asshole has three kids with you and is not marrying you while he pretends to be a Christian. Not surprised that he is an abusive cunt on top of it.

That fake Christian thing ended like 10+ years ago. Definitely a stay together for the kids thing, I'm sure. Which is also foolish. This girl should just get far away before Jones tries to drag the family down with him.