Media Jon Jones looking thick, solid, tight: "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"

The MMA retards that inhabit the Web will drop Gus like a used condom after Jon crushes Gus’s dreams again

Damn, I can see the pandemonium already
“I can do all things through loopholes which strengthens me.”

I can do all things through being a cooperating witness, which makes me an even bigger douche than I already was.
Looks like microdosing Tren has been working. Sorry Jonny boy, we already know you aren't a genetic outlier when it comes to packing on muscle, seeing as you're already been caught twice juicing.
Oh the Jesus is the Lord (despite Jesus never claming to be one, not a single time) people with their repentance speeches

Will be back fornicating, getting caught in compromising ways, drugs, alcohol, domestic abuse etc

See the good ole Jimmy Swaggart with his sorry Jesus speeches

For 21 years before Islam i was surroundd by these people in 2 countries. by Allah fakest, most hypocrite people you will ever find whn it comes to religion.

I wish John all the best though. He is a good dude and made mistakes, but great fighter

Islam ridiculing christianity is probably the most laughable thing I've seen in 2018.
It's scary that he really thinks he's a good Christian boy when he's actually like an evil character.
This is not a unique phenomenon to Jon Jones. A good percentage of “good Christians” are actually shitbags

That being said, war Jones
I can do all things through peds that strengthen me
This thread is gold lol

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is christ a new undetectable steroid?