Jose Aldo says Edgar fighting Ortega on late notice was 'biggest mistake'


Steel Belt
Platinum Member
Jul 1, 2013
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“It’s a new generation that’s coming in,” Aldo told Brazil’s “Giro Combate” show. “Age comes for everyone, and it’s normal to have this sort of rotation. To me, it wasn’t (surprising). I just thought it was a mistake on Edgar’s end to fight (Ortega), who’s a very tough guy. He would have fought for the title, risked that and lost. Now he’s all the way back there again.

“I think that was his biggest mistake. But I wasn’t surprised with the loss. That’s part of it. When you go in there, anyone can come out victorious, whether it’s via knockout or points, and that’s part of fighting.”

via mmajunkie
True, more time preparing would have stopped him from getting Deebo’d
Edgar meanwhile, was classy in defeat.

Instead of making excuses or playing the woulda coulda shoulda game, Frankie takes it like a man and promises to rebound strong.

Hard not to be a Frankie Edgar fan.
I agree but I don't think Frankies heart could allow himself say no to the proposed fight .
Plus lets face it if he could beat him on his way to the title shot if he won he could probably avoid fighting Ortega soon after if he did win .
It’s easy to say this now though, after things panned out the way they did. If Frankie had schooled Ortega in their fight then everyone would be salivating over how much of a bad motherfucker he is.

I, for one, respect Frankie’s decision to take the fight and the result, whilst obviously a disastrous one, isn’t going to change that.
Makes some good points. I also wasn't surprised by who won, but I was surprised by the finish.
Short notice my buttocks. That fight was made with plenty of time. Edgar was just never champ material at featherweight. Holloway would probably have done him even worse.
Top 5 p4p all time. Understands the changes in the sport and is realistic.
says the man who pulls out after world tour to come back 100% healthy and get ko'd in 13 secs
Frankie needing to get paid probably had something to do with him accepting the fight.

He does have a wife and like 3/4 kids to feed.
If you accept a fight against a legit opponent, on short notice. You’re flirtin with disaster.

I’m speaking of champs, and top 5 fighters, here. I respect fighters that do that. But, do I think it’s smart ?

Fuck, no.

Therefore, I’d never shit on a fighter for refusing a late replacement. And, I wouldn’t have shit on Rockhold if he had backed out of the Romero fight.

Is that dude EVER going to learn ? He’s been blued, screwed, and tattooed by circumstances beyond his control... Twice.

Channel that inner Fresh Prince...

Short notice my buttocks. That fight was made with plenty of time. Edgar was just never champ material at featherweight. Holloway would probably have done him even worse.
I doubt it. Ortega's ground game is 100x more dangerous than any ground game Holloway is bringing to the table. That made it harder for Frankie to implement his normal game plan he's literally used in every other fight or at least tried to.
I dont understand this thinking....

Even if Frankie waited, then won the title some point, he would have to fight Ortega....why wait, if you are the best, you would win regardless.
We could'e said the same abt him fighting Yair. Wasn't a late replacement but Yair is definitely part of the new generation
Frankie is a victim of conor. With the whole any time any place stuff, he had no option but to take the fight or be ridiculed by Conor. He talked himself into a corner
It's true but I think that Frankie has championship mentality and is ready for anything thrown his way.

Too bad but I didn't see him beating max and was totally wrong (I figured he'd break Ortega) age, short notice, bigger younger fighter and wear and tear finally caught up to him.

Let's be honest though there were a few fights in which Frankie could have been stopped had a different ref been in there.


not the biggest frankie fan but guy is all heart.
I thought him fighting Max, the second time, on short notice was a mistake.