Justin Trudeau plans to reintegrate ISIS terrorists into Canada

I was hoping that would be in 50 years time and that I wouldn't need to suffer the consequences of the demise. It seems though that we accelerating the process. I used to think that people would eventually say that enough is enough and start fighting back but now I think that the future looks bleak.
Some things must run their course.
I wish Justin would go back to teaching drama and living fat of his trust fund.

Fed PCs fcked themselves with Scheer. No way does that western white dude make any inroads to Ontario, Quebec, Atlantic provinces.

Get used to Justin, he will win a second mandate.
I was hoping that would be in 50 years time and that I wouldn't need to suffer the consequences of the demise. It seems though that we accelerating the process. I used to think that people would eventually say that enough is enough and start fighting back but now I think that the future looks bleak.

I think we've got to now accept that anyone still parroting the "Religion of peace/Nothing to do with Islam/Terror has no religion/Refugees welcome/Open borders/Lets let everyone in regardless" narrative, is not going to change their mind. These people are probably beyond help at this point, a lost cause and all honesty, not worth saving anyway. They are just as much a part of the problem, if not more so in many cases. Time to treat them as such.
I think we've got to now accept that anyone still parroting the "Religion of peace/Nothing to do with Islam/Terror has no religion/Refugees welcome/Open borders/Lets let everyone in regardless" narrative, is not going to change their mind. These people are probably beyond help at this point, a lost cause and all honesty, not worth saving anyway. They are just as much a part of the problem, if not more so in many cases. Time to treat them as such.

All the laws are going against traditional beliefs and if one opposes the new changes, they can be prosecuted (bill C-16).

Look at the shit that Lindsay Shepherd just went through.
Is everyone tweeting to defend her?
Has everyone posted on Facebook how she was correct?
How many people are talking about this instead of the last hockey game?

I can understand why people don't want to speak their mind- there is always a tremendous backlash by the "Religion of peace/Nothing to do with Islam/Terror has no religion/Refugees welcome/Open borders/Lets let everyone in regardless" crowd.

Canada has been such a great country for many, many years. I can't understand why people would want to unravel that and follow places like Sweden and Germany and England.
I officially turn Trudeau into an adjective/adverb for an act so idiotic that no words can describe it.
And here I thought progressiveness couldn't get anymore retarded.

I wonder how libruls keep carrying the water for these retarded decisions yet claim it's all exaggerations and there's nothing to complain about because otherwise you're a pussy or something. lol.
hopefully JTF-2 and CSOR are continuing to surreptitiously target them
This guy is such a typical French cucktard.
How can a self proclaimed feminist be okay with bringing ISIS fighters back? Shouldn’t he be all pussy grabs back and shit?
I wish Justin would go back to teaching drama and living fat of his trust fund.

Fed PCs fcked themselves with Scheer. No way does that western white dude make any inroads to Ontario, Quebec, Atlantic provinces.

Get used to Justin, he will win a second mandate.

The frustrating part is that Eastern Canada will vote Trudeau in again. There is no way they are going to vote Conservative and they will not be voting for Jagmeet Singh who the media just suddenly stopped talking about after championing him like he was the second coming of Christ. Trudeau knows this which is why he rarely shows his smug face in Western Canada.

Growing up and living my entire life in Western Canada I would love to see Eastern and Western Canada separate. I'm tired of the East dictating politics and deciding every election. It really does not matter how one votes West of Ontario because Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces decide the federal elections.
The frustrating part is that Eastern Canada will vote Trudeau in again. There is no way they are going to vote Conservative and they will not be voting for Jagmeet Singh who the media just suddenly stopped talking about after championing him like he was the second coming of Christ. Trudeau knows this which is why he rarely shows his smug face in Western Canada.

Growing up and living my entire life in Western Canada I would love to see Eastern and Western Canada separate. I'm tired of the East dictating politics and deciding every election. It really does not matter how one votes West of Ontario because Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces decide the federal elections.

The problem with separating is that for most of our history Ontario has supported the entire west, except BC.

Being from Ontario and especially Toronto, it bugs me that my tax dollars support everyone except myself. It sucks!

The PC needed to go with Lisa Hait (sp, fuck my memory sucks) that chick from out east or a Chinese/brown dude from Ontario. Putting forth another white dude from the west to complain about how butthurt the west is does not sell votes here.

The Harper West+Ont > the Laurentian Liberals but wtf can I do, really.
Logic and conmon sense demands their citizenship to be revoked on grounds of treason immediately when they are confirmed leaving Canada to serve an enemy of the state.

Unfortunately, Justin Trudeau's policies are entirely virtue-based and have nothing to do with common sense.
Logic and conmon sense demands their citizenship to be revoked on grounds of treason immediately when they are confirmed leaving Canada to serve an enemy of the state.

Unfortunately, Justin Trudeau's policies are entirely virtue-based and have nothing to do with common sense.

What is most interesting is how little this is being covered by the Canadian media. Only a few sites mentioned it once and it hasn't sparked much outrage from Canadians. I sometimes wonder if most Canadians even bother to stay up-to-date with what is going on.
end well this will

remember.... if you kill terrorists, they win
I would just revoke their citizenship.

Going to fight for an utterly reprehensible and murderous ideology that wants to enslave all people in theocratic chains is clearly grounds for not being recognized as a Canadian, American, or a citizen of anywhere.

They made their bed, completely, let them lie in diplomatic limbo forever.

Revoke their citizenship? Our previous federal government passed a law saying that if any Canadian with dual citizenship was convicted of a terrorism offence against Canada, they would have their citizenship revoked. First thing Justin did when he got in was overturn that law. Actually, that's probably the only promise he kept from his campaign along with the massive increase to our state broadcaster's budget. If the Liberals don't believe in revoking citizenship from someone who commits terrorism in Canada, you think they give a shit about it happening elsewhere in the world? I guess they figure that they have a good chance to get these guy's votes. Really this should be considered a form of treason.
Typical day in parliament where the Liberals refuse to directly answer a question:

I would just revoke their citizenship.

Going to fight for an utterly reprehensible and murderous ideology that wants to enslave all people in theocratic chains is clearly grounds for not being recognized as a Canadian, American, or a citizen of anywhere.

They made their bed, completely, let them lie in diplomatic limbo forever.

It was a huge deal for the Libs to make sure this could no longer be done. Arguments were made of “second class citizenship” and other foolishness.

Arrest them for treason

Not going to happen. For any arrest to be made the case would need actual evidence, as in video footage level evidence, of said person’s actions.

The “re-integration” system/organization that the Liberals have been talking about is also actually not a thing in any reasonable sense. It only exists to provide funding to approved groups who are doing that work, and so far that list seems to be made of zero names.

Really this is the end result of several decisions (can’t strip citizenship + can’t help allies target citizens/can’t refuse returning citizens/can’t prosecute without evidence + can’t watch all that return for 6 month max + no plan in place to offer for returning terrorists) where the only remaining outcome is a total lack of action, and then disgustingly that total lack of action is being presented as a “plan” to “reintegrate”.

It’s appalling, but no one is going to pick it up as a big issue.

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