Khabibs russian muslim friends showed Conor what real gangsta is

Couldnt even drop someone when you get a free shot from behind? Pussy ass...
Conor thought he could say and do whatever he wanted to Khabib and his team.

They spoke on fight night.
It was the comments about Ramzan Kadyrov I think that did it. Artem's opponent said he was going to confront Conor after his match with Artem over the comments about Kadyrov and Chechens. Khabib was on his own trip with Danis but I think the thugs that attacked Conor did it for those reasons.
Sucker punching is for cowards.gangster my ass.

Conor should bring his puny family to Dagestan and settle this then.

Khabib Emasculated Conor in everyway.

Khabib showed true fucking warfare, true madness...Something Conor has been faking his whole fucking career.

And he beat him standing.


Losing in a fist fight is emasculating? LOL. What kind of shithole life do you live? Jesus Christ. Is the average sherdogger a blue collar worker?
Conor should bring his puny family to Dagestan and settle this then. Those are some sweet SBR's though. Living in the Balkans/Caucasus mountains definitely allows you a lot of freedom. Gotta use a tax-stamp here for those.


Realistically, if one wanted to kill the other, Conor has the funds to pay people to do it.
Dana wouldnt give him the belt. THey tried to sucker punch and swarm Bieber/Blain Cruel Intentions guy & a 5 foot 9 male. Danis didnt back down. Danis went up. I thought Danis was a leghumper like the cruel intentions dude but Danis has balls.

This looks like every CCTV image that alienates middle class fans in America and Europe.

It looked like Khabib was running away from Dillon at one stage.
Losing in a fist fight is emasculating? LOL. What kind of shithole life do you live? Jesus Christ. Is the average sherdogger a blue collar worker?
No cause he talked trash and tapped like a f***** and when the revenge for the bus came from khabibs team mates he ran to the security like a b****. And now he plays the victim after assaulting a bus with 40-1 outnumbering, threating on international tv to kill khabibs family, cheating the entire fight, and now acting like hes the one who got bullyed. He should be glad that its khabib and not the diaz brothers. If mcnuggets would have pull this shit on them ... would have ended with people in the hospital.
Realistically, if one wanted to kill the other, Conor has the funds to pay people to do it.

Pay someone else, lol typical.

Actually it's Khabib who has friends and connections to get the other killed, without spending a thing. Conor is just another millionaire with no real influence.
Typical Muslim! cant win with words. use violence instead. Shameful champion ):
Yeah who cares if Khabib kicked Conors ass and then DID what Conor pretends to do after the fight. Conor won the verbal battle
Being a "real gangsta" is running up behind someone and sucker punching them? Super gangsta bro thats something only the bravest of men could ever conceive of doing...Being Muslim has nothing to do with it they are just trash humans race or religion has nothing to do with it.
then don't run tour mouth you dumb twat.
He should be glad that its khabib and not the diaz brothers. If mcnuggets would have pull this shit on them ... would have ended with people in the hospital.

Khabib and his crew are 100 times crazier then the Diaz brothers
Being a "real gangsta" is running up behind someone and sucker punching them? Super gangsta bro thats something only the bravest of men could ever conceive of doing...Being Muslim has nothing to do with it they are just trash humans race or religion has nothing to do with it.
Do you apply this to Dolley throwing gangs that attack and injure people who have nothing to do with the dispute as well? I agree the guys who jumped into the cage and hit Conor should be charged with assault because they had no business being in there but that should have applied to Conor when he assaulted people at that Bellator show. Lines were crossed tonight but many lines were crossed leading up to this as well.
If this fight were in Europe the octagon would be declared a no go zone..
Gangsters? No.... I have close relatives who killed this type for a living.

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