Media Khamzat Chimaev very sick recently

I got strep throat right before Christmas this year, and woke up yesterday with full body rash very similar to Khamzat's picture. I was given a 10 day run of amoxycillin and yesterday was the last day. Never knew antibiotics might do that, but it cleared up today. A generic Zyrtec allergy pill seemed to help
I got very fucking lucky when I learned about rashes from antibiotics. I was extremely sick and my doctor was about to put me on a run antibiotics but said he wanted to check for mono first just to be sure it wasn't that because of the rash it causes. Turns out it was mono lol.
looks like shingles, i wonder if this is a side effect from his long covid that almost made him retire.
This lad is very fucking sickly isn't he, for such an in-shape guy? It's super rare for someone his age and in his shape, to get so sick with covid - like 1 in a fucking million chances. Now this?
He seems to be one of those people whose immune system is particularly sensitive to certain infections, like COVID, which really did a number on him.

I hope he can recover and figure a way to keep himself healthy. He clearly has serious health vulnerabilities.
He seems to be one of those people whose immune system is particularly sensitive to certain infections, like COVID, which really did a number on him.

I hope he can recover and figure a way to keep himself healthy. He clearly has serious health vulnerabilities.
Take turmeric it boosts your immune system cleans your liver and lowers blood pressure.
Damn he looks rough. Looks like some type of virus. I know that he had a very bad Covid a while back so it could be linked with that. Hope he gets well soon.
I got very fucking lucky when I learned about rashes from antibiotics. I was extremely sick and my doctor was about to put me on a run antibiotics but said he wanted to check for mono first just to be sure it wasn't that because of the rash it causes. Turns out it was mono lol.
good thing they checked for the mono virus first. I hear that overprescribing antibiotics is one thing causing these super bug, antibiotic resistant bacteria
"Borz smesh. Borz smesh. Borz smesh. Borz smesh. Borz smesh. Borz smesh. Borz smesh. Borz smesh. Borz smesh. Borz smesh. Borz smesh. Borz smesh. Borz smesh. Borz smesh. "

Has anybody ever talked as much while fighting so rarely? Three and a half years ago he had a 2 month run with wins over huge stars John Phillips, Rhys McKee and GM3 and hasn't done much since but yap and miss weight.
Bla bla bla Khamzat fought 2 months ago. Please invent your own narrative instead of copying something that was said already 10.000 times.