Kiwi's Log- lifting, fighting, beer, and Pokemon mastery.


Conditioning: Hill sprints

Warm-up: 2.1k trail run, including several good sets of stairs. Time taken: 14:38, average HR 160bpm, max HR 179bpm.

Sprints: 6 repetitions of a hill, about 200m. Fairly steep. Sprint up, walked back down to recover. Sprinting up took about 30 seconds or so each rep, walking down a minute and a half or so. Average HR (including walking back down) 152bpm, max HR 179bpm.
30secs to run 200m up a steep hill pretty quick bru

It was a guesstimation. I'll have to actually time the individual runs sometime and see, but you are right- I'm probably overestimating my athletic capabilities.



Clean and jerk:
50kg x 3
60kg x 3
70kg x 2
80kg x 1 x 2
90kg x 1
95kg x 1
100kg x 1 x 2

KB explosive step-up:
16kg/arm x 5/leg x 3

Dumbbell hang clean and jerk:
20kg/arm x 10 x 3

Muay Thai:

Warmed up with some running drills around the mats and some shadow boxing drills for a few rounds. After that, a round each of walking knees, walking right knee left teep, and walking left knee right teep. From there, 4 rounds of pad work drilling different combinations of kicks and teeps. Held first, then hit for 4 rounds. After that, 3 rounds of a 6-hit boxing combination every 5 seconds at the sound of the buzzer. Each round was a different 6-hit combination. Finished the session with a few sets of rope climbs, 50 regular pushups, 50 knuckle push-ups, a round of medicine ball sit-ups with it being dropped on the stomach, then a few sets of 20 kicks per leg.


5 rounds:
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds star jumps
30 seconds split jumps
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds star jumps
30 seconds mountain climbers

30 seconds rest between rounds.

Finished with core work- a circuit of L-sits, double-crunches, windshield wipers, and back extensions.


Bar x 10
60kg x 10
80kg x 8
100kg x 5
120kg x 3
130kg x 2
140kg x 1
150kg x 1

Snatch + OH squat:
40kg x 3 x 2
50kg x 2 x 2
60kg x 1 x 2

65kg x 1 x 2
70kg x 1
75kg x miss x 2, 1 x 1

Push press:
50kg x 8
60kg x 5
80kg x 3 x 3

Hang power clean:
70kg x 5 x 4

I'm sure I did some other stuff too, but I can't remember.


Rowing intervals. Set a countdown timer for 10 minutes. At the start of every 2 minutes, row 250m. Use the rest of the 2 minutes to recover. So, 5 sets of max-effort 250m row. Kept pace for each one under 1:40/500m- mostly 1:36-1:38 split. Finished with some leg raises.


Dumbbell snatch:
30kg x 4/arm x 4

Pistol squat:
8kg/arm x 5/leg x 4

Landmine press:
10kg x 5/arm
20kg x 5/arm x 3

Russian swing:
32kg x 12 x 4
Wide-grip pull-up:
BW x 10 x 4


Sprint work on the skill mill. Walked for a minute to warm into it, then 8 sets of 10 seconds max effort sprint with a resistance level of 2, walking the rest of the minute to recover.

Finished the session with some core work.

Conditioning: LISS

Went out for a run in the evening. Tried keeping HR around 160bpm, but it crept up over the second half of the run. Pace was comfortable, not pushing too hard, but my asthma was really limiting me. Even at moderate heart rates it was hard to get enough air to breathe. Finished my run in 40:16, average HR 161bpm and then mapped it out. Turned out to be 8km exactly- turns out my pace was a lot better than I thought it was.

At home finished the evening with some core work- circuit with a few medicine ball exercises, double-crunches, and finishing the evening with a 5-minute straight-arm plank hold.

Conditioning: LISS

Roadwork circuit. 20 minutes on the Assault bike at a steady pace (averaging just over 50rpm), followed by 20 minutes of easy jogging on a treadmill (10kph @ incline of 1). Average HR across the session was about 140-145bpm; 130bpm on the Assault bike, and 150bpm on the treadmill. Good bit of fasted cardio to start the day with.

Muay Thai:

Got in early and started off with my own training first. Warmed up with 2 x 4-minute rounds of shadow boxing, and then 4 x 4-minute rounds of bag work. 45 seconds rest between rounds. After that, started class. Took everyone through some drills based around the long guard, and using your arms to control your opponent's and move in for a clinch or a knee. Incorporated some high-rep kick drills. Everyone finished with 3 x 3-minute pad rounds each.


Rounds 1 & 3:
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds star jumps
30 seconds split jumps
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds star jumps
30 seconds squats

Rounds 2 & 4:
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds star jumps
30 seconds split jumps
30 seconds burpees
30 seconds star jumps
30 seconds push-ups

60 seconds rest between rounds.


Mobility warm-up, focusing on lats.

Bar x 5 x 2
40kg x 3
50kg x 3
60kg x 3 x 5

Snatch pull:
80kg x 3 x 5

Front squat:
60kg x 5
80kg x 5
85kg x 5 x 3

Incline DB press:
20kg x 15
26kg x 8 x 2, 10 x 1
20kg x 15

Seated cable row:
40kg x 15 x 4

Conditioning: Hill sprints

Warmed up with a 2k trail run, moderate pace, 10 minute duration. One set of stairs as the return point. Followed by 8 sets of hill sprints, max effort, about 200m each rep. HR between 175-180 at the top of each set, walked back down for recovery. HR recovery was 129bpm on the first set, 137bpm on the last. Sprints took 15 minutes total. Stretched to cool down.

Muay Thai:

Warmed up with some shadow, then a few rounds of technique sparring. Moved onto bag work for 4 rounds, then 3 rounds of pad work. After that, 10 rounds of clinching. Finished with sets of 20 kicks on heavy bag, alternating with a partner. Training time, about an hour.

Long-ass Sunday today.


Split jerk:
40kg x 5
60kg x 3 x 2
80kg x 3
90kg x 2 x 4

Push press:
70kg x 5 x 4

Overhead squat:
40kg x 5
50kg x 5
60kg x 5 x 3

Wide-grip pull-up:
BW x 10 x 5

Explosive KB step-up:
16kg/arm x 5/leg x 4

Basic strength session this morning. Jerk and overhead squat both feeling more stable already. Lots of mobility work to go before my overhead position actually becomes comfortable though.

Bonus clip of some sparring from the other day, first time jamming with elbows in aaaages:


Conditioning: LISS

Fasted cardio session this morning. 5.7km loop from my kickboxing gym. Time 30:54, average pace 5:26/km. Average HR was 155bpm for the session, with a max of about 165.

Muay Thai:

Immediately post-run this morning. Shadow boxed for a round, then rotated around 8 different stations of bag work. Focus at the moment is on bringing my hands up a bit, so a few rounds on the wrecking ball and teardrop bags. Final round was just an easy round of knees on the heavy bag, focusing on movement and positioning. Finished the session with 100 running knees on the heavy bag and 100 sledgehammer swings.


Figure I may as well add a bit about how I'm managing my diet here as well. Working with a nutrition coach from Stronger U, really good dude, enjoyed working with him before. He basically assigns my macros for me, and it's up to me to meet them. At the moment I'm having 175P/75F with either 200 or 300C depending on training. Yesterday and today I treated both as 200C days as I only trained once, and neither was an actual muay Thai class, just self-directed training. Bodyweight this morning was 73.8.


One-arm medicine ball throw:

4kg x 5/arm x 4 (alternating arms each rep)

Clean and jerk:
50kg x 5
60kg x 3 x 2
70kg x 3
80kg x 2
90kg x 1 x 2
100kg x 1 x 2

Clean pull:
120kg x 3 x 4

High-bar squat:
60kg x 8
100kg x 5
120kg x 2
130kg x 1
100kg x 8 x 2

Ice cream makers:
BW x 5 x 4

DB bench press:
24kg x 12
30kg x 8 x 3

Very average training session. Woke up feeling hungry as fuck, and that feeling lasted all through the training session. Everything felt pretty heavy- squats were horrible, so decided to drop the weight down and add in a little volume work for them.

Conditioning: LISS

Fasted cardio session. 10.7km run, average HR 166bpm, 55:08 total. Focused on keeping HR low for first half of the run, or first 6km. In order to keep my HR down I find I usually need to run slower than my comfortable pace. On the leg back home for the last few km decided to pick my pace up and just cruise at what I felt was a good running speed. My HR went to sitting around the 170bpm mark, approaching 180 on a slight uphill section. Difference in split pace when focusing on going a bit slower would have been 5:30ish vs 5:00ish per km when going a bit quicker. Pretty happy with that effort before breakfast though.

Muay Thai:

I don't usually train on Thursdays, but turned up tonight anyway. Wound up running the session. Warmed everyone up with a round of star jumps, a round of shadow, a round of star jumps with calisthenics added in at random intervals, and another round of shadow. From there, moved onto some drills using the left kick to intercept an incoming opponent and off balance or attack them. After three rounds of that, 5 rounds of pad work, followed by 5 rounds of bag work. After that, 5 x 4-minute rounds of sparring, rotating to a new partner every round. Cashed out with 50 push-ups, 50 straight-leg sit-ups, 50 leg raises, and 100 running knees. For the couple of boys who are matched to fight, finished them with some sets of sprints, and then 3 sets of 20 kicks per leg, taking turns holding the heavy bag for each other.


Double training days and fight training days mean extra carbs. 300g carb allowance today, plus usual 175g protein and 75g fat. Weight in the AM upon waking was 73.2kg- lightest I've been since March. Decided to allow for some of my intake to come from a good beer tonight. My coach has a penalty for alcohol- every drink eats into an additional 10g of both carbs and fats, plus whatever is in the drink itself. Less food for me but fuck it, it was worth it after training tonight.


40kg x 3 x 2
50kg x 3
62.5kg x 2 x 8

Clean and jerk:
60kg x 3
70kg x 2 x 2
80kg x 1
92.5kg x 1 x 8

Front squat:
60kg x 5
80kg x 5
90kg x 5 x 5

52.5kg x 3 x 5

Fuck this shit is a lot of sets. Dan John is an asshole.


40kg x 3 x 2
50kg x 3
60kg x 2
65kg x 2 x 8

Clean and jerk:
60kg x 3
70kg x 2
80kg x 1
90kg x 1
95kg x 1
100kg x 1
105kg x 1 (PR)

5kg PR since ages ago. The last time I did anything over 100 was when I was well over 80kg, and I'm more about 75ish right at this moment. Pretty happy with it. Ran out of time today, so will come back tomorrow to finish the workout and get the basic strength stuff taken care of.


Clean and jerk:
60kg x 3 x 2
70kg x 2
80kg x 1 x 2
90kg x 1
95kg x 1 x 4

Back squat:
60kg x 8
80kg x 5
100kg x 5
120kg x 5 x 2

50kg x 3
57.5kg x 3 x 4

Alternating lunges:
Bar x 10
60kg x 5/leg x 3

Incline DB press:
20kg x 15 x 4

Wide-grip pull-ups:
30 reps.

Muay Thai:

Warmed up with a round of skipping, then a round of shadow. After that, 4 rounds of bag work. After bag work, 4 rounds of pad work with my trainer, then another few rounds of bag work to cool down. Absolutely knackered- first proper day of summer we've had, and I made the intelligent choice of training in my long-sleeve. Nice.


Warm-up with bar
40kg x 3
50kg x 3
60kg x 1 x 2
65kg x 1
70kg x 1
60kg x 2 x 3

60kg x 8
80kg x 5
100kg x 3
120kg x 2
130kg x 2 x 3

60kg x 2 x 5

BW x 22, 12, 10


Clean and jerk:
60kg x 3 x 2
70kg x 3
80kg x 2
90kg x 1
100kg x 1
105kg x 1
110kg x miss (hit the clean for a PR, missed the jerk)

60kg x 5
100kg x 5
140kg x 3
160kg x 1
170kg x 1
180kg x 1
190kg x 1
200kg x 1 (PR)

Barbell step-up:
60kg x 5/leg
80kg x 5/leg x 3

Strict C2B pull-up:
BW x 5 x 4

Incline DB press:
20kg x 20
24kg x 12, 15 x 2


Assault bike intervals
10 seconds work
10 seconds rest

Repeat x 10 sets
Congrats on the deadlift, but I thought you beat me to that ages ago?

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