Lando hasn't won in 3 out of the last 4

Win or Lose. Lando will always have the LOG behind him. So damn exciting. #FEEDHIMSOULS !!!
His leg hit the guy in the head when he was grounded which is a kick/knee, he’s just lucky that wasn’t weidman in there and he got a chance to keep on fighting

The only lucky guy there was Green, who was getting beat hard by a better fighter and dancer.
The only lucky guy there was Green, who was getting beat hard by a better fighter and dancer.
Hey man lando should have definitely won that fight in the first, he was seconds away from finishing green, he just made a stupid mistake and I’m glad it cost him. I just hope he learns from his mistakes
Hey man lando should have definitely won that fight in the first, he was seconds away from finishing green, he just made a stupid mistake and I’m glad it cost him. I just hope he learns from his mistakes
"I’m glad it cost him"

Dafuq? He banged your wife or what?

Bobby green was getting interviewed post-fight fresh as a daisy while lando was in the hospital with a broken face lmao
The man is only 25 years old and he's fighting top 10 fighters. Tough crowd.
Nobody gives a sh*t how many times he's lost. Go watch your last 3 Woodley fights if a fooking record is all you care about.
I don’t care for his losses. Ts is spinning it to win 1 in last 4.. I’m saying lost two in last4 sounds better
One of those fighters who is more about maintaining a "cool" image of not trying too hard than winning fights

Kind of a Luke Rockhold syndrome
Hmmm.... I think I see why you think that... but I way disagree. Lando is just a naturally laid back dude... not "metro forced" & hot headed like Luke. Groovy doesn't have to "try."

His demeanor in the ring is due to staying calm. Lots of people do it in the ring. Frank Mir, Gunny, Stipe, both Nogs, cro cop... etc...
I prefer the chess aspect of fighting, couldnt care less about guys swinging with reckless abandonment

I find no excitement in it at all
Groovy doesn't throw with reckless abandonment.

If you don't see the chess aspect of Groovy's style... then you're just not looking at it right. There is a lot of strategy & training behind Groovy's ability to push forward on guys & initiate the fight. He still gets hit a lot because of it... but he's working on it.
Win or Lose. Lando will always have the LOG behind him. So damn exciting. #FEEDHIMSOULS !!!

Feed them to the Groove!!!


Well said bro!!!

Groovy doesn't throw with reckless abandonment.

If you don't see the chess aspect of Groovy's style... then you're just not looking at it right. There is a lot of strategy & training behind Groovy's ability to push forward on guys & initiate the fight. He still gets hit a lot because of it... but he's working on it.

youre right he is playing chess, a terrible game of chess

Im sure he trains hard, but atm hes trying to rush the king without setting up his attack, no good chess player does this as im sure youd know.

Im interested to see if he can make the nessacary adjustments to improve his game.
Nobody gives a sh*t how many times he's lost. Go watch your last 3 Woodley fights if a fooking record is all you care about.
I don't understand why people are trying to find ways to hate on Lando. He comes to fight, is very dangerous, and has tons of heart. Not sure how people who watch fighting to be entertained could not like the guy.
He won the Bobby green fight and teymur just edged it despite having way more striking credentials. Lando is one of the two potential breakout stars in the ufc and people want to shit on him? WTF?

He didn't win. It was a draw. But hell of a fight!

Love Mando

TS is a pos troll
just too hittable, half the time his head movement is nice but the other half he just eats shots with his face.

with just a bit better defense he wouldve won the teymur and green fights. (i thought he won the green fight though)
Bobby green was getting interviewed post-fight fresh as a daisy while lando was in the hospital with a broken face lmao
Some people just bruise & cut easier. It's not like he was struggling. Maybe he needed some stitches or something..
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youre right he is playing chess, a terrible game of chess

Im sure he trains hard, but atm hes trying to rush the king without setting up his attack, no good chess player does this as im sure youd know.

Im interested to see if he can make the nessacary adjustments to improve his game.
Yes, he's working on it & showing improvement. So we will see an even better version of him next time. There are improvements across the board from Teymur to Green. Everything was better... cardio, wrestling, defense, offense.

Now with that said, I recognize he still has lots of improving to do... but you saying he has "a terrible game" is pretty dramatic. Anyone who pushes the fight will get hit. It's as simple as that. The only way you don't get hit is if you take Woodley's method from his last 3 fights.. & I hope I never see anything like that again.

Just out of curiosity... did you feel like the last 3 Woodley fights were a master class & you loved every minute of it & re-watch them all the time n stuff?