Liddell hasn’t aged well

Poundin' EVERYTHING and EVERYONE takes a wicked toll.
Song lyrics may apply:​
"Better to burn out, than it is to rust."
"Better to burn out, rust never sleeps."
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But that look in his eye!

No idea what the fuck youre talking about. For a dude in his 50s, that took punches to the head for a career, and ingested more than his fair share of drugs and alcohol, he looks fucking great. Id like to see what you look like at 50 TS.

He's one of those people who starts to look more and more like himself as he ages.

this statement is breaking my mind
dudes like almost 60, wtf is he supposed to look like?
He's actually closer to 50 than 60 and he looks terrible for his age. Both of these guys are around the same age and look drastically better, it's obviously not fair to compare former elite boxers to an MMA fighter who was never that agile to begin with but there is so much more of a physical decline with Chuck and it's not like Tyson's lifestyle of drugs, alcohol and women was any better than Chuck. There are plenty of old hobbyist boxers out there who compete in masters that move far better than Chuck, the brain trauma has done a massive number on him and genetics play a major factor.
For all you noobs and disrespectful mofos out there, it's Mr. Chuck "The Iceman" Liddell. One of the best to ever do it. Man who put his health on the line for our entertainment for years. So, boys n girls, show some respect and think twice, when you about to post somthing about him.
He really needs to ditch the mohawk, he is not doing himself any favors but it's good to see him moving, he looks like he has ballooned up and he doesn't look particular strong at a larger weight compared to many other former retired fighters. Obviously loved to party in his younger days but I suspect a lot of alcohol abuse is at play, plus just genetics and some pretty severe brain trauma in the later end of his career. He had a brutal losing streak on his way out. Good to see him training again though, he doesn't need to prove anything to anyone.
Clooney is a Mediterranean race, they always look great for their age. Northern Europeans don't age well.
Liddell was putting in 3 hours a day for nearly 2 decades

Clooney was getting his make up done for him while he sipped on espresso
He looks confused now, like he’s getting dementia. I hope I’m wrong.
Im not sure what he's supposed to look like at his age? He's an old man,thats all. Still got two arms and two legs. Still training.