Little bastard kids causing havoc outside my residence

Up your daily dose of medication
Tell them to behave or you're gonna call some horny Catholic priests.
Honestly, I'd move.

Failing that, report to the council.

Isn't there a field or a football pitch where they can go?

Oh, and stay away from ground floor flats. They are shit.
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TS is funny and writes well but he's fucked.
Depending on your version of "football" ...


Yo sherdoggers, you don’t need to write out your threads like it’s a fucking short story for a creative writing class. Just sum up the point in a few sentences, we’re all retards here.
Sadly, there's not a lot of options.

The law will likely do nothing for you...but come down on you hard, if you do anything to them.

Besides moving out, only one slim hope and one superslim hope:

1) Document things carefully then contact your version of DCFS and try and get kids taken away and placed with someone competent.

2) Somehow make courtyard area unpleasant for them without breaking the law or anyone realizing it's you.
You do realize you’re asking the very residents of that apartment for advice, don’t you?
Out crazy those little motherfuckers. They must be fully aware the guy living in 1A is not to be fucked with. Go out in boxers and a wife beater with your hair all wild (will remind them of their deadbeat dad) Take their ball and stab it with a kitchen knife then throw it in a tree and then hulk up on them like what little bitches bring it. Challenge them to go tell their parent, say no one will believe little shits like you guys. You gotta speak their language.

Even if you don't have that type of crazy in you, just fake it, those kids just need to think you will lose it on them at any time, as they probably know adults like that. and they will start messing around far from your place. You must out ghetto them

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