News Live Congressional UFO Hearings

The Fermi Paradox, to me, is proof that we are alone in the Universe. If there are over 10 billion planets in our galaxy alone that are capable of evolving and sustaining intelligent life, then where are they ? There are millions of planets in our galaxy that are OLDER than our Sun - yet there is no communication from any being that has evolved to at least our point on there. Life on Earth is a freak anomaly that will never happen again.
Apparently our size relation to the observable universe is smaller than size relation between atom and us
If there's over 10 billion Earth like planets in our galaxy alone, it is impossilbe that not even one has accidentally revealed themselves. The odds and evidence support life on Earth being a one and done thing. We will never happen again.

Just curious ... How many college level statistics courses have you ever taken?

Because your statistical analysis is shit.
Just curious ... How many college level statistics courses have you ever taken?

Because your statistical analysis is shit.

No it is not. And the fact you made it personal proves you don't have the evidence to support your claim. The fact is, there are at least 7 billion planets that have existed for 2 billion years longer than our own Sun. At least one of those 7 billion would have produced a sentient life that would have contacted us. The odds are on my side.
No it is not. And the fact you made it personal proves you don't have the evidence to support your claim. The fact is, there are at least 7 billion planets that have existed for 2 billion years longer than our own Sun. At least one of those 7 billion would have produced a sentient life that would have contacted us. The odds are on my side.

And what exactly makes you presume that they would have contacted us specifically as some sort of requirement for existence? Is that based on your presumption that we are considered intelligent enough to be special to them compared to other animals on this planet? What if they visited us a million years ago already and moved on? What if they have technology so advanced they don't even need to actually pop up on our surface to know everything about our planet they want to know.

The Fermi Paradox is really ridiculous when you think about it past twelve seconds.
The Fermi Paradox, to me, is proof that we are alone in the Universe. If there are over 10 billion planets in our galaxy alone that are capable of evolving and sustaining intelligent life, then where are they ? There are millions of planets in our galaxy that are OLDER than our Sun - yet there is no communication from any being that has evolved to at least our point on there. Life on Earth is a freak anomaly that will never happen again.

This video explains pretty well why an alien species has yet to contact us.

I don't think people can fathom how big space really is & the distance between planets. I also don't think we can comprehend time beyond our own lives. This thread is proof. Remember, a few hundred years ago we were certain earth was the center of the universe.

The Fermi Paradox, to me, is proof that we are alone in the Universe. If there are over 10 billion planets in our galaxy alone that are capable of evolving and sustaining intelligent life, then where are they ? There are millions of planets in our galaxy that are OLDER than our Sun - yet there is no communication from any being that has evolved to at least our point on there. Life on Earth is a freak anomaly that will never happen again.

There's an incredibly simple solution to the Fermi paradox most people just don't want to hear - we're pointed in the wrong direction. Our advances are in the supposed material realm, but we've done very little in the way of advancing our minds and consciousness. Are we really more advanced than a civilization with very little technology, but that lives in complete peace and harmony with each other and nature?

There's a backdoor to the universe, and it's through your mind. Walk through that backdoor and you'll find an endless array of all sorts of different types of entities living in higher dimensional realms of consciousness.
We can't be the only lifeforms seeing as our galaxy alone has over 100 planets.
No it is not. And the fact you made it personal proves you don't have the evidence to support your claim. The fact is, there are at least 7 billion planets that have existed for 2 billion years longer than our own Sun. At least one of those 7 billion would have produced a sentient life that would have contacted us. The odds are on my side.

Life may be very very rare.
Even rarer it may be that they have reached a point of communicating beyond their own planet.
Were only babies in terms of that. Its only been happening since the 40s/50s or so. not even a hundred years.

Lets take the idea that we are the only ones in this galaxy alone.

What about Andromeda? our nearest neighbour.

That is 2.5 Million light years away from us.

We have only just gotten voyager past Pluto and into "deep space". It was launched in 77. It only has surprased Pluto in the past 5 or so years (estimating without looking it up).

But back to Andromeda. 2.5 million light years away as a whole. Thats not including how far a planet might be. We are not even sure what kind of planets are in that galaxy. There was an event that suggest there might be but there were anomalies found in the studies. There are some studies that suggest it might be 25%-50% bigger than the milky way. But others debate that, because we dont have accurate info on it/tech up to that level yet.

So, do we really want to rule that Andromeda alone doesn't have any form of life? You keep saying human life, us being one and done. I can get into that idea, as species evolution is largerly dependent on enivornment, challenges it faces, and of course, chance. So we might be the only humans. Doesnt mean that there is not something more out there in the universe.

This is our "local super cluster" of galaxys:

Thats just in our area of the universe....there are more super clusters out there. At least 6 are used (including us)

There is estimated around 170 billion galaxies, but that is suspected to grow with our tech growth.

I can accept that we are the only "human life"
but I cant for the life of me comprehend how people can look at all the insane amount of galaxies out there and think that were the only form of sentient life in the entire universe.

It shows more to me how very little we can comprehend about the vastness of time and space if we just look at it and go "nah were it".

It would be like looking into the ocean, and thinking that theres nothing in there.

Anyway this was supposed to be about hte congress report on UAPs.....sorry for the tangent.
The Fermi Paradox, to me, is proof that we are alone in the Universe. If there are over 10 billion planets in our galaxy alone that are capable of evolving and sustaining intelligent life, then where are they ? There are millions of planets in our galaxy that are OLDER than our Sun - yet there is no communication from any being that has evolved to at least our point on there. Life on Earth is a freak anomaly that will never happen again.
I saw a recent article suggest civilizations advance to the point of destroying themselves and that's why they might not reach Earth.
Within our galaxy alone, there are estimated to be over 7 billion suns and planets that existed BEFORE our Sun came along. There has been more than enough time for life at our sentient level to have evolved.

That's the entire Milky Way... You need to look at how many are in a much, much, smaller radius which is close enough to detect.
They was talking about a UFO SIGHTING over Chicago airport and how it was clear case of UFO over a popular city but there doesn’t seem to be a lot of video of it on YT.

This is really all I find

but where is the airport videos.
Apparently our size relation to the observable universe is smaller than size relation between atom and us

Relative to our scale, the atom is rather small. Astonishingly, the atom is quite larger than elementary particles and whatever is present at the Planck length. Scientists have presented an idea that the fabric of space-time is a bizarre quantum foam. Something to think about.
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Within our galaxy alone, there are estimated to be over 7 billion suns and planets that existed BEFORE our Sun came along. There has been more than enough time for life at our sentient level to have evolved.

Ok but you're but you're not calculating the incredibly small amount of time we've even existed on this planet.

Statistically we know there is life on one planet in one solar system. It seems like an awful lot of wasted space in the galaxies and universe as a whole if we're the only life.

Besides, it's not like the building blocks of life are difficult to find.

It just seems like you're having a hard time wrapping your head around the scale of size and time we are talking about.

And you ignore the very UFO debate we have today. Maybe Jesus was an alien and we murdered him so they said fuck that planet of savages.
Maybe the aliens can spare some intergalactic baby formula.
And what exactly makes you presume that they would have contacted us specifically as some sort of requirement for existence? Is that based on your presumption that we are considered intelligent enough to be special to them compared to other animals on this planet? What if they visited us a million years ago already and moved on? What if they have technology so advanced they don't even need to actually pop up on our surface to know everything about our planet they want to know.

The Fermi Paradox is really ridiculous when you think about it past twelve seconds.
If you think about 4 dimensional and higher dimensional beings, we can't even pericieve them if they were to come into our dimension. So what's to say they aren't present and we just can't detect them with our three dimensional senses?
Ok but you're but you're not calculating the incredibly small amount of time we've even existed on this planet.

Statistically we know there is life on one planet in one solar system. It seems like an awful lot of wasted space in the galaxies and universe as a whole if we're the only life.

Besides, it's not like the building blocks of life are difficult to find.

It just seems like you're having a hard time wrapping your head around the scale of size and time we are talking about.

And you ignore the very UFO debate we have today. Maybe Jesus was an alien and we murdered him so they said fuck that planet of savages.
lol I like to believe that possibly every relgion was based on an actual person that possessed powers not of this world, and maybe realm. Kind of odd to see billions of people believing and writing about things like this since the dawn of man. Like the art from people who supposedly observed an archangel are very similar to what a higher dimensional being might look to us. Whats intersting is a lot of religinos and civilizations refer to modern day ghosts and demons and interdeminsional beings but thats another tangent.

Considering time is as infinite as our universe is, I feel like you really can't equate whats out there based on what we understand currently, because there is still a lot we don't udnerstand like black matter, anti matter and other things. Whats interestign is I read a lot about something that was casusing a gravitaonal pull on eveyrthing in our solar system besides the sun, and I assumed it'd be a black hole. Low and behold they just disovered one like at the center of our galaxy, but you 'd figure if we are looking further out then that, that we'd have a good grasp of whats here already.

I always got the vibe that the same people that deny life is out there are also really akin to toxic atheists.

You might also find this interesting: They found that they can break down the universe into a propietary computer code that a german dude came up with in the 1940s. Literal binary code, 1s and 0s. Then when he graphs the data it looks very similar to what people try use art to describe their dmt trips. Then theres the DMT beings, which is another tangent as well, but to say we know there is no god, that there are no aliens and vice versa is iggnorant at best. And god forbid we entertain ourselves in thinking of the what if's?


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