Looks like Khabib is getting political in retirement

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the thread i made about this hours ago was deleted within 20 minutes
let's see how long this holds
some butthurt mod is a khabib fan
too bad, word's out
If anything he saved some account and hoarded some yellow cards by doing that.
The first few pages are okay but after 10 pages it's a pure cesspool with peoples advocating violence and saying stupid shit.

Sherdog style
Yea he got upset what did he do? Say he hopes Erdogan will be disfigured and what is coming to him will be warranted? I'm guessing not. Just a guess tho

Its called freedom of speech. Macron may wage war against Turkey or take sanctions. Same shit.
How so? Explain why he is a shitty leader, or are you just mad he doesn't tolerate muslims raping his country anymore?

I mean, the problem France has with Muslim extremists would seem to at least partially implicate Macron as a shitty leader, no? He’s definitely not bad, but his inexperience definitely shows in certain aspects of the French political climate
I mean, the problem France has with Muslim extremists would seem to at least partially implicate Macron as a shitty leader, no? He’s definitely not bad, but his inexperience definitely shows in certain aspects of the French political climate

Absolutely. I don't even like the guy. I'm just saying Macron being a shitty leader for whatever reasons doesn't justify killing people that have nothing to do with Macron or these cartoons.

"May the Almighty disfigure the face of this creature and all his followers, who, under the slogan of freedom of speech, offend the feelings of more than one and a half billion Muslim believers. May the Almighty humiliate them in this life, and in the next. Allah is quick in holding to account and you will see it.

We are Muslims, we love our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) more than our mothers, fathers, children, wives and all other people close to our hearts. Believe me, these provocations will come back to them, the end is always for the God-fearing."


Glad this extremist retired from our sport. He gained a ton of respect after his last fight, and in terms of fighting he belongs to the all time greats. Threats like this don't have a place in our society, and happy he's out of the UFC now.

i dont agree with khabib but i find myself thinking lately about how in the "west" we assume our values to be the correct ones and in this case "free speech" is held to be a universal right of all.

thats the same free speech that lets the press publish details about the court case of someone who is on trial for rape, making them look like a piece of shit, even if they turn out to be innocent. yay free speech, everyone! free speech, yay

yeah i totally don't agree with khabib here but you have to understand that when over a billion people have a particular way of viewing the world...thats a lot of humans and its hard to say "OH WELL THE WAY WE DO IT IN MY PART OF THE WORLD IS DIFFERENT AND THEREFORE CORRECT"...yeah whatever guys, big world out there, lotta people
Go kill yourself. Wonder what you would say if someone killed your relatives over some words. Also the people that got killed had nothing to do with Macron or these cartoons.
You advocate for freedom of speech (which is obviously you being facetious) but don't realize that these people are KILLING people over this freedom of speech.

Some people here said they Middle East shall be nuked.
Why being so sensitive about words on one side ?
I saw this video recently of a game where they had a group of Muslims in a room and they asked them different questions. They'd then move to different squares saying Strongly Agree/Agree/Somewhat Agree/Disagree/Strong Disagree.

One of the questions was "You can be gay and a Muslim". One girl wearing a hijab bursted into tears saying that she has gay friends and she loves them but knows what the Quran says they are living in sin and can't really be a Muslim. It was really sad to see someone know that something is wrong and struggle with what they feel as a human being vs. what a book tells them to believe.

To quote Steve Weinberg - “With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil - that takes religion.”

Being homosexual doesn't remove a person from the fold of Islam so stop talking bollox.
Finally some of the extremist pieces of shit that we tolerate on this forum are showing their true face.
Fuck a country leader for condemning beheadings and killings and wanting freedom of speech?

Where's Macrons condemnation when two Muslim girls were stabbed in Paris?

These new generation muslims are not like Muslim boomers who were docile and begged for acceptance. This generation is educated, outspoken and will never apologise for the deeds of one individual.
Where is he advocating for chopping someone's head off?

He's praying that macron be humiliated by Allah and that his face be made ugly (a standard supplication against evildoers)
Ok, my bad. He want's someone to throw acid on Macron's face. That's much better, right ?
And we also know that all those islamic extremists just peacefully protest, there's no way they would interpret this in a different way.
Look what Mesut Özil said about the killings in France. That's what e decent human being actually thinks. Something Khabib is obviously not.
Why not ?
Freedom of speech.
Nobody is arguing freedom of speech they are discussing what he said. If Colby said woodley and people like him need to be dealt with physically he would be cut in an instant regardless of free speech lol
But he went from the armbar to triangle not to hurt Justin....nicest guy ever, B.
This guy should never be allowed to enter any Western country again

He has proven himself to be a danger to civilised society.
Some people here said they Middle East shall be nuked.
Why being so sensitive about words on one side ?

Because I live in Europe and am exposed to this violence and I have friends in France who were endangered who had NOTHING to do with Macron or these cartoons.
Children saw this woman getting beheaded, man.
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