Looters Ransack Ronald McDonald House

No, only an apologist, realizing how stupid their quibbling is over "rioter" or "looter", would try to compare it to the distinction of "murder", in a sad attempt to justify their position.

Forgive my desire for facts and accuracy in reporting. But please, keep crying about "fake news!" while desperately excusing it whenever it furthers the agenda of Dear Leader.

That's how big of a bag of shit the left has turned you into, candle boy.

I never thought of it that way.
There are black people out there that actually think that fast food places are responsible for the health problems in their community. As if they were forced to eat it.
I’m so surprised it happened in a Democrat ran city ...
There are black people out there that actually think that fast food places are responsible for the health problems in their community. As if they were forced to eat it.

Maybe, but lets not let that white ginger off the hook who emboldened every fat shit out there not to take personal responsibility for their situation, with his "Super Size Me" documentary.

"I'm not obese because I eat too much. It's because McDonalds sells big drinks!"

It was an interesting, if not misleading documentary at the time, but I think he might've sparked the whole "I'm not responsible" mentality from obese people that we see today.
These fuckers need to be held accountable and given a year or more in jail for doing this shit. Its getting tiring already and they are fucking up their communities. The mayors and governors need to man up.

prison won’t solve anything for many of these people, it’s a fucked up reality that our prison system will only further radicalize some.
prison won’t solve anything for many of these people, it’s a fucked up reality that our prison system will only further radicalize some.
Eh, something tells me they wont be the safest on the tier if it's known they fucked with sick kids.

Broken windows and some kid not being able to leave on schedule stood out to me. That and it wasn't targeted. They were just in the way.

If that's all that was done, then the OP really clickbait'ed the fuck out of us with a clickbait article.
What does this mean, exactly?

Let it be known if they riot and loot police will arrest them and they will have to spend time in jail. Enough is enough with this riot and looting. I am for protesting but this shit is over done with the rioting and looting. All they are doing is destroying our communities. Bad enough many people arent working.
Yes, we know some kids have cancer, but we are focused on the BLACK LIVES right now, ok sweetie?
The language is inaccurate and promotes a substantially misleading mental picture. Don't you think?

Not really. It's negligible. Are they lesser pieces of shit, because they didn't steal any juice boxes, after they smashed their windows and scared nurses and patients at a sick kids hospital? I don't think so.

Like, if you saw it in action, are you gonna be all "It's okay, as long as they didn't steal anything. If any news agency said they stole stuff, I'm gonna be so mad!"

Pick your battles, bruh.

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