Matt Riddle almost ends a rassler's career

The throwing and bouncing off the ropes should have been my first clue..
Yeah ive seen school yard fights that resembled crude mma fights over anything else ive seen. Everyone thinks its a boxing match without gloves, then they always tie up and end up on the ground. Mma or NHB vale tudo is as close to the real thing as it gets.
Matt Riddle has the strongest feet on earth! They're like monkey strong!
Look what pro rasslin has become
They'll never be anything like late 90's rasslin again
Riddle should of had him with the arm bar. He must of gassed his arm by putting everything he had in to his gayness to early.
If that’s what he can do with his feet, imagine the damage if he used his hands!

virtually identical
just when i thought pro wrestling couldnt get gayer