Me and the family were watching Home Alone...


White Belt
Feb 8, 2009
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And we were making fun of Macaulay Culkin and how he looks like a crackhead now. Anyway, we were curious how old he was when this movie came out. Turns out he was only 9. That seems crazy to me as a Leading role. I was doing a google search to see who might be the youngest actor with a leading role, and ive only found Dakota Fanning in I am Sam, but in my opinion, Sean Penn was the lead.
Anyone else have any other actors that played the LEAD that were younger then 9?
Haley Joel Osment was 10 when they filmed the sixth sense. But I can't think any younger than Culkin when it comes to a real leading role.
Holy crap, that kid's name was Haley? As if his head porportions to his eyes were bad enough. That said, I would consider Bruce Willis to have the LEAD in that movie.
Haley Joel Osment was 10 when they filmed the sixth sense. But I can't think any younger than Culkin when it comes to a real leading role.
What??? Wow. Man… I’m surprised it didn’t do a number on his mental state filming such a terrifying movie at such a young age.
Wow, nobody can find a single actor under 9 that had a Leading role? I thought for sure someone would debunk my theory within minutes. You Movie Buffs suck.
Wow, nobody can find a single actor under 9 that had a Leading role? I thought for sure someone would debunk my theory within minutes.
they weren't in movies but the Olsen Twin babies shit on Culkin. They probably did way more content also. Freaking babies acting like that pretty knarly when you think about it back then wasn't as big a deal or something.
they weren't in movies but the Olsen Twin babies shit on Culkin. They probably did way more content also. Freaking babies acting like that pretty knarly when you think about it back then wasn't as big a deal or something.
Again, not LEADING roles. And what the Olsen twins did in their sex life is none of our business.
No idea who that is, but 10 is not younger then 9, so oscar or not, its not relevant to this thread.
Damn dude you need to chill out. This is the mayberry, what did you expect when creating this thread? There are probably only a handful of answers that qualify, and for that you could have easily just asked chatGPT. If you don't care to hear anything other than the 1 or 2 responses that fit then a thread wasn't needed.

Anyway I did find two. Drew Barrymore was only 8 when Firestarter was filmed. The little girl from Poltergeist was only 7
Damn dude you need to chill out. This is the mayberry, what did you expect when creating this thread? There are probably only a handful of answers that qualify, and for that you could have easily just asked chatGPT. If you don't care to hear anything other than the 1 or 2 responses that fit then a thread wasn't needed.

Anyway I did find one.. Drew Barrymore was only 8 when Firestarter was filmed.
Well then, finally. Thats what i was looking for. Her acting was kinda shit, but it was a leading role, and was popular enough that they did a remake.
Wow, nobody can find a single actor under 9 that had a Leading role? I thought for sure someone would debunk my theory within minutes. You Movie Buffs suck.
Again, not LEADING roles. And what the Olsen twins did in their sex life is none of our business.
No idea who that is, but 10 is not younger then 9, so oscar or not, its not relevant to this thread.

Quvenzhane Wallis was 6 years old and nominated for a Best Actress Oscar.

Now quietly shut your yapper and go adjust your tampon.
Bowen Dong was 7 or 8 I believe in Little Red Flowers.. He is the lead, really good film imo.