Social Meme Thread v.80: A free crack pipe is infrastructure

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Fascism is def a different and unique animal.

It's (probably) way too extreme and far-right for the vast majority of right-wingers in America, many of whom place high value on individual liberty and religious freedom. Fascism is ethno-supremacism, extreme nationalism and expansionist militarism that promotes cults of masculinity, strength and traditionalism. An actual fascist regime would go absolutely ape shit on leftists of every variety with large scale implementation of concentration camps, forced labor and mass murder; it would destroy cultural liberalism, and all that conservatives find decadent and degenerate in contempory western countries -- but at great cost to their own freedoms, the nation state is God now.

Friggin crazy man. They knew how to impress people.

This was their favorite jam, circa 1937. <45>

The Reich Chamber of Culture (Reichskulturkammer) was a government agency in Nazi Germany. It was established by law on 22 September 1933 in the course of the Gleichschaltung process at the instigation of Reich Minister Joseph Goebbels as a professional organization of all German creative artists, meant to gain control over the entire cultural life in Germany creating and promoting Aryan art consistent with NSDAP ideals.

Could really go for a few of those Maoris up in Canada right now.

Doubt eskimos could do this justice.

That's one of the reasons New Zealand dominate Ruby Union, one of the toughest team sports in the world. It's basically what would happen if you cloned an entire nation from the DNA of Mark Hunt:)

Bloody good soldiers, too.
Who Murdered All the Asian Women — and Who’s Covering It Up?
Why does it matter, you might ask, that the Black Lives Matter-worshiping media selectively plays up the race of Asian victims while deliberately whitewashing the race of the perpetrators in these horrible cases? It matters because when you remove “white privilege,” “white supremacy,” “white patriarchy,” Donald Trump and the Republican Party as scapegoats, uncomfortable facts, statistics and realities about these violent outbreaks of failed coexistence in America remain. Woke white academics and political propagandists are part of the cover-up. So are clueless woke Asian liberals.

tell me you live in america





YouTube CEO Wojcicki recommends governments pass laws to gain more control over online speech, and elsewhere.
How about a government-imposed strike system? After 3 strikes, you lose your First Amendment rights for a month?

Leftists were adamant it's ok cos it's private orgs, but this CEO wants the government to impose censorship. Leftists then change the goalposts and say censorship "exists everywhere" so it's ok, throwing away their previous argument.





Canada’s Use of Terrorist Laws Against Peaceful Protest Draws International Condemnation
“The regime will cut off your access to banking if you have the wrong politics. If you think Biden is above this level of tyranny think again,” said Mandel.


george soros the brick fairy

Hes a state endorsed actor. Of course he was released.

"That's totally different! BLM is fighting for freedom and these are just nazis naziing all over the street!"


It's (probably) way too extreme and far-right for the vast majority of right-wingers in America, many of whom place high value on individual liberty and religious freedom. Fascism is ethno-supremacism, extreme nationalism and expansionist militarism that promotes cults of masculinity, strength and traditionalism. An actual fascist regime would go absolutely ape shit on leftists of every variety with large scale implementation of concentration camps, forced labor and mass murder; it would destroy cultural liberalism, and all that conservatives find decadent and degenerate in contempory western countries -- but at great cost to their own freedoms, the nation state is God now.

This was their favorite jam, circa 1937. <45>

The Reich Chamber of Culture (Reichskulturkammer) was a government agency in Nazi Germany. It was established by law on 22 September 1933 in the course of the Gleichschaltung process at the instigation of Reich Minister Joseph Goebbels as a professional organization of all German creative artists, meant to gain control over the entire cultural life in Germany creating and promoting Aryan art consistent with NSDAP ideals.

Yeah. Different by huge stretches. Look at the Jim Crow south. They, the elites had control of society and could probably have done anything they wanted to. What they did was create a spartan like environment. With a slave class, and regular people as a bigger than normal class with themselves as the equals that got voting power. They had similar secret societies that went out and killed people they sue Peter of revolting
But as bad as the south was, it never was something that would be fascist. As you said the culture is different and they as confederates never wanted a strong state. They wanted local landed elites to have control. Abs that doesn’t make for good fascism
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