Mike brown, Eric Garner, and now you are going to know the name of Stephen Clark-paraphrase quote

The answer to the question is that if Dylann would have surrendered peacefully after killing nine cops, or nine family members of those cops, he wouldnt have been able to eat any burger king at all because his jaw would have be wired shut after the arrest.

Assuming he survived the arrest.

And if one of the family members of those he did shoot had gotten the same chance at him I would have expected the same thing. Wouldn't you.
People can be pissed, but I really think that it would be more productive to take a deep breath and think about it. The cops have arrested the guy that they know who committed the crime; from their perspective all they have to do now is get him to sign a confession and then their work is done, time to hand the little fuck over to the justice system to deal with. It's very common from my understanding to try and make the criminal comfortable, make them think that you're their friend, to get them to waive their rights to a lawyer and admit to the crime. I feel quite certain that they do stuff like this (whether it's food, coffee, cigarettes etc) for accused criminals of all races/backgrounds depending on the circumstances, but we don't always see it broadcast on the media.

I mean what seems more likely: that the cops were just trying to coax a confession out of the fuckin pos, or that they were congratulating him for a job well done? I think that if critical thinking were applied, most would agree with me that it was the former. But race-baiters like King, as well as mainstream media outlets not to mention Russian troll farms, will push the latter in order to increase polarization for their own purposes.

It's always good to take a deep breath.Ok. Fine.

So if he had killed nine police officers, or nine members of a police officers family and surrendered peacefully, it would have been a large fries, a coke (no ice), and side of nuggets with sweet and sour sauce, right?
And if one of the family members of those he did shoot had gotten the same chance at him I would have expected the same thing. Wouldn't you.

Of course.

But my point is that the same standards of outrage should apply. You can't blame people for getting pissed off about something that you yourself would get pissed off about if it occurred in your context, thats it, thats all. I'm not defending anyone's stupid life decisions.

Apologies to TS for this likkle derailment.
Of course.

But my point is that the same standards of outrage should apply. You can't blame people for getting pissed off about something that you yourself would get pissed off about if it occurred in your context, thats it, thats all. I'm not defending anyone's stupid life decisions.

Apologies to TS for this likkle derailment.

OK and you are right we are getting off track here.
Maybe what we really need is for every police station to have an in-house optometrist. Half the police in this country appear to be fucking blind.
"Show your hands!"

*Shows hands*


Shoots person obeying order 22 times.

Something something, getting home to their families.
It's always good to take a deep breath.Ok. Fine.

So if he had killed nine police officers, or nine members of a police officers family and surrendered peacefully, it would have been a large fries, a coke (no ice), and side of nuggets with sweet and sour sauce, right?

I'm sure that would depend on if the police involved were able to put their emotions aside and if they thought that it would be the best possible way to get him to quickly sign a confession. It would take a judgement call on the personality of the perp more than anything I would think. I mean, eventually they would have to feed him and give him something to drink, as well as give him access to a lawyer. It could just as easily be Burger King as some other shitty fast food. We might not see it on the media though, as we usually don't.
Maybe what we really need is for every police station to have an in-house optometrist. Half the police in this country appear to be fucking blind.

Have you even been in a high stress situation similar at night?

It's not as easy as you think.

I'm not a cop but have been around when shit happens that was very hard to tell what was happening as it was dark and things happening very fast.
Have you even been in a high stress situation similar at night?

It's not as easy as you think.

I'm not a cop but have been around when shit happens that was very hard to tell what was happening as it was dark and things happening very fast.
Yes, actually. Also, my experience is irrelevant. These are supposed to be trained professionals.
Yes, actually. Also, my experience is irrelevant. These are supposed to be trained professionals.

And they did exactly what they're trained to do.

If you resist arrest, run, and then flash an unidentifiable object at cops with guns drawn on you, you're going down. They are not instructed to wait for the muzzle flash to make sure it's a gun in your hand, before they eliminate the potential threat you are posing to their lives.
Shitty situation but will be justified. Did the brother really say his name would be remembered alongside Michael brown and Eric Garner? If so, lol atleast pick a martyr that wasn’t justified like the dude at the gas station who got shot reaching for his ID the cop told him to get, etc.

And they did exactly what they're trained to do.

If you resist arrest, run, and then flash an unidentifiable object at cops with guns drawn on you, you're going down. They are not instructed to wait for the muzzle flash to make sure it's a gun in your hand, before they eliminate the potential threat you are posing to their lives.

They ordered him to show his hands, and he did. Jumping behind a wall, and murdering the guy is ridiculous, and unacceptable to me as a citizen. Fucking deal with it.
Yes, actually. Also, my experience is irrelevant. These are supposed to be trained professionals.

How in the hell do you train anyone so this never happens?

How about we train kids in school how doing stupid shit like this gets you killed.

Not sure if the still do it ( I can't see it now days with the way parents are)but at one time they showed films of highway accidents to scare the hell out of you in drivers ed.

How about we do that with doing stupid shit around cops and the correct why to behave when being stoped.
Give zero fucks tbh.

Break into cars, flee cops, you automatically reduce your life expectancy by 35 years.

I'm sure there will be a lot of SLWLs who will attempt to portray this person as the next MLK....

But if you live the life of a criminal , expect to die like one.

How difficult is it to obey an officers instructions not to run?

Fuck this guy, and fuck you leftist scum who will undoubtedly white knight him.

Breaking into cars and fleeing cops = death? Well alrighty then
Also can someone please explain why the Texas bomber was fired upon AFTER he blew himself up?

Are cops just inherently this trigger happy?

They ordered him to show his hands, and he did. Jumping behind a wall, and murdering the guy is ridiculous, and unacceptable to me as a citizen. Fucking deal with it.

It's perfectly acceptable in this situation. Protocol was followed to a tee. You deal with it.

Don't live thug life. Don't get thug death. Simple rules, really.
Breaking into cars and fleeing cops = death? Well alrighty then

Not what I said...but alrighty then...

It's cool..like I predicted , you leftists will white knight him as if he was an angel.

This guy could have been raping your wife/spouse/gf and you guys would have been like, "uhhh, cops shouldn't haven't shot him ."
Not what I said...but alrighty then...

It's cool..like I predicted , you leftists will white knight him as if he was an angel.

This guy could have been raping your wife/spouse/gf and you guys would have been like, "uhhh, cops shouldn't haven't shot him ."

Wrong... I would have shot him myself and then let the cops should him 23 times.

It's weird how you can somehow act as if this guys life meant nothing. ZOMG, he committed a (non violent crime) and god forbid ran away from the police. He must be KILLED!!

Cops likely knew who he was. There were other options but cops have a shoot first mentality and that is the problem. Also why do you guys use so many buzzwords like white knight? Does that help you somehow?
Cliffs: the thread title is a paraphrased quote from Stevante Clark, brother of deceased.

Another black male shot by police. Sacramento police responded to reports of a subject breaking into cars. They send out marked units and a helicopter that reports that the subject was tying to enter cars and then a house. Uniformed police confront the subject who then runs, jumping over fences until he is cornered in a backyard-his grandparents’ residence. Police order him to show his hands, and see an object in his hand. The officer yells “gun” and ducks behind a wall. They then engage the subject and shoot him 22 times. The object was a phone.



Ten seconds, two seconds-it doesn’t matter if the cops think the subject has a gun. No reasonable person should expect a cop to wait to be shot at before defending themselves from what they believe to be an armed subject. You have to consider the totality of the circumstances before calling them pussies, murderers, or anything else. All those cops know is that they are looking for a suspect breaking into cars, and then they are told he tried to break into a house. When they confront the subject, he runs, and when they catch up to him, he has a phone that they thought was a gun.

It’s horrible that a man lost his life, that kids lost their father, that the grandparents had to see their grandson dead in their backyard. I don’t care what you think, but no cop wants to shoot someone. It is one of my worst fears-having to shoot someone. Even if it is a 100% perfect, airtight shooting-It absolutely terrifies me. What is also terrifying is that there are so many criminals out there that have guns and will use them.

I am telling you right now, that these cops will be cleared. Not because “I always happens” because that is not true. But they will be cleared because they were chasing a subject that they were told was breaking into cars and a house, in poor lighting conditions, and the subject runs. He has a phone, and you can post all the comparisons of phones vs guns, but at night, with adrenaline pumping, honest mistakes can be made. That is what they will be judged on-that the though he had a gun, they yelled that he had a gun and to drop it. It’s not a set-up so they can shoot someone. That is ridiculous and stupid, the truth is that adrenaline + fear=tragedy. Don’t run is the best advise anyone could give. If you run, you force split second decisions that put your life in jeopardy.
Yeah, I saw this when it broke, and I watched the video.

It sucks, but the mayor got it right when he said he couldn't "second guess the split second decisions" of the officers from the video footage (bodycam and helicopter).

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