Social MMA Guru is skeptical on why Michael Chandler adopted black children.

it's not like there are a lot of options to choose from.

if you're option is a pool of black kids ready immediately vs a white kid that might be on a wait list, it's more of an assignment, than "they chose".

the option is likely a pool of all black kids, not that they had a choice.

chandler wanted to come off with the virtue vibe

mmaguru didnt know what he was talking about
Not sure if totally accurate, but this is from

Caucasians. Most adoptive parents (73 percent) are non-Hispanic white adults, according to a study by the Barna Group. However, they are less likely to adopt a Caucasian child. Only 37 percent of children adopted are Caucasian. Furthermore, 9% of adopting mothers were Hispanic, 6% were African American, 4% were multiracial, and 2% were Asian.

Whether this is a choice, or just a "supply" issue, whites just adopt the most by far, and the numbers would have to work out this way because of it. I was looking for firm data on who is given up for adoption the most, by race, but hard to find accurate numbers. Getting a bunch of mixed results, so not sure what to believe.
Maybe he just wanted to be like Madonna?

Her adopted black son looks like an interesting character...



Then you got Charlize Theron who adopted a little boy from Africa and started raising him as a girl from age 3.
Maybe he just wanted to be like Madonna?

Her adopted black son looks like an interesting character...


You can tell she don’t give a fuck about him…

She actually left him leave the house with ashy ass elbows.

Fuck the get up, to me his poor personal hygiene is a huge indicator of what his home life was like.

And the fact that she admits to calling them her little n-words.
I don't know who this can is or why I should care about his opinion.

The UFC celebrating Chandler for Black History Month was hilarious though.
Mma guru is a can mc seems like a good dad
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I just assumed Chandler and his wife are infertile and wanted kids.
Can't say I'm familiar with the adoption process in the US, but in my experience adoption isn't like shopping for a consumer product such as a car or fashion accessory.
You don't get to pick and choose based on your colour preferences.
His wife is a missionary