More Nations Are Banning Ritual Slaughter. Should Religious Tradition Be Honored Over Animal Rights?

If the animal is going to be consumed post slaughter I really don't care how that slaughter is carried out baring outright torture of the animal. Whether it's stunned then killed or dispatched with a single clean slice to a carotid and allowed to bleed out.

Who the piss is anyone here to tell any of these people how they will practice their religions or prepare their meals?
I thought Halal and Kosher slaughter involved hanging the animal and cutting their throat. It's not going to get much more humane than that to be honest.

I was watching an episode of Parts Unknown and he went to Africa and the custom of some tribe was to suffocate the animal so it would preserve all of it's blood. Can't believe Anthony Bourdain actually did it.
Ritual slaughter is for brainwashed third world and unevolved trash.
This article begs some very interesting questions as it pertains to the ritual slaughter of animals that are based purely in religious belief, both in Judaism and in Islam. For anyone who has seen these slaughter techniques, you have seen the horror. You have seen the (unnecessary?) pain the animals experience.

America is not one of these countries. Should we be? What say y'all?

Responding to pressure from the activists, Jewish and Muslim groups have agreed to make changes in an effort to preserve their slaughtering practices. It has come to illustrate a broader debate across Europe that has pitted advocates of religious freedom and minority rights against a growing movement for animal rights.
I do love animals and never want to see unnecessary harm come to them((mostly)) but until we clean up the meat and dairy industries of the atrocities going on there its pretty stupid to be telling these zealots that they cant cut up a goat or w/e it is they are killing

its pretty cool tho that muslims are willing to agree to make changes in an effort to be nicer to animals.......

too bad they dont feel the same about their women.....
That's when vampire Jesus turns the disciples into daywalkers by making them drink his blood isn't it? .

And let’s them symbolically cannibalize him, yes. Completely in tune with Christianity.

Jesus wouldn’t kill a chicken and put it in a box in the middle of my commute to ward off African demons. That’s some primitive tribal heathen shit.
The only way people can support this is if they haven't seen it themselves. Does anyone actually research here?

“The shackling and hoisting shown in this video is a violation of all industry and international welfare guidelines.”
—Dr. Temple Grandin, renowned animal-welfare expert


And there is a growing gap between Jews who still support this and those who do not.

What Rabbis Say
Shockingly, representatives of the office of the chief rabbi of Israel previously defended the kosher status of “shackle and hoist” beef, reportedly declaring that “gratuitous cruelty” does not “disqualify the meat” as kosher.

However, many other rabbis across the spectrum have spoken out against “shackle and hoist” slaughter, citing Jewish laws and principles, especially tsaar baalei chayimnot causing unnecessary harm to animals...
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