More proof that snopes cannot be trusted...

So Snopes simply reposted the police report that their investigation found it was nothing more than a homeless camp, not a child trafficking site.
"The Free Thought Project" is just whinging that their clickbait headline got them flagged as fake news, when they thought their use of quotation marks let them off for shitty, sensationalist reporting.
So it was fake news and Snopes agreed. Cool story TS.
So Snopes simply reposted the police report that their investigation found it was nothing more than a homeless camp, not a child trafficing site.
"The Free Thought Project" is just whinging that their clickbait headline got them flagged as fake news, when they thought their use of quotation marks let them off for shitty, sensationalist reporting.

Perfect summary.

This is basically "they're claiming we've deceived people just because we used a deceptive headline!" put forth as a reason to not trust an otherwise decent source.
sherdoggies might not be the best at many things but we can sure see through bullshit pretty bigly. ;)
Time for some common sense media regulations.

Guideline #1: If the source material appears to be captured by a device over 10 years old, return to the scene and acquire new footage with a device made within the last decade. If you truly believe kids were killed there, return with actual law enforcement.

As of 2018, any video containing digital artifacts as though it was streamed live using a 2006 Razr phone on an edge network will be inadmissible to the public, and the creator could be fined up to but not more than a billion (1,000,000,000) dollars for being a poor asshole without a bleeding-edge Obama-phone.

edit: Re-recordings of "The Simpsons" on VHS tapes will also not be considered evidence of societies ills, especially if they are immediately followed by a partial home recording of an "8th Grade Graduation" - whatever the hell that is.
So the cops and human trafficking experts investigated the site and the claim andd found nothing but snopes is lying
Post #7:
The snopes articles is bullshit. They investigated nothing. At best this is an attempt to smear a website and at worst, they are attempting to cover for something possibly very dangerous to children.

All the website did was report what these veterans had come across. Nothing more.

lmfao I'm fucking dying.

"How do I know that I can trust you?"

"Because I clearly said in post #7 that I was trustworthy!!!!"
A group of veterans who patrol the dessert in Arizona hoping to help homeless veterans, came across a what they reported was "a child trafficking camp in the middle of Tucson."


A veteran group patrolling in Tucson, Arizona, found a child trafficking site.




In late May and early June, conspiratorial web sites such as reported that a veteran group had stumbled upon a “disturbing bunker” in Tucson, Arizona, that was being used for child sex trafficking:

Update: The supposed arbiters of truth at Snopes have attempted to claim that this story is false. For that reason, and without any other input, thousands of people who shared this article received notices from Facebook—who trusts an agency with a history of corruption to be their fact-checking source—that they shared fake news.

Snopes’ article attempting to debunk this story is nothing more than disinformation. They cannot prove this ‘claim’ to be ‘false’ as there was no claim ever made by us. The Free Thought Project merely reported on the activities of VOP and noted the possibility that this camp could also simply be a homeless camp. It’s why we used quotes in the title around “Child Trafficking Camp” because these were their words, not ours.

If Snopes is allowed to lie and punish those for reporting on this information—without recourse—the days of free information exchange are over. We have sent Snopes a cease and desist and will continue to report any information that we think our readers value....

Update 2: According to police, they brought through cadaver dogs. Well, according to a recent post by VOP, they missed one. Thursday afternoon, VOP posted a video of what they are calling a child’s remains on their Facebook page.

The team finds the child’s remains around the 10 minute mark in the video below.

I'm not sure about this story in particular, but I've seen at least one instance where Snopes obviously misrepresented an issue by cherry picking one sliver of a story in order to "debunk," it.
So Snopes simply reposted the police report that their investigation found it was nothing more than a homeless camp, not a child trafficing site.
"The Free Thought Project" is just whinging that their clickbait headline got them flagged as fake news, when they thought their use of quotation marks let them off for shitty, sensationalist reporting.
They published what they were told by the veterans who witnessed it. Maybe the cops are lying? Maybe the veterans are lying? Does snopes care? Have they investigated? Or should they slap their little false image on it so people who are too cowardly to investigate for themselves can feel reassured?

Somebody is lying and snopes misrepresented what the initial claim was and has made no investigation of the veterans actual claim.

Btw, there are plenty of 'bad' cop threads. Do we need another listing the times where child abuse was covered up by cops and child protective agencies, themselves? Never mind, we have snopes to let us know that that is false,
So the cops and human trafficking experts investigated the site and the claim andd found nothing but snopes is lying

Here's the "evidence".

They published what they were told by the veterans who witnessed it. Maybe the cops are lying? Maybe the veterans are lying? Does snopes care? Have they investigated? Or should they slap their little false image on it so people who are too cowardly to investigate for themselves can feel reassured?

Somebody is lying and snopes misrepresented what the initial claim was and has made no investigation of the veterans actual claim.

Btw, there are plenty of 'bad' cop threads. Do we need another listing the times where child abuse was covered up by cops and child protective agencies, themselves? Never mind, we have snopes to let us know that that is false,

I agree with this man! Snopes cannot be trusted because they act as some kind of information-checking agency instead as some sort of bureau of investigation! Instead of relying on the reports of law enforcement, they should have gone out there and investigated this alleged child trafficking ring themselves!!

*rabble rabble rabble rabble*
I'm not sure about this story in particular, but I've seen at least one instance where Snopes obviously misrepresented an issue by cherry picking one sliver of a story in order to "debunk," it.

Let me guess... anti-vax related?
As for their claim of finding a child's skull (which they found some 20 miles away mind you), the Medical Examiner determined otherwise.
Medical examiners have never lied either, right?

Anyways, none of this is really the point. Snopes did a hit piece on a website. It was clearly unfair. The snopes claim was false.

Let me guess... anti-vax related?
Snopes lies about many things and have been caught numerous times. Use google or if you are too lazy, go to the snopes site yourself and see their explanation of how jet fuel and office crap can burn hot enough to liquefy steel.
I had a right winger on another forum tell me Snopes can't be trusted after he spread the "Hillary sold uranium to Russia" accusation and I posted the Snopes article on it.
Medical examiners have never lied either, right?

Anyways, none of this is really the point. Snopes did a hit piece on a website. It was clearly unfair. The snopes claim was false.

Snopes lies about many things and have been caught numerous times. Use google or if you are too lazy, go to the snopes site yourself and see their explanation of how jet fuel and office crap can burn hot enough to liquefy steel.
Why would the medical examiner lie? Did deep state pay them to?

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