Most american fighter ever


Definitely Jason Knight if your looking at British stereotypes of Americans.
100% Don Frye and fuck anyone who says it’s not.

What about that Native American dude that was cut a couple weeks back. He’s the only Native American that was on the roster. Nikki montano claims to be Native American but she is whit as fuckk
Native Americans are only "native" relative to Europeans. They still came to the Americas from somewhere else. And literally all of human history is conquest and displacement; not a single culture today was the original inhabitant of the region they're in.

Dead on. I have been saying this for years.
in The early birth of America, we only won because all the tribes hated each other. Historians estimate their population could have been up to 100 million

Probably didn't hurt the colonists that diseases wiped out something like 90% of the natives, so they were able to walk right in without too much opposition.
On a United States Air Force base. Can't get more American than that... I'd still vote Don Frye though
I figured it was something like that, but it is still kinda funny.
And yes, Don Frye wins this hands down.
It is amusing that the dude asked for non American opinions and the American posters ITT think that Don Frye is what non Americans think the most American fighter is.
How can people not remember Hendo's walk out song, it should have been the only answer this thread needed.

so everyone mentioned in this thread is white. that's... interesting
Most stereotyped american fighter ever has to be Don Frye.

Look at him:


Motherfucker had USA flag shorts and a superb and agressive mustache. The guy look like he's from a bad 80s action movie. He's the only possible answer.
Probably didn't hurt the colonists that diseases wiped out something like 90% of the natives, so they were able to walk right in without too much opposition.
They weren’t “one people” it was hundreds of different nations. That brutalized each other, that migrated, and invaded constantly. A lot of nations teamed with Europeans to have access to better weapons, so they could conquer others
Matt Hughes deserves a shout out.
Don Frye is the only right answer. However you could add:

New york: Matt Serra
California: Faber
Alabama: Bryce Mitchell
Louisiana: Derrick Lewis
Florida: Mike Perry/Masvidal
Texas: Roy Nelson (I know he's not from there, but that's how I imagine most Texans).

I think derrick is actually from texas

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