My Haunted House.

This thread needs to be stickied so I can stop getting my hopes up whenever some non-Ronnie individual bumps it.
Monthly you still still dead bro post

Scary stuff.


Apparently cats can see ghosts, thats what they say. Do you think its true @Cint ? . Firstly you would have to believe ghosts exist lol. But I wonder. I have seen some weird videos of Cats staring at a corner and hissing, totally empty corners in their own home. And those same rooms are said to be "haunted".

I can't say I ever noticed any of my cats doing that, but I don't think I have any ghosts in this house, this home I am in now is quite modern, probably built in 2004 or 2005.
Ah yes, 'tis the season to bring back Ronnie's thread in hopes that Halloween time will resurrect his soul.

Apparently cats can see ghosts, thats what they say. Do you think its true @Cint ? . Firstly you would have to believe ghosts exist lol. But I wonder. I have seen some weird videos of Cats staring at a corner and hissing, totally empty corners in their own home. And those same rooms are said to be "haunted".

I can't say I ever noticed any of my cats doing that, but I don't think I have any ghosts in this house, this home I am in now is quite modern, probably built in 2004 or 2005.

never had a cat do it but i've had many different kinds of dogs all staring and following things in the house that weren't there. at first i thought maybe they heard a sound outside, but when i was watching them they were clearly looking at something inside the house.

could've been a bug or something i guess, or maybe i misread the behavior. but overall it's always creepy enough to make me stop and consider the possibility of some spirit in the house.
Ronnie lived his life a quarter mile at a time. I think that's why we were brothers. Because i did too.


Apparently cats can see ghosts, thats what they say. Do you think its true @Cint ? . Firstly you would have to believe ghosts exist lol. But I wonder. I have seen some weird videos of Cats staring at a corner and hissing, totally empty corners in their own home. And those same rooms are said to be "haunted".

I can't say I ever noticed any of my cats doing that, but I don't think I have any ghosts in this house, this home I am in now is quite modern, probably built in 2004 or 2005.

Cats can definitely see or hear things we can't. @HI SCOTT NEWMAN @kevy2pale @lsa


I don't get it, everyone was acting like he vanished in 2014 but his account was last seen in 2016. What i miss?
i've lived in many haunted houses before. i can put up with doors knocking once in awhile, while nobody's there but the shit you're going through, i'd be a little scared. other shit i can't put up with would be voices but what seals the deal would be an apparition in my home. fuck that shit. im out, if im watching tv and then all the sudden somebody who i've never seen before just walks through the hallway and disappears.

but back to my point,the entity(s) in your home don't show a malevolent intent from reading your post. if it really bothers you, you should really try speaking to the spirit, not physically but in your head from your heart. let it be known, you mean no harm and wish to be left alone in peace. do this and see what happens. trust your feelings and if you aren't scared anymore w/less to no occurrences around the home, then it worked with the spirit understanding. if nothing changes and things get worse with you being more frightened, get the hell out. don't wait for it to possess you. things can be ugly from there on and your lives can be at stake.
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This man is completely delusional. What's dead is dead.
Ah fuck. The demons still have Ronnie. I thought he came back.
I have heard weirder than that and seen a few things that just could not be explained. My grandfather was a medicine man and used to tell us stories that would make the hair stand up on the back of your neck. It was explained to me about shadowy figures were otherworldly and if you saw or encountered one to ignore them if possible as they are usually there to watch you and they could get your scent and follow you anywhere for as long as they desired. I believe your encounter That209 was supernatural and hopefully that sort of stuff has stopped happening to you.

TS it's funny how in the United States this is considered paranormal and in other parts of the world it's seen as supernatural. I think you should listen to your dogs and find other dwellings ASAP. Dogs and cats are more attuned to the environment than we are, so listen to you pets because they see things and sense things most people are incapable of doing.

This mudderfker be high on peyote and tree bark.
Seein tings n all.....
