Name a random lesser known UFC guy from "back in the day" - I pick Andre Roberts


Steel Belt
Mar 8, 2005
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I was looking at a GIF a bit ago and saw these KO gifs. I honestly never heard of Andre "The Chief" Roberts in my entire life. He was HUGE and looks like he hit like a truck. I'm guessing he gassed in about 30 seconds...but still.

Name other random lesser known guys from old school UFC days that might have awesome KO's or might have gotten awesomely KO'd etc/Chief-KOs-Waterman.gif.html?sort=9&o=23
I remember Andre Roberts from UFC Knockouts. He KO'd Ron Waterman then lost to Goodridge.

Also, if you haven't seen the full fight, Roberts was getting beaten down until he landed that one punch knockout.

He has impressive 14 - 2 record to retire with.

I've searched tirelessly for his elbow KO in the UFC but have never been able to find it.
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Drew McFedries

Did I spell that right?
Mark Schultz rarely gets mentioned in any context. He only had one fight, sure, but being the first Olympic medalist to fight in the UFC should count for something. He was pretty dominant in that fight, so I'm not sure why he didn't fight more.
Drew McFedries was fun.

Ross Pointon. English guy from TUF. Made me lol.

Mike Whitehead. He didn't make me lol, actually he did. By pissing off Hughes and Dana
oops read the thread wrong.
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Mark Schultz rarely gets mentioned in any context. He only had one fight, sure, but being the first Olympic medalist to fight in the UFC should count for something. He was pretty dominant in that fight, so I'm not sure why he didn't fight more.

He was the wrestling coach at BYU and they put a stop to his fighting. In his one fight he put a whoopin on Big Daddy Goodridge.
Brad Kohler - Muscle bound ogre that provided one of the quickest KOs in the early UFC days on Steve Judson
Eugene Jackson. Someone made a topic about him a few years ago and it only had about 5 replies.

He was the wrestling coach at BYU and they put a stop to his fighting. In his one fight he put a whoopin on Big Daddy Goodridge.

I knew he was there at the time, but not that he stopped because of that. That's a shame. Thanks for the info.