Name a random lesser known UFC guy from "back in the day" - I pick Andre Roberts

Jason "Strange Brew" Thacker.

Contestant from the inaugural season of TUF.

He got TKO'd by Chris Leben and that was it.
Not that far back in the day, but I always like Paul Sass.
Christophe Leininger, bad-arse Judo guy. Olympic alternative, but wasn't well rounded enough or roided up.
Leininger dragging Guy Mezger around by his speedo is one of the greatest feats seen in the octagon.
I was looking at a GIF a bit ago and saw these KO gifs. I honestly never heard of Andre "The Chief" Roberts in my entire life. He was HUGE and looks like he hit like a truck. I'm guessing he gassed in about 30 seconds...but still.

Name other random lesser known guys from old school UFC days that might have awesome KO's or might have gotten awesomely KO'd etc/Chief-KOs-Waterman.gif.html?sort=9&o=23 etc/Chief-KOs-Moskeweitz.gif.html?sort=9&o=22
Romie Aram. Had a lot of hype behind him coming into the UFC and got beat by Dave Strasser.
Icho Larenas
I didn't realize he fought in the UFC it was weird back then missing out on fights due to no tv prelims and strict PPV time frame. It's like with the bloodbath between Jay Hieron vs Jonathan Goulet. I can't even remembered if they showed Spencer Fisher vs Sam Stout on that PPV. I remember Icho fucking up TKO by beating Steve Bosse I don't think Stephane Patry was too happy about that outcome.
The other Natural... what's his name...
John Alessio. Solid jab against Diego. Also learned an armbar using his head, during the fight, from Horn. I like his stoppage of Chris Brennan, in KOTC, though. Guy seemed like an asshole.

That flying knee on whoever it was a thing of beauty
Watt Myman, who deserved a rematch when he hit his peak (or at least csme into his own), and probably would've put work in on Spencer at that point.
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Phil Baroni of course. Ended up with such a terrible record. Always enjoyed watching him fight though.
I'll PM you something about The Chief that you maybe interested in TS.
Luigi Fioravanti

Josh Neer

Ivan Salaverry
Tim Lacjik (sp?) Seemed like an intelligent likeable dude. I think he did an AMA on here a while back