Opinion NBC: "heterosexuality is just not working"

It's an opinion piece by a random someone on a NBC website, it's not NBC's position.

People should make the distinction clear but then where would we get outrage threads from?

NBC has OK'd it by allowing it to be published, and stay up. That means they agree with it.
It's an opinion piece by a random someone on a NBC website, it's not NBC's position.

People should make the distinction clear but then where would we get outrage threads from?

It's a message forum. If you don't like what's being discussed you're free to leave bro.
The amazing power to side with the dominant opinion. Everybody turns gay just because the higher classes say so.
It's a message forum. If you don't like what's being discussed you're free to leave bro.

Wait, I can only be here if I like everything that's discussed?

Shee-it, that's news to me.
Historically-speaking, the examples of homosexual societies, haven't turned out to be too "kind" on the women. Mostly just turns into a sausage-fest with the women being reduced to the level of animals.

Some of them get off on it. More at 12 via NBC.


Back in 2015, the wildly popular online pornography site Pornhub — which boasts over 115 million daily views — published a finding that took sexuality researcher Lucy Neville by surprise: Women are responsible for more than a third of the site’s gay male porn views.

The finding planted the seed for what would eventually become a book, “Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys,” which was published earlier this month. In it, Neville, a lecturer at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom, investigates what women enjoy about consuming gay male erotica and how it fits in with their perceptions of gender and sexuality.

“Gay porn gives an opportunity to look at the male form and male beauty and the male face when orgasming,” Neville said. “What women liked most about male-male is versatility... a lot of ways it can play out with men is more exciting, more experimentation, more open to negotiation.”

Anjelika, 38, who declined to share her last name because she did not want to publicly reveal her porn-viewing habits, is a startup founder in San Francisco who identifies as bisexual. She said she watches gay male porn a few times a month and, echoing Neville’s findings, said she particularly enjoys its unpredictability and versatility.

The subversiveness of watching porn that’s not “for her” is also part of the fun, she said. “The naughty component is very important, and I find two attractive men having sex to be a very beautiful thing,” she explained.




It's Monday bro. In your LARP, you're supposed to be a lawyer. You should be at work.
Nope, when I LARP, I'm banging your mom in Tahiti.

j/k don't take that seriously.
Sounds like sexual panic wrestling to me
Says no one who understands how op-eds work.

If Fox News had an opinion piece saying 'blackness just doesn't work', and encouraged black people to not have relationships with each other anymore, you'd be singing a very different tune.
Just a nothing burger and one off opinion piece yet the one off’s appear more and more.

Things like this are programming yet most people turned a blind eye to it see it as some brace stance against the patriarchy.
Ancient Greece (particularly in latter eras), upper-class Ottomans in the latter days of the Empire.

Neither civilization would not necessarily stand as a shining example on "women's rights", even next to contemporary societies.

lol not sure how applicable those are to the …. well …. modern world.
lol not sure how applicable those are to the …. well …. modern world.

Well, in the modern world, we can just look at examples where relations with women are taken out of the equation, for the men.

Prison, military, or hell, even the video game world, overall I wouldn't say that there's a very welcoming culture towards women.
Some of them get off on it. More at 12 via NBC.


Back in 2015, the wildly popular online pornography site Pornhub — which boasts over 115 million daily views — published a finding that took sexuality researcher Lucy Neville by surprise: Women are responsible for more than a third of the site’s gay male porn views.

The finding planted the seed for what would eventually become a book, “Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys,” which was published earlier this month. In it, Neville, a lecturer at the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom, investigates what women enjoy about consuming gay male erotica and how it fits in with their perceptions of gender and sexuality.

“Gay porn gives an opportunity to look at the male form and male beauty and the male face when orgasming,” Neville said. “What women liked most about male-male is versatility... a lot of ways it can play out with men is more exciting, more experimentation, more open to negotiation.”

Anjelika, 38, who declined to share her last name because she did not want to publicly reveal her porn-viewing habits, is a startup founder in San Francisco who identifies as bisexual. She said she watches gay male porn a few times a month and, echoing Neville’s findings, said she particularly enjoys its unpredictability and versatility.

The subversiveness of watching porn that’s not “for her” is also part of the fun, she said. “The naughty component is very important, and I find two attractive men having sex to be a very beautiful thing,” she explained.





There sure seems to be a lot of female authors around these days, who pretend to have authority on matters concerning men and their sexuality.

I'm sure it is a hell of a gig to write about things that one has no understanding of, and zero experience of.

I can only imagine how well it would go over, if a man went on a binge of watching lesbian porn and ended up writing a book about it.
I am bringing Heterosexuality back 3 minutes at a time.