Opinion New Storyline: Russia wants the Far Left/Far Right to win to destroy America, Russia fears Center

You’ve gotta give it up. Even if there’s fire there the MSM ruined any chance at convincing Americans it’s real with three years of “this is it!” fearmongering
Give what up? One poster is bashing Bernie for pro USSR comments when Trump did the same thing 30 years ago....

I believe Trump's associates certainly inquired into help from Russia (whether they actually got it or took it, still isn't 100% verified and Trump has distanced himself to plausible deniability). But with Russia influencing to Bernie this is exactly one point from the Mueller report which is Russia's primary goal is to sow discord between Americans. Mission accomplished I'd say
It wasn't anti-semite comments tho, snowflakes like urself took it like that......Bernie knew it was a bullshit attack against Omar and stood up to the pussified politicians/Media who are all over Israel's nuts.

OMG Some dumbfuck protesters interrupted him that one time....OMG....Who gives a fuck lol.

Meanwhile Trump the pussy.



Too afraid to stand up against Saudia Arabia....Lets Saudi Arabia kill American Journalist, and believes their bullshit story lololol

Too afraid to say Russia Interfered infront of putin that he waited to be 1000 + miles away from putin to say Russia did interfere lol......LMFAO @ the first grader excuse "I meant wouldn't instead of would"....Reminds me of a scared child coming up with such a shitty/stupid excuse lol.


Trump controls the most powerful military in the world. What is it you think he was "scared" of happening? Was 5'5 elderly Putin going to beat him up?

Jamal Khashoggi wasn't American, and wasn't killed in America. He was Saudi and killed at the Saudi consulate in Turkey.

Bernie wasn't "interrupted that one time". He's been overpowered and bullied off the stage by 20 year old girls at multiple rallies and shit his pants after getting confronted by 70 year old Elizabeth Warren.

Russia’s Internet Research Agency spent just $46,000 on Facebook ads before the 2016 elections, compared to the $81 million the Trump and Clinton campaigns spent on the platform combined. But the raw number may not reflect the operation’s reach. In 2016, Russian agents posted just under 30,000 times on Facebook, yet the operation generated almost 13 million shares, 15 million likes and 1.3 million comments, according to a research team at Oxford University.
Russia cares about discord in the West, first and foremost.

But make no mistake as they support Trump too both due to his support of Oligarchs and ability to be personally bought towards their ends. His destabilization of Nato and fighting with US typical allies is also a bonus.
This is the new storyline....Just saw CNN(Reliable Sources) early in the morning and Im 100% sure they are gonna run with it for the next few months.

Basically Russia wants both the far left/far right to do well in order to divide America, meanwhile what they truly fear is the centrist. The centrist are much better for democracies because they won't rock the boat thus Russia fears em.

I mean the logic makes some sense, Russia does love trolling both sides against eachother....however this storyline makes perfect sense in order to discredit bernie and make Centrist canidates look better so expect them to expand/spam this story everywhere.
Its not that Russia fears the center because they are good for democracy while the far right/left will destroy America

Its that the center in the US has a certain foreign policy vision and part of that vision is containing Russia. Far right leaders tend to be sympathetic to Putin and isolationist while far left leaders are anti-imperialist and therefore also less likely to try and contain Russia. So whether its a far right or left leader they are less likely to uphold the traditional foreign policy of America and its that traditional FP that Putin has an issue with.
It'll never get more nutty than seeing a newspaper article claiming half of a scifi blockbuster movie criticism on rottentomatoes.com was Russian bots and trolls.