Ngannou fans: are you really satisfied with what's happening?

Ngannou leaving for hopefully greener pastures is a reality check for us fight fans that not every entertaining and/or talented fighter is going to be under one tent. It’s maybe also a wake up call for the UFC as well. They’d be wise to look at what other promotions are doing right, continue to evolve, value their fighters, take the fighters’ input and the fans’ constructive criticism seriously.
If the PFL goes bankrupt, it will be Ngannou's fault.
If the PFL goes bankrupt, it will be Ngannou's fault.
If PFL goes under, you can blame PFL. They’re rumoured to be buying Bellator as well. I for one, hope it works out. Competitors in this market is a great thing.
If the most backwards Arab dictators decide to dump billions into a league to compete against the UFC with blood money from modern slave labor, they'll cheer for it just like they cheered for Francis.
... you mean like when Tahnoon Bin Zayed Al Nahyan owned 10% of the UFC?
Jones had YEARS to sign a fight with Francis. He didn't. That's the story. The UFC had the chance to negotiate with their HW champion and they chose to try to fuck him over, and he called their bluff.

lol, how is it possible to believe this narrative. UFC waited for ages to announce Jones vs Gane just for the off-chance that Ngannou still signs the fight. He didn't. He left the UFC for easier competition and better money, and he has every right to do so. But let's not make up some story, Jones was the guy who initially pushed for the fight before anyone else.
The UFC is a shitshow and I'm not sure why the OP is pretending they put matches together based on merit. There's no guarantee any top fighter would fight any other top fighter, so OP pretending we're missing out on great fights is a lie.

The UFC is also a terrible company to work for and I respect any fighter that chooses not to subject themselves to its bullshit. Fighters can still make money at other companies, with less mental stress and more control over their careers. The UFC no longer has a monopoly on the top fighters in the world and there are serious fighters in other orgs who would do well in the UFC.
Some People see fighters at his level as being entitled and privledged.They think they are smarter than the fighters,and think they would never do these things if they ever accomplished anything in their lives. They think they should stay in the UFC,because it's expected of them to do so,and makes them have to think less.
Nailed it bro!
Still feels like he won't even get anything out of this.

Like, he's not fighting until at least mid next year. PFL has to actually survive until that point.

Then they have to find him an actual opponent. For the 2 mil, I'm sure every HW is willing, but they're going to try and get a decent name somehow, so they have to sort all that out.

He's never getting these big boxing pay days he's been begging for. It's sad to see and a bit cruel that guys like Wilder and Fury and whoever were making out like they'd fight him. They never would lol. A loss to some MMA fighter would be a massive blow to their boxing career. They're not going to take that risk just so Francis can come over and make millions. Why would they? They strung him along from the start to keep themselves in the headlines. The only opponents Frank will get are small names, and they're not going to be the huge pay day he's hoping for.

The PFL Africa thing probably won't go anywhere either.
this how haters talk
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Don't care. Jones had a chance to fight him and ducked. I hope Francis makes a pile of money and wife beaters Jon Jones and Dana White receive the judgment they deserve.
I could care less, Jones would have beaten him easily.
It is arguably good for the sport that he called attention to the absurdly lopsided UFC contracts and got paid well elsewhere.

If other fighters at least investigate that option then it will force the UFC to possibly have to compete in a slightly less monopolistic market.

If PFL-ator does well and creates enough revenue to pay fighters well, competition would be great for fighters pay and a solid alternative org to give fans options instead of UFCs heavily watered down cards would be nice.

I don't feel like we lost the Jones vs Francis fights because I never felt like there was a snowballs chance in hell ot would happen.

Jon was on UFC contract as a Twitter fighter for 3 years when Francis was around, 2 of those years I believe were with Francis holding the title and Jon had no interest in actually fighting Francis.

Jones and Francis be like:
View attachment 983863

There’s no way pfl’s coming out on top of this deal. It’s a Hail Mary because they’re losing money anyway. Honestly the 8 mil a fight and ppv buys seemed like a really fair deal with ufc. Plus all his training and everything was free, the guy lived at the performance center. Hopefully he works harder for off after they paid all that money for him. I never heard him promote a fight in ufc, all he did was bitch for 3 years
I’m happy for Francis and I think fighters as a whole are going to benefit from Francis standing up for himself. Everyone made out pretty well in the deal except for the ufc. Francis and Jon got what they wanted and Dana is butthurt. It’s good deal.
There’s no way pfl’s coming out on top of this deal. It’s a Hail Mary because they’re losing money anyway. Honestly the 8 mil a fight and ppv buys seemed like a really fair deal with ufc. Plus all his training and everything was free, the guy lived at the performance center. Hopefully he works harder for off after they paid all that money for him. I never heard him promote a fight in ufc, all he did was bitch for 3 years

Yea that’s what this feels like to me. I don’t think people are going to pay to watch Francis hit a can once before the can turtles and tries not to die. If a promotion with a bit a depth used this to put a few events over the top, okay maybe. This seems like they’ll be bankrupt soon.
Idgaf at this point. HW division is trash and Francis already is a champion. Get that money. If he would've beat Jones nuthuggers would just claim Jones is overweight an unmotivated. I wish him all the best.
Nailed it bro!

this how haters talk

No, this is how realists talk lol. And hater of who? I don't hate Frank or the PFL. In fact, I like PFL a lot, unlike most people on this forum who seem to think little of it.

I like that Frank is pushing for what he wants and hope he comes out of this okay, but this is a massive move financially for PFL, and their product isn't really that great as it is. Like, this thing working is going to have more to do with PFL than Frank himself, which is a bit worrying.

And what I said about boxing is 100% true. Fury and those other big name boxers played him just so they could keep their names in the headlines. Fury was never going to fight Frank. Like, why would one of the biggest names in boxing take a risk like that? What, so Francis has the opportunity to make millions? That's so dumb. Fury can make more fighting other boxers and not have to worry about his star and money making power taking an enormous hit on the off chance that he gets caught and KOd by a guy that everyone in boxing will be saying is "just some MMA fighter".

And what's PFL Africa supposed to do? PFL can hardly get good local talent, but they're now going to get a ton out of Africa, are they? And what would that even lead to? Is some influx of African fighters going to bring in millions for them or something? How does Francis benefit from any of it?
I prefer him at UFC fighting Jones, but I am also going to watch him at PFL too. One thing doesn't have anything to do with the other. And I root for him getting the boxing fight.
I think it's the best route for Francis. He really is getting older and he had a bad knee injury. I don't think he stays UFC champion for long anyways. It is probably true that he doesn't want to take much risks anymore because losing in the UFC is terrible. They treat their champions like shit when they don't win anymore. There are exceptions like Mcgregor but he has a huge following.
Is the PFL gonna pay Ngannou more than the UFC? Or does Francis just wanted a fancy title on his name as PFL's mascot?
Still feels like he won't even get anything out of this.

Like, he's not fighting until at least mid next year. PFL has to actually survive until that point.

Then they have to find him an actual opponent. For the 2 mil, I'm sure every HW is willing, but they're going to try and get a decent name somehow, so they have to sort all that out.

He's never getting these big boxing pay days he's been begging for. It's sad to see and a bit cruel that guys like Wilder and Fury and whoever were making out like they'd fight him. They never would lol. A loss to some MMA fighter would be a massive blow to their boxing career. They're not going to take that risk just so Francis can come over and make millions. Why would they? They strung him along from the start to keep themselves in the headlines. The only opponents Frank will get are small names, and they're not going to be the huge pay day he's hoping for.

The PFL Africa thing probably won't go anywhere either.
I'd say this is a good and probably accurate summary of the situation.