Nicco Montano Removed from Official UFC Rankings

lol UFC is petty AF
Winning TUF does not make you a world champion

Esparza and Montano were never champions
This. I don't like the girl either, but by what standards does this company operate by nowadays? Is it really based completely on the emotions of the president? Completely unprofessional. This isn't the worst thing the UFC has ever done, but fans should be alarmed about things to come.

Everything the UFC does is so arbitrary. I don't know why anyone is surprised.
Julianne Pena was just removed last week as #3 BW....she hasn’t fought since the January of 2017. They HATE Nicco.
Everything the UFC does is so arbitrary. I don't know why anyone is surprised.
I have hope as a fan. I care way more about the fighters than I do the company. That's just me I guess though. The term Zuffa Zombie wasn't coined on here for no reason.
Everything the UFC does is so arbitrary. I don't know why anyone is surprised.
"Arbitrarity" still produces better rankings than rigid, mindless objectivity, regardless of the parameters
She will go down in history as the only UFC champion to never lose a title fight #legend
I have hope as a fan. I care way more about the fighters than I do the company. That's just me I guess though. The term Zuffa Zombie wasn't coined on here for no reason.
This line of thinking is nonsense, IMO. There are definitely times where the UFC's interests and the fighters' interests don't align. In most if not all of those cases, the fans' interests (which I, as a fan, put first) are in line with the UFC's interests, and rarely if ever are they in line with the fighters' interests. So I have a hard time understanding why a fan would favor the fighters' interests.

And, at the end of the day, the fighters' immediate interests are not the same as the fighters' future interests, and certainly are not the same as future fighters' interests. What's good for the UFC today may ultimately benefit future fighters more than what's good for current fighters today. At the end of the day, the only thing standing between today's glamour and possible multi million dollar paydays for MMA fighters and the dark ages of yesteryear fighting for 50 bucks in front of 35 Alabamans is the UFC. If the UFC folds, there is no future for this sport, only memories....
Julianne Pena was just removed last week as #3 BW....she hasn’t fought since the January of 2017. They HATE Nicco.
It's weird that you can go from UFC champion, TUF winner and 6fig contract, to being kicked off the rankings (and cut?) In a little over 1 year while GDR can stay ranked and inactive, not to mention fan favorites like Nate and Dom. Maybe it's because shevchenko has no interest in fighting her anymore.
UFC rankings are shit and she should have never gotten a belt to begin with.
Why is Eubanks in the top 10? Isn't she going to bantamweight now? Also why isn't Joanna ranked?
well when she fights she can get her ranking back.

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