Social Nike plan to puts "Betsy Ross" flag on its shoes Canceled *UPDATE* Az Governor Flips on Nike Factory

The majority of those original 13 colonies did allow slavery, don't see how it isn't a stretch to say that the flag representing those times would be a throwback to slavery-support.

Can't fly the Nazi flag without the Jews getting in a tizzy about it

Segregation wasn't outlawed until 1964. Is our current flag a throwback to segregation?
If the symbol of what binds the nation together is racist then the country might be at an impasse.
Benjamin Martin needs to bless kaps bum life

I'm not American. Is there a legit reason why this Betsy Ross flag is more offensive to minorities, or is it just another case of liberals being pussies?

lol@ Kaepernick completely cucking Nike and the NFL. This dude is great hustler. Do your thing, young brother.

It's a case of one guy being an idiot, and a major company afraid to piss him off.
They deserve each other and fuck them both.

It’s a free country so they both can do what they want and other people are free to react the way they choose as long as everyone keeps it legal.
Publicity stunt. I don't buy their overpriced shoddily made sweat shop crap anyways.

As an aside, the fact that college ball players don’t get paid while the college rakes in money hand over fist is a travesty
As an aside, the fact that college ball players don’t get paid while the college rakes in money hand over fist is a travesty
They get a scholarship. They could go play in a D-league instead and get paid but they wouldn't get much. The fact is people tune in to see their college not the specific guys on the court.
Not a throwback since the flag was never changed from that time.

So if the flag is changed/updated, then the old version automatically becomes a symbol for our nation's least savory policies?

^^^ This is Colin Kaepernick, if you didn't know. He's the guy who kneels at the National Anthem. The NFL player.

So it looks like Kurrpenik has thoroughly cucked Nike. Since they apparently already made and shipped the shoes, Nike probably lost a metric shit ton of money. But its okay because they appeased some guy who is 1/8 black, tops. Good job, Nike.
Plot twist: As we all can see, Kaepernick is doing the alt-right white power symbol with his hand in the picture above so he's clearly a white supremacist disguised as an Afro-American. He's trolling for lulz, that's all.

This the "Betsy Ross" flag:


This flag is often said to be the first version of our current "stars and stripes" flag, and its design is commonly attributed to some lady named Betsy Ross. The thirteen stars represent the thirteen original colonies, much like the 50 stars on our current flag represent our 50 states.

So Nike wanted to celebrate Independence Day 2019 by putting this outdated flag on some of its shoes. The shoes look like this:



But Colin Kaeprenuk had other ideas because he thinks the flag is racist.
Here's the story:


^^^ This is Colin Kaepernick, if you didn't know. He's the guy who kneels at the National Anthem. The NFL player.

So it looks like Kurrpenik has thoroughly cucked Nike. Since they apparently already made and shipped the shoes, Nike probably lost a metric shit ton of money. But its okay because they appeased some guy who is 1/8 black, tops. Good job, Nike.

The real question is how can I get some of these? Srsly those look dope AF. I wonder how much a pair goes for. Lemme know if you see any.

Anyway, happy early Fourth of July.

What is there to discuss here? A publicly traded company took the advice of its well compensated spokesman under advisement. It will probably follow his wishes and cancel the shoe- not because of their loyalty to Kaepernick, nor because they give a shit about black history, but because it is ultimately what is best for shareholders.

This is your capitalism.
Would have guessed he was latino, seeing him without the afro.
I think he looks middle eastern. Oddly enough I never even thought about his race until he decided that he was to become the modern day Muhammad Ali.

I do find it ironic that someone who was raised in an upper middle class Wisconsin suburb by a white family, after his black father wanted nothing to do with him, is now the champion against police brutality and racial injustice.

This the "Betsy Ross" flag:


This flag is often said to be the first version of our current "stars and stripes" flag, and its design is commonly attributed to some lady named Betsy Ross. The thirteen stars represent the thirteen original colonies, much like the 50 stars on our current flag represent our 50 states.

So Nike wanted to celebrate Independence Day 2019 by putting this outdated flag on some of its shoes. The shoes look like this:



But Colin Kaeprenuk had other ideas because he thinks the flag is racist.
Here's the story:


^^^ This is Colin Kaepernick, if you didn't know. He's the guy who kneels at the National Anthem. The NFL player.

So it looks like Kurrpenik has thoroughly cucked Nike. Since they apparently already made and shipped the shoes, Nike probably lost a metric shit ton of money. But its okay because they appeased some guy who is 1/8 black, tops. Good job, Nike.

The real question is how can I get some of these? Srsly those look dope AF. I wonder how much a pair goes for. Lemme know if you see any.

Anyway, happy early Fourth of July.

Should the Right be happy? Cause isn't it insulting to the flag to be put on a shoe.
I think he looks middle eastern. Oddly enough I never even thought about his race until he decided that he was to become the modern day Muhammad Ali.

I do find it ironic that someone who was raised in an upper middle class Wisconsin suburb by a white family, after his black father wanted nothing to do with him, is now the champion against police brutality and racial injustice.
He's thankful to his white adoptive parents for giving him the opportunity to be a successful man; and because of his privileged position, extend awareness for those who are not as fortunate. What a stellar son and role model.

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