Not exercising worse for your health than smoking, diabetes and heart disease, study reveals

This is obvious to me. I'm middle aged, lift and cycle and eat a high fat and protein diet, drink like a sailor and smoke like a chimney and my test results are always clean. And I have shit family history where everyone dies young.
This is funny since I started in Judo. I probably smoked 4-5 cigs during a 2 hr training session.

I trained with the Canadian Olympic team. None of them smoked.

They had the French national team over for a visit. Every member of the French team smoked like chimneys.
Atlanta, Georgia (CNN)We've all heard exercise helps you live longer. But a new study goes one step further, finding that a sedentary lifestyle is worse for your health than smoking, diabetes and heart disease.

Dr. Wael Jaber, a cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic and senior author of the study, called the results "extremely surprising."

"Being unfit on a treadmill or in an exercise stress test has a worse prognosis, as far as death, than being hypertensive, being diabetic or being a current smoker," Jaber told CNN. "We've never seen something as pronounced as this and as objective as this."

Jaber said researchers must now convey the risks to the general population that "being unfit should be considered as strong of a risk factor as hypertension, diabetes and smoking -- if not stronger than all of them."
"It should be treated almost as a disease that has a prescription, which is called exercise," he said.

Full story below
I fucking believe this. I quit smoking last year, but prior to that I've been training and smoking since 2008. I would smoke before warm ups, smoke after drills, smoke each and after sparring session. My cardio was through the roof. I quit smoking and training, now I feel like shit.
Joe Schilling is that you?
Depends how long it takes you to finish.
I keep seeing news headlines re: walking at vigorous pace burns more calories than slow walk and weight training until muscle failure is better than longer session. A vigorous fap with short duration surely would represent a good workout, no?
I wonder if hes right
The circulatory system helps flush bad shit out, so that's gotta be a good thing. The heart's a muscle. Biceps too. Does biceps have a limited number of contractions too before it fails? Or does exercising the biceps make it stronger? I wonder if the doctor is senile or went to Cracker Jack med school.

Imagine what happens to pipes if the toilet is never flushed or faucet never turned on. I guess stuff would build up and reduce the flow capacity and/or toxic shit would build up.
Just live your damn life genetics is all that matters
"A person's life span is thought to be largely determined by the combined effects ofgenetics and environmental factors. Twin studies, however, suggest genetics only account for approximately 20 to 30 percent of an individual's chance of surviving to age 85."
Just live your damn life genetics is all that matters

Yeah but you need to maximise your genetics. How? Environment, replicate the rigours of an extremely active lifestyle. Europeans have the blood of mammoth hunters flowing through their veins, we didn’t survive the Ice age by being sedentary.

Weights and cardio. A man need to be strong enough to carry hunting weapons/supplies and the kill after all. If I never lifted weights thanks to my slender bones/frame and average height I’d be weaker than the average male in my country, instead since childhood I’ve trained, naturally hitting a powerlifting total that qualifies me for the Australian championships in the 170 pound raw division and a Fitbit resting heart rate in the high 30s.

If I never did any exercise my cardio would be trash and my strength non existent. You don’t need PED’s, you don’t need good genetics, you just need to exercise and be active like humans are supposed to be.
And another study will come out in a few weeks saying it's not good to exercise too much.

There are too many studies today and just about all are conflicting.
There are plenty of studies to show that certain exercise programs like ultra marathoning, power lfting increase inflamation, which increase your c reactive protein levels which isnt good for heart health especially if you are predisposed to heart issues.
This is why I love working outdoors. Not only do I get lots of vitamin d and an attractive deep tan, but I genuinely feel fantastic at the end of the day. I have a balanced mind and I never have trouble getting the sleep I need unlike the pasty office workers who stare at computer screens all day in their artificially lit rooms. They all seem to suffer from depression and insomnia. The 30 minutes to an hour that they MIGHT spend at the gym after work does fuckall.

Years ago, I used to work as a personal trainer.

On the first day of our sessions, I would give my clients an exercise log to tally their workouts.

However, I told them to take it home and not leave their logs at the gym.

After all, raking leaves, biking to get your groceries, mowing the lawn, walking the dog all counts.

You don't need to be a member of a gym to exercise.
I consider the unhealthy lifestyle the reason for my failed four month stint as an administrator.

I could have done better from home, but being stuck in a poorly ventilated room with five gossipy women, whilst sitting down all day, screwing up my back and putting on a stone during this time, really held me back.

I went from minimum wage to £18,000 per annum, then back down once I was sent back after a series of panic attacks. I was offered a 21k job from a different company soon after, but I refused.

I work a physical job now, make better money and am generally healthier physically and mentally.
Yeah but you need to maximise your genetics. How? Environment, replicate the rigours of an extremely active lifestyle. Europeans have the blood of mammoth hunters flowing through their veins, we didn’t survive the Ice age by being sedentary....

If I never did any exercise my cardio would be trash and my strength non existent. You don’t need PED’s, you don’t need good genetics, you just need to exercise and be active like humans are supposed to be.

Agreed. I have a philosophy that the body was built for a fight, and once you stop fighting, so does it.
There are plenty of studies to show that certain exercise programs like ultra marathoning, power lfting increase inflamation, which increase your c reactive protein levels which isnt good for heart health especially if you are predisposed to heart issues.
so what do you suggest not to work out and just eat a clean diet with low sugar and salt?
Agreed. I have a philosophy that the body was built for a fight, and once you stop fighting, so does it.
yeah I heard that philosophy some scientists said that the human like any animal is built for physical activity, we are hunter gatherers and once you stop using your body or eating the proper clean fuels your body breaks down and doesn't operate at optimal efficiency
yeah I heard that philosophy some scientists said that the human like any animal is built for physical activity, we are hunter gatherers and once you stop using your body or eating the proper clean fuels your body breaks down and doesn't operate at optimal efficiency
Also take into account pretty much everything is readily available to consume so the need to hunt is unnecessary. It doesn't help that everything readily available is also full of preservatives and shit we dont really need.
so what do you suggest not to work out and just eat a clean diet with low sugar and salt?
No. That you dont have to go nuts working out. Im a big proponent of exercising and resistance great, i just think there is a fine balance. Sedentary lifestyles imo are terrible for the body. But people think running a marathon is healthy. I think its too much stress on your body.
Exercise regularly
Eat a variety of natural food that comes in different colors
Get at least 6/7 hours of sleep
Smoke bud regularly

It's really not difficult to live healthy. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:s make shit difficult when its not.