NYC: City Workers Install ‘Black Lives Matter’ Mural in New York

75% of this threads posters are on an FBI watchlist :)
If you knew how much my local school PTA had to work with, you'd flip out. It's insane. And we're middle class around here. Well they keep cutting budgets, and we gotta give more to our own kids basically.

They should do "shitty school" kickstarters for funding. Rich white people would give, if it could just go directly to PTAs, teachers, etc. But anything that is given has to be funneled through a bunch of dirty motherfuckers, so what's the point.

Meanwhile people tweet and spray paint, thinking they're changing something. Y'all aren't changing shit. Yeah, black lives matter. We get it. Agreed. But BLM sucks.

BLM has sort of hijacked their own phrase, and people don't really even get what the organization stands for.

People think they're chanting a phrase that means something, and giving to people who need it. Joke's on you all. You're just feeding the machine, and chanting the name of a racket.

Imagine if every single person who attended a BLM protest or a Trump rally this year donated 20 dollars to local underfunded school’s PTA.
Marxist NYC politicians will support Marxist organizations.
Nobody scared of no communist Chinese, just like the word socialist. Dr. King was called a communist, helI every civil right leader was called one.

Did they paint it with the blood of the people murdered in the last two months in NYC?
No, that's some weirdo sh*t.
Wow. Im actually worried kong is gonna snap and do something crazy since he's banned from SD......glad i dont live near NJ
yup. and just a plethora of flaming posts and racist threatening posts.

7437 got banned for wanting to kill cops.
More money has to be sent to poorer districts just to approach the funds that wealthier districts raise on their own. PTAs in middle class areas can raise tens of thousands of dollars per year. Meanwhile, poorer schools may not even have a functioning PTA, and if they do the community does not have money to give. They can't fundraise in a community with no funds.

So the end result poor schools with no money at all in the bank, and wealthy schools with more money than they could ever spend. A school with no money in the bank, a few miles from a school with 6-figures in the bank. If the local government sends more funds to the poor school, its not actually making them better funded, its trying to make up for the massive natural deficit they already face. Much of those funds go to community needs that are not needed in the wealthier community, like free breakfast/lunch/school supplies/etc.

What form of administration are you referring to?
Where does Baltimore rank in student spending?

And did that pay off when the students organized a Purge Day?

Where does Baltimore rank in student spending?

And did that pay off when the students organized a Purge Day?


Baltimore ranks at around 2,400th on student spending.

I'm not sure how you are connecting funding to "student purge day" or what point you are trying to make.