Movies Out of these horror films - Which one the best? (Finals Double O/T)

What's your pick?

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Formerly known as MXZT
Platinum Member
Jun 28, 2010
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First Elimination Bracket
Second Elimination Bracket
Third Elimination Bracket
Fourth Elimination Bracket
Fifth Elimination Bracket
Sixth Elimination Bracket
Seventh Elimination Bracket
Eighth Elimination Bracket
First Quarter-Finals
Second Quarter-Finals
Third Quarter-Finals
Fourth Quarter-Finals
First Semi-Finals
Second Semi-Finals
The Finals
The Finals O/T

Here we are in Double Overtime. This should be it, we will see. Only 3 films left, one vote.

If this is it, thanks for participating. And Happy Halloween!

Here's the Top 20:

1. TBD
2. TBD
3. TBD
4. The Shining
5. Jaws
6. Halloween (1978)
7. Aliens
8. A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)
9. 28 Days Later
10. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)
11. Pet Sematary (1989)
12. The Lost Boys
13. Hellraiser (1987)
14. Saw
15. Scream (1996)
16. Event Horizon (1997)
17. Night of the Living Dead (1968)
18. The Fly
19. Psycho (1960)
20. Poltergeist (1982)

My pick:

The Exorcist

The Thing (1982)


The Exorcist
If you don't want to be tagged just let me know or vice versa thank you.

Please vote.

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@ThinkGreen @Axefan4life @xHeadx @pv3Hpv3p @JinKazama @Screwtape @2DUM2TAP
@aldeniro78 @Starck @Anialater @TheRash @shunyata @Cyrano200 @Dizzy @squirrelynuts
@wigglestick @cowboyjunkie @empsim @I Am Legion @offshore33 @ripsta619 @Korben
@THE MARTIAN @Mesos @Swiftie @Digital Fire @Shonuffbrad @Trill850 @rustledjimjams
@Iroh @SL1200 @wendelbudwhite @Korben @Sleestaxk @Brom Bones @sanfranpsycho
@Ares Black @Zookeeper Gabe @Excelsior @bubbleboyjones @Brandon Wilson @marioh
@SammyPops @BB in Crazy!!!! @method115 @Virginiatechmic @Simian Raticus @Lebnof
@Ablis89 @FortieSicks @IloveTHIS @Vigorelli @steeldragon @Dr Curtis Love @HUGHPHUG
@MilesAbove @Randlewand @Uncle J @SKYNET @CHUTE_BOXE78 @Tol @ASUThermo
@IndyCovaHart @Magooglie @BARNUM @Satanical Eve @D3THRONED @bosox32 @Kryptt
@ManCityFC9 @sleepwalk @Krimzon @MusterX @SuperHoss @Rob Battisti @tdluxon
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@the ambush @Sano @i420KrYpT @EnthusiastCultivator @Heisenboom @ChickenBrother
@El Che @Shaungotti @genecop @Mikeydontgiva @Papachulu @horc00 @GearSolidMetal
@Champagne @esotamoc @Plissken @Gomi1977 @HeLLMuTT @Talent @XmarkX @M4rk
@Uncommon Valor @AlphaBetaShark @Bobby 3 Sticks @scorpipede @ineverpost @aus101
@Grassshoppa @97talon @Ezekiel 25:17 @Anung Un Rama @mmascene @MastiffMike
@Papasmurf45619 @dildos @xMsBarnez @Prutfis @Osiris007 @benebox @Dillydilly @SaiWa
@Damien Karras @Prologue @Jesus H. Sherdog @qw3rty @Highway99 @Krixes @90 50
@GolovKing @bowened @Aegon Spengler @SiKnSiN @RollSonnenRoll @tobiaswins @BFoe
@mesanch86 @DiarrheaPerlmans @ALAN PARTRIDGE @Tone505 @TJ Dillashank @jx820
@Nathan LaMontagne @mike1226 @Philadelphia Collins @cmw43 @MRDOG @RoxyBird
@MeatWagon06 @Nimrod @armbarforhire @paperclip101 @ICHEERTHEBULL @west42
@AZZA B @Luminosity @Kaybee @Tone C @Revolver @Chad The Limey @KotaroTheWolf
@Andrey Kamensky @FinalFight @zuffazombee @heloder @4daLuLZ @Protegejoe296
@TheFakeMacoy @Simple Southerner
@JonnyBonesPharmacist @J0N0 @BisexualMMA @Dr Stoppage @Bonos @Brutus.......
@ZeroGravity @Carvaso @TheSauce @k1ngjester @Badoldman @bigkick @burningspear
@Squall Leonhart @Hellowhosthat @Mr. Fixit @deviake @Shroud of turinabol @EJRMAN513
@SwamiLeoni @lostdog000 @hohner @Mr. Shickadance @hwm52806 @Goon Dog @TapIt
@cheesus @Omegaboy13 @Washkev @eighterumg5 @CrimsonFan @freakroor @Zanderlini
@BUDDYLOVETT @Vergilius @WaylonMercy5150 @GergreG @Vegeta @TestosterOWN
@Xuh @eworden78 @ookii @Shael @DooHoChoi @weaselkenievil @jericksen5 @Fork
@houjebek @Reign Supreme @SilvaLegacy @Texan6533 @the muntjac @ThereIsNoSpoon
@Nightgunner05 @ModernMatt @struckus @GIBLERTBAPTISTA @DamianK1 @cooks1
@Jballer @The J0ker @Shogun515 @deucesarewild @dbo @TapIt @phightens19 @Zer
@Adrian Anis @Supasalta3000 @Escabar @ChuckSteak @Trainspotter @jan230 @Corona
@bufetadanacara @JoeyJoeJoeJr @TheWobbler @Sushi Fitness @Pankratios @Kraysla
@RemyR @fungi @fourtyounce48 @phoenixikki @-sin- @heavy_hands @Cerberus87 @Kingz
@Misanthropist @Captain Sausage @yamahacrasher @Halge @JackWhite @Cuttyrock
@National Acrobat @PG29 red0 Jr @HeffDoesWant @ThaiSexPills @HaggardSky @Rawex
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@Two Crows @Striderxdj @milkmandanl @itrainufcbro @jnes @jojoRed @Sticko @Thrawn33
@Preston Jarrett @Fake Doctor @jimjamjammer @FadeLess @TardStrong @MichiganMMA1978
@2fast2see @AbominableJoman @templewarrior @new_mexico1 @Prex32 @BroRogan
@LSXMMA @SilentFate @StonedLemur @hex @liner @Five Fingered Fresh Fist @west42
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@TheMaster @TheTickG @Ima5starman @boingyman @Pizza Werewolf @Sirwastealot
@Sunnyvale TP @Beau Wring @Blue_Ribbon @UncleJosh @Lovestorm @HARRISON_3
@fingercuffs @Michaelangelo @KowboyMMA @Misfit23 @zapataxiv @Long Dark Blues
@xenomorph4prez @NemesisEnforcer
Alien for me. As I said before, it isn’t just a great horror film, it’s a great film period.

I like the Thing, but it didn’t influence films the way Alien did. If Alien and the Thing were hanging over a cliff and I had to choose one, I’d drop the Thing faster than Macaulay Culkin’s mom dropped him in the Good Son.