Overwatch Official Discussion, v4: Doomfist Me, Daddy..

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The thing with the mercy nerf is that it it's the only nerf needed because of the perception and not the game play.

I have never had problems playing against mercy, I don't think she's op to play against. She's pretty easy to kill if you go after her first..no problem.

However, the perception that she is sooooo 100 % necessary that half the time my team will instantly tilt if they don't have one is the real problem.

The perception that no other healers are acceptable other than Mercy is what makes people tilt from either not having one, or having to switch from another healer to her.. every single game

I lost a game this morning cause I bitched out on Anubis. We had a bad attack phase with me on Moira, I had Gold heals, Silver damage, and probably a good 5 Elim lead, I was the only one killing the Pharah and Mercy, but they whined on D until I switched to Mercy, then proceeded to die to Roadhogg hooks and a D.va bomb in record time. I have never tilted, but I might get chatbanned for a bit if anyone reports my rant.
Doomfist is a lot of fun to play...but man his gun is horrible. I’m actually surprised with its range though.
Doomfist is a lot of fun to play...but man his gun is horrible. I’m actually surprised with its range though.
He's my new qp go to. So much fun. His gun does a surprising amount of damage, but way too few shots and takes forever to reload.

I love upper cutting peeps off of the edge, so much fun.
I lost a game this morning cause I bitched out on Anubis. We had a bad attack phase with me on Moira, I had Gold heals, Silver damage, and probably a good 5 Elim lead, I was the only one killing the Pharah and Mercy, but they whined on D until I switched to Mercy, then proceeded to die to Roadhogg hooks and a D.va bomb in record time. I have never tilted, but I might get chatbanned for a bit if anyone reports my rant.
Happens all the time!

We'll have two healers doing way more healing than a mercy could alone and they'll still complain.

They're helpless without someone rezzing them out of their own stupid mistakes.

Now that there are a lot less rezzes going on, maybe we can consider other supports
Doomfist is a lot of fun to play...but man his gun is horrible. I’m actually surprised with its range though.
It's mostly for killing squishies you've knocked up and finishing Orisas that somehow survived a wall punch. I dabble in Doom, but he's just not for me.

Happens all the time!

We'll have two healers doing way more healing than a mercy could alone and they'll still complain.

They're helpless without someone rezzing them out of their own stupid mistakes.

Now that there are a lot less rezzes going on, maybe we can consider other supports

I've been going back and forth between Lucio and Moira depending on the map (by "going back and forth" I mean Lucio is my second most played hero at 40 minutes, after Moira's 5 hours) and it's really made me think more about the game. Learning when to be embarassed (i.e. getting Hogg Hooked as Lucio) really helped me grow. I feel a lot of Mercy's at my elo kind of think that they've done their part just by picking her.
He's my new qp go to. So much fun. His gun does a surprising amount of damage, but way too few shots and takes forever to reload.

I love upper cutting peeps off of the edge, so much fun.
Yeah I’d never bring him into competitive but just fucking around in quick play is a ton of fun. Just to be a dick I’ll specifically target one poor bastard the entire match lol got some nasty messages from this one Zenyatta main.
The thing with the mercy nerf is that it it's the only nerf needed because of the perception and not the game play.

I have never had problems playing against mercy, I don't think she's op to play against. She's pretty easy to kill if you go after her first..no problem.

However, the perception that she is sooooo 100 % necessary that half the time my team will instantly tilt if they don't have one is the real problem.

The perception that no other healers are acceptable other than Mercy is what makes people tilt from either not having one, or having to switch from another healer to her.. every single game

Mercy was nerfed for Esports. The ability to rez two Pro level players every other fight was, by far, the most powerful ability in the game, and made her a must pick for Pro matches.
So yesterday I was playing comp and we did really well the first round pushing the payload. The whole time only two guys are talking. I have a mic in but I don't feel like talking. Out of nowhere during the next round one of the guys who has a silver portrait kind of whispers "shut up already" to the other guy. It gets really quite and then the oher guy is like if you have a problem talking on the mic just get off.

The guy had no reason to tell him to shut up and he proceeded to say the guy is trash and anyone else who agrees say hello in chat. Game ends and we win the round. I report the guy immediately cause I hate shit like that, your in gold bro chill out your not hot shit. Today I login and he must have got reported so much that he was banned because I get a message from overwatch saying he was banned and thanking me for reporting him. It didn't list his name but he was the only person I reported in a long time.

TLDR: Guy talked shit, I reported him, get message from Blizzard thanking me for reporting him.
So yesterday I was playing comp and we did really well the first round pushing the payload. The whole time only two guys are talking. I have a mic in but I don't feel like talking. Out of nowhere during the next round one of the guys who has a silver portrait kind of whispers "shut up already" to the other guy. It gets really quite and then the oher guy is like if you have a problem talking on the mic just get off.

The guy had no reason to tell him to shut up and he proceeded to say the guy is trash and anyone else who agrees say hello in chat. Game ends and we win the round. I report the guy immediately cause I hate shit like that, your in gold bro chill out your not hot shit. Today I login and he must have got reported so much that he was banned because I get a message from overwatch saying he was banned and thanking me for reporting him. It didn't list his name but he was the only person I reported in a long time.

TLDR: Guy talked shit, I reported him, get message from Blizzard thanking me for reporting him.
Papa Jeff Bless
So yesterday I was playing comp and we did really well the first round pushing the payload. The whole time only two guys are talking. I have a mic in but I don't feel like talking. Out of nowhere during the next round one of the guys who has a silver portrait kind of whispers "shut up already" to the other guy. It gets really quite and then the oher guy is like if you have a problem talking on the mic just get off.

The guy had no reason to tell him to shut up and he proceeded to say the guy is trash and anyone else who agrees say hello in chat. Game ends and we win the round. I report the guy immediately cause I hate shit like that, your in gold bro chill out your not hot shit. Today I login and he must have got reported so much that he was banned because I get a message from overwatch saying he was banned and thanking me for reporting him. It didn't list his name but he was the only person I reported in a long time.

TLDR: Guy talked shit, I reported him, get message from Blizzard thanking me for reporting him.

Sounds like the guy was having a bad day. Every game I go into there's always someone that sounds mad depressed or tilted from previous games. Yesterday I was playing a game as Ana and said to our Rein "shield up", one of the guys in chat thought I said "shut up" and he went on a tangent lmao.
Sounds like the guy was having a bad day. Every game I go into there's always someone that sounds mad depressed or tilted from previous games. Yesterday I was playing a game as Ana and said to our Rein "shield up", one of the guys in chat thought I said "shut up" and he went on a tangent lmao.
You almost have to speak slowly, calmly, and have perfect pronunciation in order to keep idiots from tilting, may as well be babysitting toddlers while you play competitive in this game. It's pretty ridiculous that suggesting someone switch character when something isn't working can set people off.
So yesterday I was playing comp and we did really well the first round pushing the payload. The whole time only two guys are talking. I have a mic in but I don't feel like talking. Out of nowhere during the next round one of the guys who has a silver portrait kind of whispers "shut up already" to the other guy. It gets really quite and then the oher guy is like if you have a problem talking on the mic just get off.

The guy had no reason to tell him to shut up and he proceeded to say the guy is trash and anyone else who agrees say hello in chat. Game ends and we win the round. I report the guy immediately cause I hate shit like that, your in gold bro chill out your not hot shit. Today I login and he must have got reported so much that he was banned because I get a message from overwatch saying he was banned and thanking me for reporting him. It didn't list his name but he was the only person I reported in a long time.

TLDR: Guy talked shit, I reported him, get message from Blizzard thanking me for reporting him.
why couldnt the guy just mute them lmao cry baby
The thing with the mercy nerf is that it it's the only nerf needed because of the perception and not the game play.

I have never had problems playing against mercy, I don't think she's op to play against. She's pretty easy to kill if you go after her first..no problem.

However, the perception that she is sooooo 100 % necessary that half the time my team will instantly tilt if they don't have one is the real problem.

The perception that no other healers are acceptable other than Mercy is what makes people tilt from either not having one, or having to switch from another healer to her.. every single game

Perception was reality... she was busted op
Perception was reality... she was busted op

Yea IMO whenever things were closer Mercy made a huge difference. Sure we could win if are Moria was really good and the other team sucked or we countered them well. Sometimes I can go Winston and focus on the mercy and that will also help.
Whenever we needed a solo Healer last season I would ask my team " do you want a Mercy with a 13% win rate or a Lucio with a 70% win rate.

They would choose the 13% mercy Everytime then act disappointed when we inevitably lose.

title says EA, but it talks about activision as well.

start at 4:55

This is talking about a two year old patent for matchmaking that EA has, but you can bet your bottom dollar Activision has something similar.

the patent seeks to maximize player engagement not fair or balanced matchmaking.
Matchmaking connects multiple players to participate in online player-versus-player games. Current matchmaking systems depend on a single core strategy: create fair games at all times. These systems pair similarly skilled players on the assumption that a fair game is best player experience. We will demonstrate, however, that this intuitive assumption sometimes fails and that matchmaking based on fairness is not optimal for engagement.
In this paper, we propose an Engagement Optimized Matchmaking (EOMM) framework that maximizes overall player engagement. We prove that equal-skill based matchmaking is a special case of EOMM on a highly simplified assumption that rarely holds in reality. Our simulation on real data from a popular game made by Electronic Arts, Inc. (EA) supports our theoretical results, showing significant improvement in enhancing player engagement compared to existing matchmaking methods.

The matchmaking is based to maximize engagement and not fair play. So they will try to influence the outcome of the game to avoid "player churn" as much as possible. So if the system thinks that you would be more engaged with a win or a loss, then the system will try to rig the match to make it the probable outcome.

Here's a pic they made to illustrate it,

How many times have you felt like you have been forced to team with the biggest potatoes possible multiple games in a row? How about when you go on a massive win streak, why is it that you can predictably know that there is an unnatural feeling losing streak coming your way right on cue?

People have been saying for over a year that the system feels off, that forced streaks ARE A THING.

I would like to know if Overwatch uses a fair and balanced matchmaking system or if they do based on player engagement.
Man last night in a match we did ok holding the payload. Were getting wrecked the next round and 1 of their players leave. I think awesome we got this. Nope they are still pushing this thing like crazy. Right before they are going to win one of our players leave, and then another player of theirs leaves. We barely win this fight I couldn't believe how shitty we were doing.
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