Philadelphia Police Raid Occupy ICE Encampment

I would certainly hope you think the US is better than Mexico and other South and Central American countries.

I mean, isn't that why your parents immigrated here? For a better life? And just lol @ blaming the failures of those countries on the US.
They immigrated here to Make America Great again.

Bro, USA supported evil doers.....thats why central America is fucked up...America is responsible.
LOL, leftoid losers got their shit torn down. Is this the same group of losers that protested the ICE child smuggling bust?
They all look in dire need of a shower.
Shoulda broke out the fire hoses, clean up two messes for the price of one.
Nope. That was all Liquid Love™.
Although I do like your bit about the smelly tent. I may steal that one...

Steal the smelly tent? Be my guest. It will have a strong odor similar to large quantities of cumin and patchouli, with and overwhelming scent of failure and impotent rage.
LOL I lived in Philadelphia for 7 years and these little darlings got off easy. You definitely don't want to ever fuck with the Philly cops.
On the other hand if you are respectful of them and co operative it's amazing what they will overlook.

I'm always surprised so many people don't get this. Cops are human beings, which means they are relatively easy to manipulate. A large part of their working life is spent dealing with people who treat them like shit, who are verbally and physically abusive towards them. So when they meet a citizen who treats them respectfully, they are naturally inclined to see that person in a favourable light. Obviously, if you've committed a serious crime, you're still in deep shit. But if it's a minor offence, the cop you speak to in a polite manner might be willing to let you off with a warning.

Even if you've committed a serious offence, you gain nothing by acting like a dick towards the cops. Obey all commands and keep your mouth shut until you lawyer up. The last thing you want is to give cops even more shit to charge you with, or a reason to get physical.
Umbrella Boy tried valiantly to counteract the fascist pigs, but he could no fill the giant footsteps of the hero we all so desperately crave:

Oh, where are you, great Techno Viking, and why have you left our pleas unaided?

That bitch-boy would need a year in the gym with a high level personal trainer and so much Juice even the Russians wouldn't allow him to compete before he could wear Techno-Viking's Mjolnir:)
Introducing the holy Trinity..
Aids Skrillex
Carl the Cuck
And our new arrival, lets give a big hand for... Umbrella Boy!!!!

Shoop dat

Bro, how could we forget? The Woman, the Myth, the Legend...Trigglypuff!

These look like paid shills .

Literally losers thats woukd be at home if not given this task.

They have no other skill except blocking streets.

Shoot some tear gas in first next time
These look like paid shills .

Literally losers thats woukd be at home if not given this task.

They have no other skill except blocking streets.

Shoot some tear gas in first next time

lol, I do not think this is the work of Soros or anything. I think a more simple answer is that the Spring semester at the local community college is over, and these people now have a lot of free time on their hands and don't want to work.
Anyways, whether not this was the right thing to do just depends on whether or not the police had already given them a fair and considerate warning that it was time to move their camp. If they were told respectfully that it was time for them to move, and there was a legal basis for making that request, then there's really nothing for them to complain about. The police were not abusive or anything, they just forced them to leave.

Looks like their camp a sprawled across the entire street.