Point to living past 30?

I know a dude in his 30s has fun all the time. Travel and chicks. Just got married and cheats on his women. Still has side pieces and has nothing but “fun”. Sort of like a child. I would rather be me.
Maybe you've got depression.
Mayve you lack something you're passionate about - personally i'm passionate about creating art and doing sports.
There's no such thing as "making it", at least as in reaching a point from which on you'll be forever happy - but one can live a happy life if one gets to do (and for most people: continuously improve in) what one is passionate about

Martial arts for example, are great in that regard.
Good luck TS.
I'm 37 and I have to say the thirties have been, on paper, the worst years of my life. However I am much more resilient now than I have ever been. I was a real snowflake on my twenties and, with retrospect, made a lot about nothing. Now with a mortgage, kids, health issues, deaths in family, it's a lot of responsibility tugging at me, but in a weird way it's also what keeps me going. The wife and kids are really the reason behind it. I can't wait to see how they turn out. They're a massive financial burden but my personal reward for every dollar invested is the greatest.
I now know the best pleasures in life are free. Nothing is worth more to me now than a good home cooked meal and a bottle of wine with friends, or a nice nature walk, or just sitting down for a few hours and endulge myself in writing fiction. I used to buy brand clothing and luxuries to fill that void but I'm much more content with saving money by shopping at wal mart or Salvation Army and spending that money on the kids.
As opposed to a jolly positive cynic or what
There's a lotta overlap/i guess most cynics are grumpy.
They're not the same thing though.

Either way, live doesn't need to be shit for most people in western countries at any stage in their life, so i think TS just needs to fix some things and that may or may nor include doing something about his mental health, like seeing a psychiatrist.
just as I suspected. all threads like this end up a brag fest.
Well people whom are happy are sharing why they're happy so maybe he'll see a goal he likes and do that. Why don't you tell him why life is terrible and maybe you can convince him to jump off a bridge or something
There's a lotta overlap/i guess most cynics are grumpy.
They're not the same thing though.

Either way, live doesn't need to be shit for most people in western countries at any stage in their life, so i think TS just needs to fix some things and that may or may nor include doing something about his mental health, like seeing a psychiatrist.
but does he really? sounds palliative, not problem solving. what will the shrink tell him that would contradict his own senses? sounds like brainwashing. all metrics indicate the west is going through a massive depression and dissatisfaction wave, all the while taking gargantuan amounts of happy pills that don't seem to have an effect. why aren't questions as to why even asked anymore?

all the responses in this thread tend to be the usual platitudes about finding meaning in family and friends, which, judging by the numbers of depressed and dissatisfied people who are also married and with kids, is obvious bullshit. maybe there's a reason why more and more people feel alienated like TS does. taking pills, going to the doc, having a hobby and hugging your kids doesn't seem to do shit to alleviate that, since it's a growing trend.

i also call bullshit on people doing the old - hey i got happier after 30. yeah, cause you got more money so you could buy more shit so you equate that with a meaningful life, which, of course, it isn't, unless you are a deplorable nitwit.

it's a good question that TS poses. and i was expecting more introspection, not the same old "hey i got stuff and kids and friends therefore how can i not be happy" bs. some people look for meaning beyond being a good consumerist bacteria.
but does he really? sounds palliative, not problem solving. what will the shrink tell him that would contradict his own senses? sounds like brainwashing. all metrics indicate the west is going through a massive depression and dissatisfaction wave, all the while taking gargantuan amounts of happy pills that don't seem to have an effect. why aren't questions as to why even asked anymore?

all the responses in this thread tend to be the usual platitudes about finding meaning in family and friends, which, judging by the numbers of depressed and dissatisfied people who are also married and with kids, is obvious bullshit. maybe there's a reason why more and more people feel alienated like TS does. taking pills, going to the doc, having a hobby and hugging your kids doesn't seem to do shit to alleviate that, since it's a growing trend.

i also call bullshit on people doing the old - hey i got happier after 30. yeah, cause you got more money so you could buy more shit so you equate that with a meaningful life, which, of course, it isn't, unless you are a deplorable nitwit.

it's a good question that TS poses. and i was expecting more introspection, not the same old "hey i got stuff and kids and friends therefore how can i not be happy" bs.

To be fair east still runs suicide rate
To be fair east still runs suicide rate
that's just because it's considered gay to go to the shrink there, so the options are more narrow.
and i think it's finland who ranks pretty high in regard to suicides, a country which is often at the top of development indexes.
that's just because it's considered gay to go to the shrink there, so the options are more narrow.
and i think it's finland who ranks pretty high in regard to suicides, a country which is often at the top of development indexes.

Or because everyone is poor as fuck and in constant battle for survival?

Btw Number 2 country in europe in suicides if not counting former soviet countries

Belgium ahead of us for some reason
Or because everyone is poor as fuck and in constant battle for survival?

Btw Number 2 country in europe in suicides if not counting former soviet countries

Belgium ahead of us for some reason
or that, yeah.
about belgium, i know brussels quite well, it's abysmal. not surprised.
and i think it's finland who ranks pretty high in regard to suicides, a country which is often at the top of development indexes.
Will answer you to your answer to me later, but in regards to finland:
Don't underestimate how big of an effect the deprivation of sunlight and also vitamin d as a result of it can be, because that honestly can make a gargantuan difference.
We create our reality. Why do you want to be miserable? Change your mind...
What changes at the age of 30? With an attitude like that, you might as well conclude that there is no enjoyment in life all together
I'm 33 and can't say I've enjoyed a second of living beyond age 30. Fun no longer exists. Career paths narrow if not dissolve completely. Seems like you just tread water between here and death, fixing whatever breaks on the house next and putting the kids through college along the way. Car shits out, buy a new one. Parents get up and age and die. Health problems start settling in.. Correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not suicidal by any means, just puzzled by the banality of adulthood.

It happens to a lot of people. You spend your time working to make money and don't do all that much else. But

1) You should enjoy your kids. Why would you do something so expensive, if you're not going to enjoy it?

2) Career-wise, you should try one of:
a) Working fewer hours and having fun and/or doing something meaningful in your spare time
b) Figuring out how to retire young and get out of the cycle early enough to have time left.
c) Doing something you care about for a living, instead of hate or tolerate.

3) The people in your life, especially your spouse. Do you care about them? Do you enjoy time with them? You may need to change who you associate with or your attitude.
Work was kinda crappy on Wednesday, but my wife just telling me to relax, have a drink, and watch the game made everything better. My home, my couch, my dogs, my wife, and a half-bottle of wine combined with watching my team play miserably in the fog against a crap team to lift my spirits.
It's not an existential crisis if you recognize and enjoy the little things.