Post your ideal dream phyisque and then your most likely to get


Jul 17, 2017
Reaction score
Your dream

Then what most likely for you
As a 5'8 manlet, the best 5'8 manlet physique I've ever seen and my dream would be


Dude looks like he just took a golden shower from Ubereem

Realistically though, if I put some serious work in, this is the best I could hope for

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Jon skywalker

If ya know

Ya know
As a 5'8 manlet, the best 5'8 manlet physique I've ever seen and my dream would be


Dude looks like something the Russians would bomb ISIS with

Realistically though, if I put some serious work in, this is the best I could hope for


You are God of manlets to me. But really 5'8 is I think. I think 5'6 under manlet and 5'6 or 5'7 is king of manlets. You are God of manlets

Below 5'5? Idk what you call

If average height in western country 5'10 for non latinos and asians then i notnsee how 2 inches shorter then it is manlet. Have to be 3 or 4 inches beko6w average is
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trying to save this thread from its gayness {nttawwt}

physique i'd like


physique i'd likely get

Luke rockholds pyhsique lol. Thats what i dream of
this is how i see myself

this is how others see me.
For me I'd like to look like horsemeat powered Reem

Frank Zane has got the best physique ever

Edit: also has a nice healthy looking meat bag as well
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my dad no shit looks roughly akin to Arnold around Commando era (5'11" 235-240ish) even in his 50s

conversely i'm a LW Nate Diaz frame or more realistically George Roop

that gene skipped me I guess

Frank Zane has got the best physique ever

Great physique, and no doubt 1000x better than any physique I'll have, but I don't think it was the best of his era let alone all time.

I think prime Arnold had the best with Serge Nubret a close second:

Great physique, and no doubt 1000x better than any physique I'll have, but I don't think it was the best of his era let alone all time.

I think prime Arnold had the best with Serge Nubret a close second:


Arnold was way too big. Frank Zanes physique seems more managable.
Look like a fight night Josh Thomson, wanna look like Lazar Angelov before he went to crazy with the roids.
I'd be happy with this, lean but not big, seems achievable.
