Crime Protesters gather after Death of George Floyd

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I mean, you just admitted that I asked you first. ;)
No I didn't. I said I replied to your post to someone else. You didn't ask a question in that post.

You are either stupid or playing stupid. Either way, you are a coward.

I've been reading many different sources on the internet and I'm not 100% certain that that police officer murdered ANYONE.

I work in LE and I can tell you with absolute certainty that the officer in question at the minimum contributed to his death. In the position the officer was in we are trained to NEVER purposely put a knee on someone's neck, NEVER. The only time it's excusable is when your fighting for control and may be in the position very temporarily. I don't believe the officer performed this action because Floyd was black, but rather because he was a fucking idiot. Just as the officer has to deal with the punitive results of his actions/inactions, I believe the media members who pushed this into what it is now should be held accountable.
He served his time, and for over a decade hadn't a charge. The fuck, man?

Yeah, passing a 20 dollar bill that might've been counterfeit. What a savage thug.

It was policy of the store to call the police if there was counterfeit money.

It is policy of the police to come out and arrest the person committing the crime.

If you are being arrested, it is completely pointless to start resisting at that point. The second you start not complying with police, you are resisting arrest.

If I had used fake money, I would comply with the police and tell them where I got it from. Try to help them do their jobs. Live with integrity.
A demonstrator protesting the shooting death of Alton Sterling is detained by law enforcement near the headquarters of the Baton Rouge Police Department in Baton Rouge, La., on July 9, 2016.
It almost looks like they bounced off an invisible wall, a spell she cast.
No I didn't. I said I replied to your post to someone else. You didn't ask a question in that post.

You are either stupid or playing stupid. Either way, you are a coward.
You're working yourself into a shoot.
I like how some dumbass swinging a sword elicits calls from right wing nazis for all people to get shot, but when a guy gets murdered by the cops it's crickets. Selective Justice Warriors at their finest.
Dude swung first

Just an extremely dumb move on his part.

Seems like the rock is what did the real damage to this guy. He was still trying to get up until that hit him.

Well sure but all of that plus a cartoon President

For sure he's a cartoon character and he's not helping, but I don't necessarily see a Joe Biden or a Hillary Clinton as being able to handle the situation either. Ultimately none of those people speak to the demographics that are currently outraged and protesting.
I mean, if you're okay with an armed robber who holds a woman at gunpoint and then pistol whips her...

I'm down with people who have done their time and didn't go right back to crime, which is what the guy did for the last 13 years, until he committed the capital offense of possibly receiving a counterfeit 20 dollar bill.
I'm not trying to "act like there isn't a gulf between the right & left".

both sides are terrible. I've maintained this line of thinking on here always.

yous guys just have a habit of making everything a left vs. right issue only. yeah, if you want to argue semantics here - that this has partisan elements at its core, but at this point these riots have gone far & beyond that crap.

shit is out of control, & these maniacs are piggybacking on top of a just cause & making everything worse.

It's made into a left vs right issue, because, as you seem to indirectly acknowledge, the right and left view the causes of these riots differently and the actual breakdown of law and order differently.
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