pursuing a girl for a long time

no fat chicks

Worlds greatest poster
Oct 14, 2009
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and you finally get her, is there a better feeling? So much better than a one night stand. This was always such a good feeling back in high school. Definitely something I am sad I wont get to re-live.
and you finally get her, is there a better feeling? So much better than a one night stand. This was always such a good feeling back in high school. Definitely something I am sad I wont get to re-live.
Why won't you relieve it? Are you with someone?
What are you talking about? Mine is still stuck in the basement..
and you finally get her, is there a better feeling? So much better than a one night stand. This was always such a good feeling back in high school. Definitely something I am sad I wont get to re-live.

Why can't you relive it, you married or something?

And it depends on what defines a long time. A little resistance from a girl can be cute, but I never understood when guys spend years courting one chick. We're no longer at a 5 digit world population and there are so many women out there. Besides it's like the girl finally gives up and dates you bc she's tired of rejecting you.
Blowgun w/ darts dipped in Nyquil & Cosmopolitan. Lasso if yer dexterous and strong.
and you finally get her, is there a better feeling? So much better than a one night stand. This was always such a good feeling back in high school. Definitely something I am sad I wont get to re-live.
I pursued my GF for about a year going on dates and her kinda stringing me along. We have been together now for almost 6 years and she is completely dependent on me whereas I really dont need her anymore.

Like all women its great at first, then like every relationship you start looking around wondering what else is out there.
Why can't you relive it, you married or something?

And it depends on what defines a long time. A little resistance from a girl can be cute, but I never understood when guys spend years courting one chick. We're no longer at a 5 digit world population and there are so many women out there. Besides it's like the girl finally gives up and dates you bc she's tired of rejecting you.
Lol agreed. As I've gotten older, I've realized just how many fish there are in the sea. There's 3.5+ billion girls on earth, out of which 2.5 billion should be of age, and 2 billion should be of age and fuckable. (Pulling numbers out of my ass). That's a giant pool to pull from. It's even better when you realize that being a Westerner makes you instantly more attractive to Third World Women.
"Pursuing" for what? Just a hookup or a gf? I don't think I could really do that if you mean she's your actual gf. If she's been shooting you down to go bang other guys and then finally dates you when the guy's she really wanted are done with her, that's gonna be a no for me, dawg.

If you mean a chick you've been dating but didn't bang you right away, I'd go for that.
I won’t even pursue a girl who isn’t interested to begin with. That’s just weak game. You go after the ones who show signs of interest.

Of course, this is all assuming you do get signs of interest from women you want. If you don’t, I guess you just have to go after whoever you think is attractive. But even then, if a girl puts up too much resistance and makes you chase her, gtfo of there.

I’m too good-looking to waste my time trying to prove that I’m worthy. Even if you’re ugly and don’t have much game, you should still try and find someone who is clearly interested after you’ve hung out with her a few times. But some resistance at the very beginning is normal.
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I have no idea about that. I usually get every girl I want pretty easily.
She better be at least an 8.5 without makeup.
Meh, doesn't sound feasible ts. I think relationships should start quicker. Women are bitter, hateful creatures and they'll find your flaws out and latch on to them if you stick around for long enough and your relationship will be doomed from the start.