PWD 248: The Roman Reigns Experience® Is Now Open


Yellow Card
Mar 14, 2013
Reaction score


1. Keep your hands and feet in the harness at all times

2. Keep your helmet on at all times

3. Buckle Your Chin strap

4. Beware of Samoan War Crys

5. Do not ride the Roman Reigns Experience® if you are: Skinny fat, easily irritable, fragile, suffering from bitchassness, have not hit the weights, have not intended to hygiene, yet to obtain a clue, have any commerization tattoos, and fail to make the light heavyweight requirements as lost of will to live and premature retirement has occurred.

6. Enjoy the ride





Might be interesting if Ambrose has an easy path to the title shot and Roman has long grinding match after match. Who turns first?

It's just like Mankind and The Rock from SS 98. Rock had the tougher path than Mick. We all know the result...
Everything's good but correct war cries before bubba gets you in some parallel universe grammar call out haha
Dumbass, Papa Shango.:icon_lol:

I never thought much of it back then then, but watching it now I find the whole ending hilarious, as they all try to improvise the finish, while they're all probably thinking "Where the fuck is Shango?"

What was supposed to happen, and the ref missed it as well, as told to me by Papa Shango/Godfather himself, was that Hogan was supposed to hit the legdrop, Harvey Whippleman gets on the apron, distracts the ref, Shango comes in to doubleteam Hogan, Sid and Hogan get disqualified, they tie up Hogan, bring in a chair and Warrior saves the day. He didn't miss his cue. He said if he had missed his cue on something that big, Vince would've dropped him but that wasn't his fault. It was a long ramp, he was told to wait for his cue and the agent was late for the cue. When the agent told him to go, right as he got out, the bell had already been rang and he got confused midway through the aisle as he wasn't sure if Hogan had hit the legdrop yet or not.

That's the story as told to me by Wright himself, take that for what it is.
Nah, i'm going to leave it just to drive him crazy
When Orton has a match and the crowd does the wave...

Struggle loves to bring it up

When Reigns has a match and the crowd does the wave....

Struggle will not bring it up.

Fandom is real
Roman Reigns da "bad guy" ya love ta hate.
Frank... Your Nash obsession is kind of gay. It really is...

This ain't the 90's anymore... Nash is done. Let it go
I approve of this thread. I want to see RR as the champ and see how he does.

For the people saying he's not ready, I'm pretty sure several former champs have said no matter what, you're never ready when you win it, you learn on the job and that's what defined them.
Frank... Your Nash obsession is kind of gay. It really is...

This ain't the 90's anymore... Nash is done. Let it go

I just posted a video. Don't lump me into your insecurities Bubba.
Also bubba was the Montreal screw job a work or a shoot, and why? I'm interested in your take.
I just posted a video. Don't lump me into your insecurities Bubba.

Do you really mean to say that you don't post five videos a day about Nash? Add some gifs, pics and tweets....

Ya you're obsessed. Let it go, I'm trying to help.
Need a gif of Carl's little push battle from Walking Dead, represents every flame war online.
"I only posted one video so far today!!!"

Lol denial is real
Raw was pretty OK last night. Interesting to note that Reigns and Ambrose were at completely opposite corners of the bracket.

When Miz came out I had a moment where I thought, "Woah, what if they completely shock everyone and have Miz win the whole fucking thing???" Then he went down in the first round.

Of those of you who were watching during WM4, was Savage winning a shock to you? It was to me, but I was only 8 and I fully expected the Hulkster to win his belt back. I'm wondering if it would have been obvious if I was older. Nowadays it probably would be because everyone would know Hogan was planning on taking time off for movies and whatnot.

In the file of "suspension of disbelief," isn't it weird to see the tournament bracket with no Brock, Cena, or Bray? Did they give any reasoning for why they're not in it? Like, why would Tyler Breeze be in the tournament and not Brock? Have they addressed Cena being out or said he was injured or anything like that?

Assuming this is Taker and Kane's last hurrah and assuming the Wyatts go over at Survivor Series, I don't mind the ending last night (although I would have liked some explanation for what the hell happened to them after they were abducted - although I guess there's an outside chance that next week Bray will cut a promo saying, "I don't know how you got out of my crock pot of doom, but next time I'm going to send you straight to Hell") - that is a very big pair of assumptions, though.
Also bubba was the Montreal screw job a work or a shoot, and why? I'm interested in your take.

I always thought that Vince sent Bret Hart to WCW to kill it from with in but not anymore. If anybody got screwed, it was the fans.
Remember when Axle beat HHH and Cena his first two nights?

They kind of did the exact same thing then as they are doing now with ADR. Come in, make an impact and then for the following weeks, wrestle jobbers for whatever reason... Oh yes and don't forget about jobber rematches.

Since when did this become the new way of getting people over? Along with cheap pops and fake crowd pops?(Reigns)
lettuce appreciate this fine piece of man meat





we are so blessed in this life xx

Undertaker’s gong sounded and the crowd went crazy. The Undertaker made his slow walk to the ring with the flames leaping. He climbed in the ring and took off his gear and looked ready for a fight. The crowd exploded with Undertaker chants. After staring each other down for a good two minutes. Barrett simply asked, “Can I help you mate? You lost?” Barrett said maybe Taker is not aware but he has built a pretty big reputation around here and he doesn’t take kindly to strangers coming into his yard and getting in his face.

After running Undertaker down some more, Barrett mocked Taker by telling him how the Bull Hammer works. Taker just stood there. Barrett tried to blindside Taker, who caught him with a couple of shots. After a chokeslam, Taker went to leave with the crowd chanting for a Tombstone. Taker came back in the ring and obliged the chant request, which the crowd ate up. The crowd chanted one more time, and Taker delivered another Tombstone on Barrett. Not sure if this segment will air but it was it fun…

Struggle dragging his GF/BF into our chat. LOL
The Roman Reigns Experience® is about to besmirch Cesaro
Say what you will about Punk being a skinny-fat whiner, but he certainly wasn't vanilla.

1. Keep your hands and feet in the harness at all times

2. Keep your helmet on at all times

3. Buckle Your Chin strap

4. Beware of Samoan War Crys

5. Do not ride the Roman Reigns Experience® if you are: Skinny fat, easily irritable, fragile, suffering from bitchassness, have not hit the weights, have not intended to hygiene, yet to obtain a clue, have any commerization tattoos, and fail to make the light heavyweight requirements as lost of will to live and premature retirement has occurred.

6. Enjoy the ride

My 13-year-old nephew is pretty into wrestling. He wants to go to a show - he's never been. Stupid WWE is doing a Raw out by him (Pittsburgh) the Monday after Thanksgiving (they'll be visiting me for Thanksgiving) and then there will be a house show in MSG right after Christmas (I'll be there for Christmas). Jerk asses.


Watched about half of WCW Timeline 85 w Magnum TA
I like it cause Im a huge Magnum and Timeline mark but its not full of backstage bullshit and gossip so I see why some people(assholes most likely) are saying that its not that great