PWD 620: Donald Hogan

Who was better?

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usually did it for taped shows.

Real prevalent before they were forced to go live.
I've literally never noticed it up until now. I feel like a dummy.
Do WWE add sounds of cheering or booing to their old videos? I'm watching an old RAW where the crowd look to be pretty silent but I hear a load of cheering.
They do the exact opposite for WCW shows.
@Pliny Pete Is Gary Hart's book any good? I found a pdf version

@Pliny Pete Is Gary Hart's book any good? I found a pdf version
Motherfucker I have it on PDF and I offered to send it to you and you said no because he ratted on Al Perez!

But yes its up there with Pain And Passion(Stampede Wrestling) and When It Was Big Time(San Francisco) and Ole Andersons book as the best Ive ever read
I'd prolly put Harts book as #1 overall, its a must read full of so many great stories
His time in Texas and Australia in the 60's for Jim Barnett were my favorite parts
@X-Pac Rules this comes out soon and early reviews are calling it amazing
Have you ever read either of his other two books, NWA Monopoly or McMahon History?
I think you'd like em because theyre like encyclopedia full of history and details about everything that happened and apparently this one is even better

Motherfucker I have it on PDF and I offered to send it to you and you said no because he ratted on Al Perez!

But yes its up there with Pain And Passion(Stampede Wrestling) and When It Was Big Time(San Francisco) and Ole Andersons book as the best Ive ever read
I'd prolly put Harts book as #1 overall, its a must read full of so many great stories
His time in Texas and Australia in the 60's for Jim Barnett were my favorite parts
Good call, I forgot about him being a snitch. Fuck Gary Hart.
I figured Ole's book would suck because it would be nothing but bitching and bitter feelings.
@X-Pac Rules this comes out soon and early reviews are calling it amazing
Have you ever read either of his other two books, NWA Monopoly or McMahon History?
I think you'd like em because theyre like encyclopedia full of history and details about everything that happened and apparently this one is even better


Whatever happened to the HBO show about the territories?
Whatever happened to the HBO show about the territories?
Good call, I forgot about him being a snitch. Fuck Gary Hart.
I figured Ole's book would suck because it would be nothing but bitching and bitter feelings.

Oles book is full of bitterness but its also full of great info about running a territory and stories from the road

Im still holding out hope for that HBO show
One day, some day...

Titus O’Neil on Hulk Hogan: “It was not an apology”

WWE Superstar Titus O’Neil was on Busted Open Radio this week. Among several topics, he talked about Hulk Hogan’s reinstatement into the WWE Hall Of Fame.

“I think I pretty much summed up everything in my statement on Twitter and Instagram,” O’Neil said.

He continued, “At the end of the day, the company made a decision. I support the decision. I actually support having one of the most iconic figures in WWE history in Hulk Hogan being in the WWE Hall Of Fame. What I don’t support is the apology that was given in regards to the words and the actions that he exhibited years ago. To me, when you have true remorse for being sorry about doing something, it’s pretty simple. You don’t have to be prepped to say certain things and you definitely don’t want to make excuses. I feel like the inconsistencies with the time that it came out to last week were so across the board. It was uncomfortable for me. I wanna give the character Hulk Hogan a chance. I wanna give the man Terry Bollea a chance to redeem himself [and] not just for minority fans but for people that don’t have that same mindset. From a personal standpoint, when there were not many heroes on television, I can honestly say that Hulk Hogan was a hero to me and many other minorities. The words that he spoke, he truly let a lot of folks down…both white, black and everything in between. I feel like when you make that type of mistake, it’s not just for the time being but it’s for generations of people both past and present that you’re trying to make amends to.”

O’Neil continued, “Mark [Henry] expressed how he felt in the meeting which was very spot on with how he felt. Then I saw reports that it was a 50/50 split with certain people. I respectfully disagree with that. That was from his perspective. I have always looked at Mark as a leader. If Mark had made those type of comments, I don’t feel like he would have come back to the table that same way.”

“I made a statement and I pretty much lined up everything that I had to say in accordance with what New Day said. We don’t not want him in the Hall Of Fame. That would be ignorant to say that I don’t want to give a chance. In the same token, I’m not trying to be part of a reclamation project when it’s not true remorse behind that reclamation project. If it’s done for show, I can’t be a part of that.”

Henry said that he was angry because people outside of the industry tried to claim that O’Neil got mad and he left when he saw Hogan. Henry said that the stories about O’Neil were not true and there were 20 others that were told that they could go home because they were not booked on Extreme Rules.

O’Neil added, “I have zero respect for the way that he came about his apology. It was not an apology and I feel very strongly about that. He doesn’t have to prove anything to me. He doesn’t have to prove anything to you. At the end of the day, he’s a grown man that made a mistake. However he goes about correcting his mistake, that is on him.”
They’re drawing money...

Must be why RAW has its worst ever viewer numbers, the Network is flat and the only reason that the tv deals are good is because the networks are desperate for ‘sports’.

I might be prejudiced because the only two women I like are Asuka and Cross.
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