News Rachel Ostovich's Husband Arrested for Attempted Murder (charges reduced to second degree assault)

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Pro-tip: A real alpha male will not get cheated on in the first place.

You can't control whether or not a woman will cheat on you. You might have the best dick in town and she will still give up them cheeks to other men. There could be a thousand reasons. Just be cool dude. Be careful when choosing a partner. Lay out the rules in the beginning and if she still cheats just deal with it no matter how much it sucks. Go out there and do your thing.
A real alpha will leave and find another woman if his girl or wife cheats on him. He will be able to control his emotions and go on. A cuck will beat his SO and go to prison over that pussy jerking off into a tissue for 10 years while the alphas are out there busting cheeks

I never stated otherwise. Go back and read my post and what it specifically addressed.
If it’s attempted murder, that likely signifies that he did serious damage to her, on top of the broken orbital.

Pretty messed up.
Youre right and no drunk 20 year old girls have ever had blackout sex and then claim rape when their mother finds out

Right cause that's what I said. Unlike you I'm not dumb enough to think I know someone based on tv interviews

I'm not sure what this means. I get it bro you can't control your emotions. Unlike you I'm not stupid enough to believe one women is my life long soul mate sent to me by my lord and savior Jesus christ.

We're all fucking animals with a drive to fuck and reproduce. Anyone who's bagged more than a handful of chick's knows that committed girls aren't any harder to bang than single girls.
Wow everyone's so quick to put a man in jail for many years. Shame on you guys
Pro-tip: A real alpha male will not get cheated on in the first place.

LOL. It happens ALL the time.

Just because you're alpha does not mean women will act like perfect angels, this isnt a Disney movie bud.
apparently she cheated on him, obviously doesnt justify what he did but still, there's always two sides to the story, its not like he snapped for no reason.

I honestly believe that cheating in a marriage should be a CRIMINAL OFFENSE. People underestimate how much emotional damage that can do to a person. As society evolves, we are recognizing that mental illness is just as bad, if not worse, than many physical injuries. The same is true for "emotional assault", such as cheating on your spouse.

All it would take is the law to require an official legal notice, breaking the exclusivity contract agreed to in the marriage. Anyone that wants to "cheat" could do so free of legal penalty, so long as they offer a notarized, legal letter to their spouse indicating that they are ending the exclusivity of their marriage. This gives the spouse time to process things before their partner has "cheated" on them, which greatly softens the blow.

But if someone wants to secretly cheat on their spouse, they should be in prison.
"Apparently those Sandy Hook kindergartners bullied that poor weirdo 18 year old.

There are always two sides to the story.

It's not like he snapped for no reason"

You sound like a fucking moron and I hope you get banned for that pathetic shit.
Way to overreact guy.
Yes, cheating is something you are allowed to do and only hurts somebody's feelings, so yes it's akin to calling names

And he beat this woman so badly he broke bones in her face and he's being charged with attempted murder, so yes, it's akin to shooting someone

The two things are about as radically different in both cases and you are absolutely crazy to put infidelity on the same level as a savage beating. Should be obvious to most anybody.
It should be obvious that guys should just accept women cheating on them with no reaction and then pay them for it? The guy said he shouldn't have hit her, but you're arguing with that and saying he shouldn't be upset at all. I'd like to cordially invite your gf out for drinks with me.
Berdon is gonna get some serious time in prison. This is a terrible situation for their daughter.
And if she did cheat, who can blame her? Life's not perfect. It's not a perfect thing to do, but it's a realistic risk you take when you enter a relationship with a sought after woman. Or any relationship, really. It's a calculated risk you take.

If you're the kind to try to kill someone because they cheated, you should make that VERY clear to them before they get into any kind of committed relationship with a psycho like you.

To be clear, I'm not talking to YOU, op. I'm just saying in general. Anyone who thinks that beating a cheater is ok should go home and tell their partners that their lives are in danger if they cheat and have that responsible discussion.

Cheating is wrong no matter what, life not being perfect isn't an excuse, you can control who you choose to fuck. If she did cheat then shes a terrible person for doing that but that doesn't excuse his behaviour.

I don't think she cheated, with her instagram stories of forgiving him in the past plus the fact he beat her bad this time, it looks like he's done this before.
You don't bounce back from laying your hand on a woman
facebook post from her brother (may have already been posted)


Sorry, the guy just put your sister in hospital . Fuck all this turning the other cheek shit. And fuck god. If god was real he would have struck Arnold down with a thunderbolt..

then again...

Ephesians 5:22
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord.
Colossians 3:18-21
Wives, submit to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord

God is all about putting the women in their place...

and if its true she cheated, then death is the only course of action..

Leviticus 20:10
“If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor, both the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death.

Deuteronomy 22:22
“If a man is found lying with the wife of another man, both of them shall die, the man who lay with the woman, and the woman. So you shall purge the evil from Israel.

And sounds like Arnold has some deep rooted shit that hes been covering up until now..
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