Racist nut in Missouri shoots two, killing one while yelling "“get out of my country” at them...

So, you're complaining about shit threads by starting your own? Brilliant. :rolleyes:
Umm...that was the point. As I commented on this very point later in this very thread (I believe when it was still in it's infancy). If I made the post in one of the endless world wide police blotter stories it wouldn't have had the same message weight. This way I could point out "see, I can do it too".
yeah thats right you're the native american xenophobe:rolleyes:. let me guess you're 1/32 cherokee
lol, no I identify as a European-American.

The whole whateverophobe is nonsense, phobia implies irrational fear. I am not afraid of other cultures, I just think mine is vastly superior and don't want to be around them.
1. I have native american blood. So yeah, you should go back to Europe.

2. I would, if it weren't for the migrant invasion. I'd be willing to do complete demographic replacement if there were somewhere to flee to, but there isn't. The entire western world is multicultural.

seems you identify to whatever suits your argument

lol, no I identify as a European-American.

The whole whateverophobe is nonsense, phobia implies irrational fear. I am not afraid of other cultures, I just think mine is vastly superior and don't want to be around them.
Oh I see... So, you just know nothing better and don't want to experience new things. You sound like someone people should listen to:rolleyes:
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1. seems you identify to whatever suits your argument

2. oh i see so you just know nothing better and dont want to experience new things. you sound like someone people should listen to:rolleyes:
1. Yes. It's a slimy debate tactic, but I'm not above it. And there is truth in what I say.

2. Can you fix the grammatical errors? I honestly tried to read it, but couldn't understand what you were saying. Sorry. :oops:
I don't know if you're being deliberately obtuse or not, but this is getting old.

I don't care who I defended. That doesn't prove anything about me, nor does it show that I use a different standard. You've accused me of holding a different standard, and that is easy to show. For instance, saying black people can't be racist is an example of that. So if you want to level that accusation, show two instances where I come to different conclusions.
Its the different standards you hold different posters to depending on their views. If they're conservative and/or Christian you're more charitable in interpreting their posts. The thread I'm talking about is the best example. He even said making America great again would mean making America white again and you defended his posts.

But when a leftist says something shitty and/or racist you go "where are the moderates opposing this?"
All I said about you was that you defend Islam a lot more than you do Christianity. If you want to deny this, that's up to you. It's pretty obvious, just as it is that I rail on the concept of white privilege. Why would I deny something so obvious?
I don't deny that and I said as much earlier. I'm saying its not a proper equivalent to what you do. If someone used a shit argument against Christianity and I defended it when I wouldn't defend such an argument when leveled against Islam that would be the equivalent.
Its the different standards you hold different posters to depending on their views. If they're conservative and/or Christian you're more charitable in interpreting their posts. The thread I'm talking about is the best example. He even said making America great again would mean making America white again and you defended his posts.

But when a leftist says something shitty and/or racist you go "where are the moderates opposing this?"

I don't deny that and I said as much earlier. I'm saying its not a proper equivalent to what you do. If someone used a shit argument against Christianity and I defended it when I wouldn't defend such an argument when leveled against Islam that would be the equivalent.

My God, man, you and everyone else here does the same thing. We are all more charitable to the perspective we hold as true. I freely admit that I'm more charitable to people who hold my views, because -gasp- they hold my views! I think they're right!

If you are under the impression that you don't do this, while being one of the most outspoken people on Islam, you're lying to yourself.

This forum is filled with people who lean Left or Right whose sole purpose is to criticize the other side. It can be seen in virtually every thread. I'm often guilty and so are you.
My God, man, you and everyone else here does the same thing. We are all more charitable to the perspective we hold as true. I freely admit that I'm more charitable to people who hold my views, because -gasp- they hold my views! I think they're right!
Its not that they hold your views because, as you yourself said earlier, you don't always agree. I don't think you would want to deport non-white immigrants and make America white again. Nonetheless you're more charitable to that view than far less egregious forms of race based thinking from the left.
If you are under the impression that you don't do this, while being one of the most outspoken people on Islam, you're lying to yourself.

This forum is filled with people who lean Left or Right whose sole purpose is to criticize the other side. It can be seen in virtually every thread. I'm often guilty and so are you.
You keep asserting this false equivalency and avoiding the central point. Its illustrative that you've yet to provide a specific instance when I have.
yeah, awesome, you shoot two brown guys, shout 'get out of my country' and immediately you're a racist, xenophobe, islamophobe... blah blah

this is why Trump won
Its not that they hold your views because, as you yourself said earlier, you don't always agree. I don't think you would want to deport non-white immigrants and make America white again. Nonetheless you're more charitable to that view than far less egregious forms of race based thinking from the left.

You keep asserting this false equivalency and avoiding the central point. Its illustrative that you've yet to provide a specific instance when I have.

How can you deny you're not more charitable to your own world-view and those who adhere to it? How can you deny that you defend Islam more than Christianity? You look foolish in doing this.

Furthermore, how do you propose that I prove this? Should I go through your posting history, add up all these instances of you defending Islam and then subtract this from the times you've defended Christianity? You're being dishonest. Everyone on this forum who knows you, knows that you dedicate a significant amount of time defending Islam. There's nothing wrong with that, but for you to suggest that you don't is laughable.
How can you deny you're not more charitable to your own world-view and those who adhere to it? How can you deny that you defend Islam more than Christianity? You look foolish in doing this.

Furthermore, how do you propose that I prove this? Should I go through your posting history, add up all these instances of you defending Islam and then subtract this from the times you've defended Christianity? You're being dishonest. Everyone on this forum who knows you, knows that you dedicate a significant amount of time defending Islam. There's nothing wrong with that, but for you to suggest that you don't is laughable.
Again, you keep asserting this false equivalency. I never denied that I defend Islam more
My focus is on Islam because that's what I know more about and what is talked about more here.
I don't deny that I defend Islam more

I'm denying that I engage in the kind of hypocritical apologetic arguments you do. If I see a shit argument in defense of Islam I call it out as well, its just that this forum does a much better job of that already than the reverse so I spend more time critiquing shit arguments against Islam.

Again, the equivalency would be if I defended a bad argument against Christianity the way you defended the arguments in favor of making America white again despite your outrage at so called leftist racism.

My issue isn't that you focus on racism from the left more. That's fine, can't expect you to address every argument out there. Its that you have actively defended racist arguments from the right while showing righteous indignation at racism from the left and expect leftists to condemn it.
Again, you keep asserting this false equivalency. I never denied that I defend Islam more

I'm denying that I engage in the kind of hypocritical apologetic arguments you do. If I see a shit argument in defense of Islam I call it out as well, its just that this forum does a much better job of that already than the reverse so I spend more time critiquing shit arguments against Islam.

Again, the equivalency would be if I defended a bad argument against Christianity the way you defended the arguments in favor of making America white again despite your outrage at so called leftist racism.

My issue isn't that you focus on racism from the left more. That's fine, can't expect you to address every argument out there. Its that you have actively defended racist arguments from the right while showing righteous indignation at racism from the left and expect leftists to condemn it.

You linked me to a thread, not to a post.

If your argument is that I'm inconsistent in what I consider racist, then show me.
You linked me to a thread, not to a post.

If your argument is that I'm inconsistent in what I consider racist, then show me.

No one really believes you would accept that kind of language from the left or a Muslim.
This post:

"To those in this thread that were quick to accuse Thurisaz, you should probably respond to this post"?
Your defense of him in general in that thread despite his calling mixed people mongrels and saying making America great again is to make it white again. I highly doubt you'd accept that kind of language from the other side.
Your defense of him in general in that thread despite his calling mixed people mongrels and saying making America great again is to make it white again. I highly doubt you'd accept that kind of language from the other side.

You're doing the same thing you accused me of doing when you claimed a false equivalence.

Just because I don't call out every argument doesn't mean that I support it. It should be obvious since I disagreed with Thurisaz. In fact, I explained myself extensively in that thread when I spoke with Final Rehab.

Unless you want to challenge one of my beliefs directly, which I welcome, this is the exact same thing you do. You are more prone to ignore arguments against Christianity than you are Islam. I am more prone to ignore arguments against a certain type of racism. It doesn't mean that I am racist, just like you said, it's because everyone already accepts that this is wrong.

Unless you want to challenge one of my beliefs, you're just as guilty for looking the other way.
You're doing the same thing you accused me of doing when you claimed a false equivalence.

Just because I don't call out every argument doesn't mean that I support it. It should be obvious since I disagreed with Thurisaz. In fact, I explained myself extensively in that thread when I spoke with Final Rehab.

Unless you want to challenge one of my beliefs directly, which I welcome, this is the exact same thing you do. You are more prone to ignore arguments against Christianity than you are Islam. I am more prone to ignore arguments against a certain type of racism. It doesn't mean that I am racist, just like you said, it's because everyone already accepts that this is wrong.

Unless you want to challenge one of my beliefs, you're just as guilty for looking the other way.
No I'm not doing what I'm accusing you of doing. You keep using this false equivalency no matter how many times I explain why its a false equivalency. Its not that you ignored his arguments, its that you actively defended them but then interpreted mine in an uncharitable manner. If you ignored them I wouldn't hold that against you because it could just mean you're not interested in engaging in them just like I'm not as interested in Christianity as I am Islam. But you didn't. You called me racist and not him.

I never meant to challenge a belief of your but to point out your double standard which is evident to many.
Or, it's just an example of the hate on the far right. While the right cries about protests and a couple windows being broken, the far right racists are actually killing innocent people. So Christian!

Oh for cryin' out loud . . . don't forget about this doozy:

Authorities in Kansas filed first-degree murder charges against a man accused of opening fire in a bar there, killing one Indian man, injuring two other people and causing fears about bigotry to reverberate across the globe.

This "small town" in the Midwest (is it really a small town @Possum Jenkins ?) causing fear across the globe.
