International ROFL! Tucker on Rogan's show only got 4k views after almost a day of being up

Meh... don't care. If your opinion on Evolution vs Creationism is changed by Tucker's 5 min dialogue on the subject, you're probably a waterhead and it's just as likely to be changed again listening to another theory.

Tucker is either confirming your already embedded bias on the topic or you're shaking your head thinking he's complete off base. No one's opinion on the topic changed because of this podcast.

I enjoy hearing opposing viewpoints. I think Tucker's completely wrong. I don't get the push to censor these kind of discussions. Especially on topics that are still THEORY... and yes, evolution is still a theory. While Evolution has more evidence backing it than Creationism, it's still a theory.

Other controversial theories
- Flat Earth
- COVID origins - Lab vs Animal
- 9/11
- Jeffrey Epstien
- Vaccines impact on Autism
- Climate Change
- The moon landing

It's crazy to me how some parties want to censor discussion on any topic. Who fucking cares? Seriously, Tucker believing Creationism has zero impact on my life.

what bothered me was not that he doesn't believe in evolution.
what bothered me was that he said THERE'S NO PROOF of evolution, and that we have "kinda given up" on the idea, which are both lies.
this is just infuriating. outright lying like this. i understand it's a private show and they can say whatever, but this is how you end up with people parroting the dumbest shit possible and that think there's actually a debate where their position stands as an alterative to science.

He's a fucking clown. 🤣

Oh wow, you didn't make a hack post for once. Congrats, proud of you bud.

Foxy's not a hack. 😠

I think Tucker's completely wrong.

Good, lol.

Especially on topics that are still THEORY... and yes, evolution is still a theory. While Evolution has more evidence backing it than Creationism, it's still a theory.

Other controversial theories
- Flat Earth
- COVID origins - Lab vs Animal
- 9/11
- Jeffrey Epstien
- Vaccines impact on Autism
- Climate Change
- The moon landing

It really isn't like any of those Scerp, not even anthropogenic climate change. A theory in science is an entire framework of knowledge and explanation or interpretation of some aspect of the natural world based on a body of scientific facts which are repeatedly confirmed or inferred by experiment and observation with the capability of bringing new discoveries to light. It's one of the pinnacles of human intellectual achievement.

Evolution is the unifying theme for the whole of biology and what Darwin did was two-fold: 1) establishing the fact of evolution with common descent as the pattern of change through various lines of observational evidence and 2) developing a scientific theory - natural selection - to explain the mechanism of adaptation and speciation. It's ubiquitous in life science and was reconciled with Gregor Mendel's work on heredity genetics with the modern synthesis of the 1940s. Any 'debate' over it pretty much ended there.

The real "problem" with Darwin and evolution comes from a sociocultural perspective, because his work further opened the human mind to pursuing scientific inquiry unimpaired by any supernatural prejudices and all but sent the church into full-time retreat, wielding irrevocable impact on the outlook and progression of western civilization on the whole. It was borderline death blow to the good book. He's viewed as an iconoclastic, paradigm-shifting figure of towering historical relevance and often mentioned in the same breath as Isaac Newton for good reason.
Foxy's not a hack. 😠

He's a race baiting right wing culture warrior larper from Europe. Dudes a clown, a hack.
Tucker also went on to call Alex Jones a Prophet. No, I'm not kidding.
I didn't hear that part but are you saying Jones is not "one who foretells future events" ? That's a definition of the word. I'm don't really follow Jones but I am aware of him predicting a few things correctly over the years, just sayin.
I didn't hear that part but are you saying Jones is not "one who foretells future events" ? That's a definition of the word. I'm don't really follow Jones but I am aware of him predicting a few things correctly over the years, just sayin.
Me too man, I've predicted a lot actually more than Jones some say. Am I a prophet as well?
what bothered me was that he said THERE'S NO PROOF of evolution, and that we have "kinda given up" on the idea, which are both lies.


This started as a scoff yesterday, and then became a snicker to now borderline howling. We have given up on it, and you better believe the nature of the universe takes goofball human beliefs into serious consideration. You "give up on" evolution like you do gravity, electromagnetism, or plate tectonics. 🤡 Okay, Bro.


Am I a prophet as well?

Video has more likes than views right now - doesn't make sense. There is obviously some kind of problem where its not registering or updating late.

Either way, it's definitely not hidden... I was able to find it no problem. Sounds like maybe it got released early and then made private until this afternoon? Not really sure.. there is no issues with finding it/viewing it as of right now.

You can like without viewing.

He's a race baiting right wing culture warrior larper from Europe. Dudes a clown, a hack.
He's alright imo... aside from being Eurotrash which we are working on...
Tucker also said we don't know where nuclear energy comes from lol

Guy is incapable of not pandering to a base of numbskulls.
Really? How? Don't you have to pull the video up to like it?

I don't have a youtube account so I don't know.. that seems fishy as hell lol

A "view" is usually counted if a video is watched past a certain point. If you just pull it up, like it, and click off right away it can count a like without a view. I post videos regularly and they often get likes before views, and my channel is tiny by comparison.
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A "view" is usually counted if a video is watched past a certain point. If you just pull it up, like it, and click off right away it can count a like worhpit a view. I post videos regularly and they often get likes before views, and my channel is tiny by comparison.

That makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.

Who the hell was liking the JRE video then? Bots?
It really isn't like any of those Scerp, not even anthropogenic climate change. A theory in science is an entire framework of knowledge and explanation or interpretation of some aspect of the natural world based on a body of scientific facts which are repeatedly confirmed or inferred by experiment and observation with the capability of bringing new discoveries to light. It's one of the pinnacles of human intellectual achievement.

Evolution is the unifying theme for the whole of biology and what Darwin did was two-fold: 1) establishing the fact of evolution with common descent as the pattern of change through various lines of observational evidence and 2) developing a scientific theory - natural selection - to explain the mechanism of adaptation and speciation. It's ubiquitous in life science and was reconciled with Gregor Mendel's work on heredity genetics with the modern synthesis of the 1940s. Any 'debate' over it pretty much ended there.

The real "problem" with Darwin and evolution comes from a sociocultural perspective, because his work further opened the human mind to pursuing scientific inquiry unimpaired by any supernatural prejudices and all but sent the church into full-time retreat, wielding irrevocable impact on the outlook and progression of western civilization on the whole. It was borderline death blow to the good book. He's viewed as an iconoclastic, paradigm-shifting figure of towering historical relevance and often mentioned in the same breath as Isaac Newton for good reason.

Fair enough...

I have a friend who's believes in Creationism. We literally agree almost everything, but we've agreed to disagree about this one.

The discussions go nowhere.