Rogan messed with the whole mma-world during Aldo vs Edgar

Most if not all distance strikes are considered significant under Fight Metric's definition.

Anyway, not all significant strikes are the same. Aldo clearly landed the better shots in 2,4,5. Round 1, Edgar was winning most of the round on volume, but Aldo's offense in the last 2 mins or so was more significant. Round 3 is the only round you can give Edgar, and it coulda gone either way.
Edgar looked like he was having a lot of trouble in there. I didn't see him winning any rounds.
Stats don't tell the full story, especially for this fight. Aldo was clearly the better fighter, landed the more important and cleaner shots, controlled the fight completely and made Edgar look like an amateur wrestler.

Edgar to feather Weight.
Lol Frankie got knocked down quite a few times and his face was destroyed, not to mention Aldo rag dolled him on every takedown attempt. Aldo dominated him tbh. No way he was gonna lose after he threw Frankie around like trash. One would have to be a delusional Frankie fanboy to even argue Frankie won that fight. He looked good in round 1 and that's because Aldo had a slow start but that was it.
Stats don't tell the full story, especially for this fight. Aldo was clearly the better fighter, landed the more important and cleaner shots, controlled the fight completely and made Edgar look like an amateur wrestler.

Did you miss the part where I said I watched every exchange of the fight multiple times in slowmotion and in real time. I know how the fight went better than you, and it was very close.
I find it hard to score close rounds. Overall, Aldo looked in control of the fight and did more damage during those 25 minutes. Glad he got the nod - not too worried how the actual points totaled up.
Aldo landed the harder, bigger shots. Frankie's offense was pretty non-effective. Aldo nullified Frankie's TD attempts and punished him coming in. He also countered very effectively. He defended very well, slipping just out of the way. Edgar was much more aggressive but could mount next to nothing with all of his forward pressure. It wasn't a blowout, but Aldo won decisively imo. I had it 49-46 Aldo, even 50-45 when I first watched it.
THat was one of the most obvious decisions in a long time. You literally had to do mental gymnastics for a few hours to try and make it sound NOT as bad.
It was pretty one sided. Quality over Quantity, bra.
Took me 3 hours to count every significant strike landed in every round. Watched all the exchanges in real time and in slowmotion, most of them multiple times to make sure I didnt miss anything. To count as a significant strike, the impact of the strike had to be clearly visible and/or the sound of the punch/strike landing had to be clear. I can confidently say the official stats at fightmatrix are way off. The margin of error here is probably + - 2 strikes for each fighter/round.

Here it is:

Round 1:

Aldo 10
Edgar 14

Fightmatrix: Aldo 14, Edgar 14

Those 4 extra strikes for Aldo just doesnt exist. You would literally have to count every strike that even touched Edgar as a sig.strike for Aldo, and not do the same for Edgar.

Round 2:

Aldo 16
Edgar 15

Fightmatrix: Aldo 14, Edgar 14


Round 3:

Aldo 10
Edgar 17

Fightmatrix: Aldo 17, Edgar 21

Inexcusable job from official stats. There is no way there was that many even relatively decent shots to count as sig.strikes. It seems a lot of the strikes that actually missed or barely touched the opponent were counted as sig.strikes.

Round 4:

Aldo 16
Edgar 15

Fightmatrix: Aldo 16, Edgar 20

Round 5

Aldo 11
Edgar 11

Fightmatrix: Aldo 19, Edgar 10

Conclusion: Edgar won at least rounds 1 and 3 and the rest of the rounds were close aswell. You could argue Edgar won the fight and vice versa.

This was possibly the most biased commentary Ive ever heard from Rogan, and it seemed to fool almost all the fans, the media and the Fightmatrix staff aswell. Edgar clipped Aldo multiple times with hard shots and every round of the fight was competitive and close. Rogan made it sound like Aldo dominated the fight, and every strike Aldo landed was something amazing and that Edgar didnt have any power in his punches (or kicks) even when you could clearly see Aldos skull swinging hard from the impact of Edgar`s punches.

I really hope Rogan would just go away. He is ruining the fights too often for me to enjoy the commentary.
I didn't need to rewatch anything, it's plain as day who won that fight. The guy's face is not always an indication, but Aldo beat Frankie up. I dont care how many times you bounce in and out and touch your opponent, Frankie's strikes were doing nothing, whereas Aldo was busting him up.

No one in their right mind, including Frankie himself, believes he won that fight.
I agree that Rogan was extremely biased. I remember saying it multiple times through out the fight.
I couldn't hear rogan or Goldie and I had money on Edgar. I still had aldo clearly winning the fight.
The fight was close but Aldo landed the harder strikes. Aldo looked like he was a weight class bigger than Edgar as well so it made a huge difference in being able to rag doll Edgar on his attempted take downs. Aldo looked good. Edgar looked good. Too bad one of them had to lose.
It took you 3 hours and counteless replays to count the strikes. Rogan has to do it live, in 15 minutes and without replay...
What I saw was that Aldo landed the much harder shots, and when Frankie tried to take him down or clinch him he just shrugged him off.
Aldo landed harder shots and definitely won a couple of rounds but yeah...that shit was kinda ridiculous. Rogan didn't compliment Edgar for anything at all, it was like he wasn't even there. Even though he was pushing the pace the whole fight. I can see people scoring the fight either way(I scored it Edgar) but that was the worst commentating that I've ever seen from Joe, who I normally have no problem with.

It is what it is but the fight was much closer than half of Sherdog and Joe Roagn was acting like. And I'm a fan of both so I'm not looking at this as an Edgar nuthugger
Aldo simply has Frankie's number. Plus Aldo didn't gas in champ rounds as he's shown on occasion in the past. Aldo was exceptionally patient against a crafty veteran. He deserves a lot of credit. And I'm one of the guys that thought Frankie would win this one.
Aldo put it on him.

Good job wasting three hours to still not get it, BTW.
Frankie walked Aldo down the whole fight. Aldo is amazing at counters and his hands are lightning fast. It was a close fight, but Aldo definitely won it.

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