International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V11

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Actually more loks like one - two pictures are used by xxxxx channels and xxxxxxx posters profiles.
Some are a bit doctored, some 1:1.
+ klickbait worth titles etc.

I think some are doing this just to get subscribers for it was with covid stories ....bubble...
Some are pro Kremlin oriented trolls.
The most interesting reality is that nor ukraine is using very large tanks columns nor they even does have sufficient number of Leopard 2 for 2 tanks brigades.....
Largest single column from more or less trustable pics was ....
1 soviet MBT , prob T-72 and 1 Leo2 + some maybe 8 APCs...

Ukr can't use very large columns during daytime cos russia does have sattelites.
Also ofc they are using informants and traitors....
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Fake news am I right comrade Marino?
Some more info on the big offensive toward Robotyne on 8th and 9th and I think 10th June. Whats interesting is the the 65th and 47th brigades have Leopard 2 and were considered to be the best Ukrainian units with overseas training. Video says that they are young soldiers and did not undergo Soviet era military training. The units are still there and fighting but obviously learnt a few hard lessons and are taking it slower.

I've watched a few of this guy's videos. I do not trust him. He's biased (although everyone is biased to a degree of course) but definitely has an agenda.
Some more info on the big offensive toward Robotyne on 8th and 9th and I think 10th June. Whats interesting is the the 65th and 47th brigades have Leopard 2 and were considered to be the best Ukrainian units with overseas training. Video says that they are young soldiers and did not undergo Soviet era military training. The units are still there and fighting but obviously learnt a few hard lessons and are taking it slower.

Might wanna check out the titles of all his videos.
It might be good to get more than just UA propaganda in this thread.
But that doesn't mean obvious Russian shilling is objective.

His videos from november where Russia had taken Bakhmut and destroyed all of the UAF 5 times over are a good laugh in hindsight tho
GMLRS bonking russian SPGs. No evidence that GPS jamming is working.

1 year anniversary of HIMARS arrival is in a little over two weeks. So far all reports indicate Ukraine hasn't lost a single Western MLRS.

Hard to win a war when the opposition has an immortal weapon system just obliterating your forces from beyond your reach.
So if you can’t appreciate and admire someone’s spirit against adversity, something which you’ve NEVER experienced, stfu with your incessant Russia cheering.
Big man with the big mouth! You have it wrong mate. Very wrong. Wrong about your first, second and third statement.
You either don't read what I write or don't understand what I write and where I stand. Maybe you should shut the fuck up yourself.
Let me spell it out to you. You have a supposedly inferior blue army, attempting a combined arms breaching action with just 3-4 months of training, with different armaments than they’re used to, with no fking air cover / CAS and heavy indirect fire support against actual Russians, an actual army that’s embedded in prepared defensive positions Not the goat herders and larping civilians with AKs and technicals that you, maybe, saw. And they’re progressing.
The Ukrainians still fucked up with their tanks and other vehicles during the recent Russian attack. Even the Ukrainians themselves will admit that much. Why is that so difficult for you to understand? I don't need lessons from you on what happened, CAS, and the training. Plus, you don't know shit about my military experience. Why are you making assumptions?
The US has provided heavy arms for decades all around the world including putting boots on the ground and they have nearly ALL failed.
What does that mean? Where were those US boots on the ground? How has the US failed in Afghanistan and Iraq? It completely destroyed the opposition in the first year of war. The rest is called "nation building," a completely different mission. Where were you during 2001, 2002, and 2003?
Fancy weapons can only aid. They can’t fight themselves. They can’t motivate you to go in. They don’t give you the ingenuity and brains to plan and attack.
What exactly are you talking about? "Weapons don't give you ingenuity and brains to plan an attack." No shit, smart boy! Please tell us something we don't already know. You are trying to sound smart, but instead are sounding really stupid.
Those guys did manage to get the Americans to flee even with losing every major engagement.
We Americans 'fled' Afghanistan and Iraq? That is news to me. We left both countries of our own accord. What history books have you been reading? Another stupid statement. All bark and no bite. Are you in Ukraine yet? Volunteering your service to save mighty Ukraine. Killing some Russians in the process. Love the usual stupid clapping seals that gave you a like. You guys are great. Yeah, the "If you don't love and support Ukraine you are a piece of shit." rhetoric is getting really old. I don't care much about either Ukraine or Russia. The same way many here did not care much about either Iraq or Afghanistan. Go pound sand somewhere else.
Big man with the big mouth! You have it wrong mate. Very wrong. Wrong about your first, second and third statement.
You either don't read what I write or don't understand what I write and where I stand. Maybe you should shut the fuck up yourself.

The Ukrainians still fucked up with their tanks and other vehicles during the recent Russian attack. Even the Ukrainians themselves will admit that much. Why is that so difficult for you to understand? I don't need lessons from you on what happened, CAS, and the training. Plus, you don't know shit about my military experience. Why are you making assumptions?

What does that mean? Where were those US boots on the ground? How has the US failed in Afghanistan and Iraq? It completely destroyed the opposition in the first year of war. The rest is called "nation building," a completely different mission. Where were you during 2001, 2002, and 2003?

What exactly are you talking about? "Weapons don't give you ingenuity and brains to plan an attack." No shit, smart boy! Please tell us something we don't already know. You are trying to sound smart, but instead are sounding really stupid.

We Americans 'fled' Afghanistan and Iraq? That is news to me. We left both countries of our own accord. What history books have you been reading? Another stupid statement. All bark and no bite. Are you in Ukraine yet? Volunteering your service to save mighty Ukraine. Killing some Russians in the process. Love the usual stupid clapping seals that gave you a like. You guys are great. Yeah, the "If you don't love and support Ukraine you are a piece of shit." rhetoric is getting really old. I don't care much about either Ukraine or Russia. The same way many here did not care much about either Iraq or Afghanistan. Go pound sand somewhere else.
Does baby need a bottle?
In regard to Belarus obtaining nuclear weapon; western leaders should now announce that since Belarus is in possesion of nuke, it automatically becomes a target in case of full scale nuclear war. I bet not so much Lukashenka but quite few citizens will be upset hearing this.

Or maybe not so much becomes a target but increased chance of becoming one. That sounds bit better.

Almost feel sad for him, lost his buddy

Someone forgot to tell the HIMARS rocket it was getting jammed

I am asking. Where is another missile for the truck??? Dropping the ball there.

I lost all sympathy for Russians. All of them. The only friends they got are the ones who treat their citizens like shit. I said times and times; West is far from ideal but the best what this planet has to offer.
In regard to Belarus obtaining nuclear weapon; western leaders should now announce that since Belarus is in possesion of nuke, it automatically becomes a target in case of full scale nuclear war. I bet not so much Lukashenka but quite few citizens will be upset hearing this.

Or maybe not so much becomes a target but increased chance of becoming one. That sounds bit better.
Well to be fair, there are some known (NATO?) plans on how to respond to a (limited) Russian nuclear strike on an allied nation.
It basicly involved nuking Belarus to oblivion, even if they had nothing to do with it.
As a sort of final resort before a full scale nuclear war.
Lukashenka needs to talk about enemies and wars. Economy sucked up, ppl need to think about bad west and dangerous ukraine....not about their own local economical crisis.

We will hear a lot of yelling from Lukashenko. More and more.
Well to be fair, there are some known (NATO?) plans on how to respond to a (limited) Russian nuclear strike on an allied nation.
It basicly involved nuking Belarus to oblivion, even if they had nothing to do with it.
As a sort of final resort before a full scale nuclear war.

Makes sense as a warning. Doubt Russia would retaliate knowing it will become next.
Nothing new in large scale.
Ukr attempting to pressure here and there, rus are building fortifications and digging trenches in occupied areas.
Same as most people (inside and outside the military). Yes, that it would be over in a question of weeks. Credit not going so much to Ukraine's strength with Western help, but to Russia's weakness as a military power. I don't have a dog in this fight. I don't agree with Russia's invasion. That being said, I like to play 'devil's advocate' since 98% of the support in this thread is for Ukraine.

You are absolutely right. You never really know how things are going to turn out. Did anyone know the Russian Army was a 'paper tiger' prior to 02/2022? That the Ukrainian resistance was going to do so well? The old saying: "The best laid out plans go out the window the moment the first round is fired." It has been a surprise this last week to see Russian forces destroying Ukrainian military hardware. Most thought the Russians were done for in this conflict.
. Russia's Lancet drone is hampering Ukraine's counteroffensive, smashing Western gear and exposing poor air defenses (

Since day one I never doubted Ukrainian's ability to fight off a Russian offensive from day 1. I know a lot of Polish people many where in the military and they talk very highly over the Ukrainian people. I spent time doing research on their preparation for the coming of the day of the invasion and found they been preparing for this for sometime before Trump took office. During Trump time there was a derailment in these efforts. Nevermind the fact that many have college or advance training they are already way ahead of Russia with the talent and capabilities of their forces. Oh and Polish people are some of the toughest people I know so if Ukrainians where anything like the Polish people I know they where not going to be pushovers if well prepared. Crimea caught Ukraine off guard they where not prepared militarily for a conflict of that nature at that time.
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